Psonrie, an innovative app to normalize psychological therapy

Psonrie, an innovative app to normalize psychological therapy

Technology has undoubtedly advanced much and combined with something as important as psychology can offer us services that we would never have imagined years ago. There are many applications like all we know, but we wanted to know one of the best most prestigious current applications related to psychology. We have the pleasure of talking to psonrie https: //

We could not ignore this great mental health service, as well as know much more about it. Thank you so much.

The first almost obligatory question When Psonrie was born?

Three years ago we saw the job difficulties in which the majority of psychologists in Spain were. Despite having a lot of training, few exceed 28 hours a week, working even in three places at the same time.

This, if we compare that anxiety and depression affect one third of the world's population and that half of marriages separate, is curious and worrying at the same time.

Many people need to contact a psychologist, but do not take this step through problems of time, money, prejudices; or because they don't know that they have a problem.

With this project in an idea phase, we launched a first version to validate with the market and saw that this project made a lot of sense and decided to bet on Psonríe.

With what objectives is this application born and what services does it offer?

Psonríe is born with the aim of normalizing psychological therapy. To achieve this, we have created an immediate, economical and anonymous form to contact a professional psychologist.

We currently have a chat or voice session service. You can select an active psychologist and make a session at that same time, without any wait and 24 hours a day.

We also have a first initial session without cost, which we call discovery session, which serves to meet your psychologist and understand more about the process you are going to do in future consultations.

How does your application work and what options it gives us?

The app is very simple to use. You can download it for free on iOS, Android and Web. You register with an email and a nickname. From there, you can start navigating the application and seeing the profiles of all psychologists.

When you want, you can start with a discovery session that allows you to meet a psychologist, specify your consultation and explain the process to follow for free. Once you are prepared, you start a consultation resolution session. This can be per chat, which would have a duration of 30 minutes, or per voice call, with a duration of 20 minutes.

We offer immediate attention since there are almost 24h psychologists, but it is also possible to follow up with the same psychologist always and perform a long -term therapy.

Highlight that our valuation per session is very high, 4.7 out of 5 of all sessions made so far.

It is certainly impressive app who created it and with what technological and human team it has?

The creator of the app is Jordi Boix, computer engineer. He started undertaking 6 years ago with a mobile play company and decided to launch into the world of online psychology to see the opportunity to create an innovative social project.

Once the first version was launched, the rest of the people were incorporated into the team, gradually creating what is now the Psonríe team.

On the technical part, we have Jordi, which is also the CEO and German Cano, a full-stack programmer with experience in the e-health world, supported by Hugo Menéndez, graphic designer and branding expert.

For the Human Resources part, Marina has a degree in Psychologist with Master of HR and responsible for the selection of psychologists and operations.

Clara Calvo is responsible for user attention and community manager and finally, Rafa Jiménez is the marketing and Growth-Hacking expert.

And by assumptions, we have a great team of professional psychologists, which we consider a fundamental part of the human team that forms Psonríe.

We see that you are in full expansion growth, something really difficult and complex. What is your professional secret for it apart from working very hard?

For us, the only key to success is a team willing to give 150% for the project that we have created together. We are a team involved and enthusiastic that works to improve day by day.

It is clear that things are difficult, but the truth is that we are used to working under extreme situations and that has strengthened us as a company.

You have an option that is to try the service without cost, how does it work?

Once you have downloaded the app and you have registered you already have the option to perform the discovery without costs. The Discovery session is a way to test the service, check that it is real and meet the psychologist before making the decision to pay the first session. In addition, it allows you to identify the problem and know how we are going to help you through Psonríe. Thus, the next sessions can be used much more.

What social networks can we find?

If you look for us for Psonríe, you will find us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

IG: https: //

Twitter: https: //

Facebook: https: //

LinkedIn: https: //

Youtube: https: //

We encourage you to follow us and so you can be in the case of all the articles that we publish on the web and other interesting news about Psychology and News of the app.

We know that you have numerous awards as well as acknowledgments, interesting, do you tell us something about it?

Yes, we are lucky to have won enough awards that give us energy to continue working.

For example, the last one we have won has been the XXI Campus of Entrepreneurs in Seedrocket, giving us access to its accelerator and helping to accelerate our growth.

We also want to emphasize that we are part of Netmentora, an international mentors that, without them, we would not be where we are now and have its constant support.

Recently they have named us as one of the 50 most innovative companies in 2019, according to the referent.

Can we know how many discharges your application has today?

We have exceeded 30.000 downloads, between Spain and Latin America.

What does Psonrie have other psychology app?

What differentiates us from other psychology apps is that the sessions are immediate and 24 hours a day. There are several platforms that offer to go to an online psychologists, but most need to reserve time and do not offer immediate attention. We believe it is a great value proposition, since we live in a society that wants everything instantly and it is very important to be able to offer quality psychological care just when you need.

How many psychology professionals can we find in it and what countries?

We currently work with about 150 psychologists around the Spanish -speaking world. All graduates in Psychology, specialists in clinical psychology and practitioners of the cognitive-behavioral aspect.

Can you tell how the sessions and their duration work?

The sessions are at least 20 minutes, if you are by voice, or 30 if it is for chat. The interesting thing is that, during the session, you can extend it as many times as you want. That is, the duration of the session adapts to what the user needs.

How do you see the future of online psychology?

Apps are the most novel method to contact a psychologist without having to go to consultation.

The psychologist, allows him to complement his workday and work in a comfortable way and reduce his fixed costs.

On the other hand, the user allows the sessions where he wants and allows him to have contact with our long -term psychologist, without distance problems or have to spend time in transportation.

The future of psychology goes through the adaptation of the professional and consumer to the new online channels and, above all, to the acceptance by society that the psychologist's work consists in improving and obtaining the most of our mental abilities and emotional to face the daily issues of life in the most successful way possible.

Undoubtedly, online psychology comes to everyone, do you have an international presence?

We have a worldwide presence in all Spanish -speaking countries today.

Apart from the online psychology service, do you think about a future to offer something more or have another type of health app?

For now, we want to focus on improving our product, giving more chances to our users and psychologists.

What do you think of psychoactive?

Psychoactive is a portal that offers many resources and makes a great function of dissemination of information and concepts of psychology that is so important to raise awareness and get little by little that the true work of psychology and psychologists in society is understood, therefore It goes in the same line as us, normalize and make psychology affordable for everyone. Thank you!

Well, thank you very much, it has really been a pleasure to interview El Creator/is from the best psychology app that you can find. Hugs.