Freudian psychotherapy and key psychoanalytic concepts

Freudian psychotherapy and key psychoanalytic concepts

The Freudian psychotherapy It consists in bringing aspects of the unconscious, to the surface of the conscious. That is, strengthen I to "independent" a little more about Superego, thus expanding your perception field so that you can appropriate new parts of the It.


  • Freudian psychotherapy: key techniques
    • Memories extraction
    • Free Association
    • Dream analysis
      • The technique of dream analysis in Freudian psychotherapy
    • Analysis of LapSus linguae
  • References

Freudian psychotherapy: key techniques

Memories extraction

Freud's first technique described as the extraction of repressed memories of childhood. It was to put his hand on the head of the patients and say something similar to some Commands. In this way, their patients were supposed to be suggested and told their deepest memories.

Over time, Freud realized that he had no way to check if these stories were true, so he adopted new psychotherapy techniques in search of greater objectivity.

Free Association

One of the more techniques that Freud used, was the Free Association. In it, the subject, verbalized all the feelings and thoughts that passed him by the head.

ANDl Objective of this technique is to reach the unconscious based on a conscious idea and letting it continue, following it until it is obtained valuable material from the unconscious, through the associations that the patient performs.

The transfer It is a very important process in the psychodynamic approach. It consists of working sexual, aggressive feelings, identification, etc. that patients develop towards the psychoanalyst.

As long as these feelings are expressed as interest or love, the transfer does not interfere in therapy at all. One would develop Positive transfer.

If a negative transfer, The analyst must be able to recognize and explain it to the patient, to prevent it from developing a treatment resistance.

Resistance consists of a series of unconscious responses that patients use to hinder or block therapy, But it can also indicate that therapy has exceeded the surface level. Therefore, it would be, in principle, a positive signal.

Dream analysis

Surely Freud's favorite technique, on which he wrote a complete essay with the same name. As he said: "The royal route to the unconscious". This Viennese doctor used the dream analysis to transform the manifest content in Latent content.

The content manifest in a dream refers to the superficial meaning, or what we remember when awakening, conscious material. On the contrary, The latent content represents the symbolic world From the person full of conflicts and desires, the unconscious material of the dream.

Freud had a basic budget for the interpretation of dreams and it was that "Almost all dreams are fulfilling desires ". Some may be quite obvious and express themselves in the manifest content

For example, when a person goes to bed hungry and ends up dreaming of all kinds of food in large quantities. However, most expresses itself in latent content and only this analysis of the interpretation of dreams can reveal their hidden desire.

Patients with post -traumatic or PTSD stress disorder usually dream of traumatic or fencerizanizing experiences repeatedly. Therefore, the principle of Obsessive repetition. According to Freud, dreams are created by the unconscious, but try to reach consciousness. You may try to send us a message.

The technique of dream analysis in Freudian psychotherapy

For the analysis of dreams, Freud used at least two methods:

  • One of them consisted of Ask patients to relate dream to some thought or feeling, either logical or not. This revealed the unconscious desire that camouflaged behind the dream.
  • If this first technique did not work, that is, if the patient could not perform these associations, Freud resorted to the second method. This consisted of Analyze the symbols of dreams, which served to discover unconscious elements behind the manifest content.

The objective was to reach the latent content following the process of sleep formation in the opposite direction. Defined this method, the most reliable for the study of the unconscious and its processes, and called it the "real route" for the study and knowledge of the unconscious.

Analysis of LapSus linguae

Freud also claimed that Laguae Lapsus, Errors when reading, speaking or writing are not simple accidents, but Important Information of the Unconscious that are revealed to a person.

Very often, Lapsus would reflect the true intentions of the individual. They express themselves unconsciously. However, then, the person consciously tries to correct the error and hide it.


  • Bleichmar, h. (2016). Advances in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: towards a specific interventions technique(No. 616.8914 B646A). Paidós,.
  • CODERCH, J. (1987). Theory and technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy(No. 616.8914 C669T). Herder,.
  • Kernberg, or. (2000). Psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy and support psychotherapy: contemporary controversies. Uruguay Psychiatry Magazine64(2), 336-352.