Health psychology what is, history and functions

Health psychology what is, history and functions

Modern scientific psychology, since its inception, has been intense and specifically of problems related to health and disease, not only of the mind but also of the body: it would be enough to remember its involvement with the world of medicine through itineraries Theoretical and application of psychosomatic or medical psychology. With the specific expression of health psychology, however, a new orientation seems to make its way, of more striking proportions, and substantially more consistent with the psychological model. In this psychology-online article we will talk about Health psychology: what is, its history and its functions.

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  1. What is health psychology
  2. History of health psychology
  3. Objectives of Health Psychology
  4. Functions of Health Psychology

What is health psychology

The Health Psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with biopsychosocial processes related to individual and community health. It also analyzes the health care system and develops the methodologies to achieve it; provides specific theoretical and methodological contributions for health protection and promotion, the prevention of diseases and the study of associated dysfunctions.

Health psychology as a formal discipline has been established in the United States since the 70s of the last century. Among the various reasons of its dissemination, in the first place, is the remarkable change in the prevalence of the main pathologies in western countries, moving from infectious diseases (the most important cause of death until a few decades ago) for an increase both of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and accident (especially on the road).

This change has led to an increase in the importance of psychological-sports determinants in the new pathological scenario, thus facilitating a greater involvement of psychologists. In the analysis of the importance of these factors it may be useful to distinguish three major categories:

  • Habits or 'styles' of life
  • Disease reactions
  • Direct psychophysiological effects

In this article, you can see other branches of psychology and its definitions.

History of health psychology

Health psychology has distant roots, but its history as a scientific discipline is brief: It was developed in the United States. Its formal emergency dates back to the 70s with the creation of the Health Psychology Division of the American Psychology Association.

  • In the 50s and 60s, The relationship between the incidence of physical disease and the stressful aspects of life was emphasized.
  • In the 70s, Signals of cultural renewal on health issues understood as not only individual but also collective.
  • In 1976, The first working group within the American Psychological Association (APA) was formed in the United States that in 1979 will lead to the creation of section 38 of the APA titled Health Psychology.
  • In 1980, Matarazzo, doctor, psychologist and first president of the American Section, proposed the definition of health psychology.

The Defincion of Matarazzo Health Psychology is the next:

Health psychology is the set of specific (scientific, professional, training) contributions of psychological discipline to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of the disease and the identification of etiological correlations, diagnosis of health, disease and associated dysfunctions. Another objective is the analysis and improvement of the health care system and the elaboration of health policies.

Currently, health psychological is a subject that is taught in the Psychology career, that is, it is part of this university degree.

Objectives of Health Psychology

Health psychology deals with analysis and study of the psychological processes involved in health, In disease and cure. Health psychology is an area of ​​research and professional applications that covers:

  • The cognitive, emotional and emotional, psychosocial, behavioral, social and cultural factors that give rise to the state of health of people (salutogenesis).
  • The promotion and maintenance of health from a biopsychosocial perspective.
  • The prevention and treatment of diseases and their psychological relationships; The analysis and improvement of health protection systems.
  • The contribution to the elaboration of health policies in favor of communities.

Functions of Health Psychology

¿What are the specific contributions of health psychology? The health psychologists, Assuming an interdisciplinary perspective, they collaborate with numerous professionals: doctors, epidemiologists, health sociologists, nurses, dietitians, rehabilitation therapists and other socio -sanitary agents, teachers, educators, social communication specialists, etc. On the operational level, health psychologists project, perform and evaluate:

  • Actions destined to develop healthy lifestyles and capabilities (skill training) to deal with stressful conditions.
  • Psychoeducational interventions in relation to health and disease (both individual level and in institutional fields and school or work environments);
  • Actions to promote individual development and well -being psychophysic throughout life;
  • Community training programs To help people and social groups have greater control over their health and improve their quality of life.
  • Individual and group treatments To correct unhealthy behaviors (for example, persistence in the consumption of tobacco, drug and alcohol consumption, incorrect food behaviors, exercise deficiencies, etc.).
  • Individual and group treatment For the best management of disease conditions, especially chronic (for example, diabetes, hypertension, etc.).

In this article, you can see applications in clinical and health psychology.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Health Psychology: What is, history and functions, We recommend that you enter our category of clinical and health psychology.