Gratitude Psychology

Gratitude Psychology

“For every drop of sweetness that someone gives, there is a drop less bitter in the world." Mother Teresa of Calcutta


  • What really consists of gratitude
  • The benefits of being grateful
  • How to make my thanks newspaper?
    • Links
    • Bibliographic references

What really consists of gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling of esteem and wanting to correspond a favor or benefit that they have given us, It can simply imply the intention of becoming a good, although it could not be done. That feeling drives us to action, generally producing a pleasant feeling. The so -called positive psychology studies this trait; In the Center for Research of Awareness of the Integral Care of the UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles, EE.UU.), Have observed, through research done in this regard, that gratitude Improves the perception of well -being, modifies and Transforms our brain activity, In ourselves and in people who receive samples of our signs of gratitude.

Being grateful is a convenient feature that many people have; others do not have it so developed, however, through the exercise of will and with the help of certain strategies it can be achieved. Thankfulness has the ability to transform relationships and strengthen ties, which is convenient for society.

Gratitude is not a debt that you acquire with the person who had a significant gesture for you.

"Gratitude is sometimes a hook. Our culture made it an obligation and the consumer society has set up a big business with it.”Anthony de Mello

In many cultures, gratitude with the Excessive self -active and the self -denial of the individual, even at the expense of their well -being and health… That is not gratitude, as in everything, it is good to establish our limits, although it is true that it is beneficial for society that people express their gratitude, it is not when the demands of the people who “gave you something”, They feel the right to run over yours, they don't even have to mistreat you at any level. We have to Learn to say no, without feeling guilt when something does not seem to us and do it assertively, Although aggressions come from a person who did a favor or had a detail with you; This is rather handling On your part and you don't have to allow it.

The benefits of being grateful

"Learn to live in a full, human and happy way every day. The truly human attitude is learning to swim, and not drowning with your friend.”Anthony de Mello

There is a person with you must always be grateful, it is the one who has never left you, although you have abandoned it many times, it is that person who although you have offended her in many ways ... perhaps for trying to please others, sometimes You have postponed your own needs, but still follow with you, that person will always be with you, that person You are yourself!

When you learn to be grateful for life and wonder that your body is and everything you do for you, you can acquire greater balance in your life. Robert a. Emmons of the UCLA and collaborators, conducted a study where the participating subjects were randomly selected, they carried a weekly newspaper: a group wrote the things that angered them, another group described in that registry aspects for which they felt gratitude and the Another group carried a "neutral events". After 10 weeks, the group's subjects who wrote for what were grateful: felt 25% better that the other groups, They paid an average of 1.5 more hours And they said to have Less health problems, Regarding the other participating subjects of the other groups.

Based on the results of their investigations, they raised a technique that has had excellent results to develop this beneficial quality of being grateful, they called it ”Gratitude diary".

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How to make my thanks newspaper?

To be ourselves we must have our life stories. We must remind ourselves, remember the inner drama, the narrative of ourselves. A man needs a continuous interior narrative, to maintain his identity, his car. Oliver Sacks

Choose a notebook that is exclusive to these purposes, this valuable tool can contribute to your self -esteem increase, so contribute to physical and emotional well -being. Help to reduce the  stress and stimulates your resilience in difficult times; Likewise, you can motivate you to go to action.

For technology lovers, there are many applications where they can bring their thanks records, in which you can even add photos of the special moments for which you feel gratitude.

In this newspaper, aspects are written by which you feel grateful, they can be material or not, such as: "Being grateful for having health", "gratitude for being alive", even for material issues such as: having food, roof, for some gift or cute detail you received from someone. This practice is advisable to be made minimum weekly or more frequently if you want. In this way you will improve your ability to be grateful.

It is good to have it at home at home, because it is a very useful resource when you experience adversity times or have decay in your mood, because It reminds you that you have things, pleasant experiences and people that appreciate you, It can contribute to modify the molecular structure of the brain, producing a mood of joy and satisfaction, as investigations mark.

It is good to take into account what you write to go to action, thus producing a Welfare chain, Well, when you express your gratitude to others, either through the word or some detail, expand that well -being in your brain and in the people to whom you manifest them, usually this happens, these small or large actions They can be very meaning for you and others. Even if they were not for others, it is for you, then You are sowing and cultivating thanks. So it is a highly recommended practice to foster good intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.

Here I leave you: 101 wonderful gratitude phrases and some stories and fables: Nasrudin's stories to inspire yourself.


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Bibliographic references

  • Mello, a. (2007). Interior self -liberation. ARGENTINA: Editorial Lumen Group.