PROZAC, an antidepressant revolution

PROZAC, an antidepressant revolution

The Scottish chemist Bryan B. Molloy was investigating different active ingredients back in the sixties of the last century. In one of his investigations he synthesized different analogues of diphenhydramine to observe how it affected the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephine. And from these investigations the fluoxetine arose, that selectively intervened on serotonin reuptake. This active substance was marketed since 1988 as Prozac.

The prozac (fluoxetine) was a new milestone in antidepressant medications and Inaugurated the well -known selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRs). From that moment, the Prozac became a reference drug for depression treatments. It is estimated that only in 1992 generated more than 1.000 million dollars of profits per year, which has been prescribed to more than 94 million patients worldwide and marketed in more than 50 countries.


  • What is Prozac?
  • How does Prozac work?
  • Play everything in a letter
    • Bibliography

What is Prozac?

Prozac is an antidepressant medicine whose active substance is fluoxetine and belongs to the well -known selective inhibitory medications of serotonin reuptake (SSRS).

In adults, This medicine is prescribed to treat major depressive episodes, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bulimia nervosa (Chávez-León et al. 2008). In the case of Bulimia Nervosa, it is prescribed as a complement to psychotherapy. In children over 8 years and adolescents, it is usually prescribed for depressive episodes from moderate to serious when after 4 to 6 psychotherapy sessions are not observed improvement. Even so, once the Prozac is prescribed to this population range, it must continue to be an accompaniment of psychotherapy.

How does Prozac work?

At the brain level there is a neurotransmitter called serotonin, known as the "happiness hormone". In depressed people, with TOC or with bulimia, serotonin levels apparently are minor. It is important to emphasize "apparently" because scientific research still deepens in this data. However, what has been proven is that SSRIs work for this type of disorders by increasing serotonin levels.

the process is the following. The presynaptic membrane (neuron from which the neurotransmitter comes out) sends serotonin to the postsynaptic membrane (neuron receiving the neurotransmitter). Once the postsynaptic membrane receives the "message" prevents the entry of more serotonin and neurotransmitters leftover are destroyed in the synaptic space or are recaptured by the presynaptic membrane. And this is where the Irs come into play since The channels close through which serotonin is recaptured and this makes more serotonin in the synaptic space And, in this way, the postsynaptic membrane continues to receive serotonin.

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While it is true that Prozac can have positive effects on mental health, it is not free to present certain unpleasant adverse effects. Among them we can find that it causes us sexual dysfunction, even a while after suspending treatment. On the other hand, and perhaps one of the most striking adverse effects is that although it is used for depression, Sometimes you can encourage suicide or self -harm thoughts.

These negative symptoms can be expressed especially in the first weeks, since SSRS usually take a few weeks to start effect. Even so, in this case it will be important to consult the doctor. Anyway, these types of symptoms are usually more frequent in people who have previously presented suicidal or self -harm thoughts.

Play everything in a letter

Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of Prozac, it is important not to play our mental health in a single letter. It is essential to accompany pharmacological treatment with psychological therapy. While it is true that fluoxetine can increase our serotonin levels and make us perceive less depressive, the problems we face daily and that cause discomfort do not disappear when taking antidepressants. For this reason, when talking about antidepressants, special emphasis is placed on the formula that combines pharmacology with psychological therapy.

Imagine that for weeks, months and even years, we are subject to a high level of family and work demands. Little by little, We are unable to follow the rhythm of life and we begin to feel worse and worse: more tired, more apathetic, demotivated, sad, etc. One day we realize that we are almost automatons and we discover ourselves by presenting depressive symptoms. Or as happens on many occasions, an event triggers a great depression.

In these cases, they can possibly prescribe antidepressants such as Prozac, however, not only for taking all the above problems will be solved. That's why It is important to combine this type of medication with therapy, since it will help us deal with day -to -day problems that can be related to our cognitive processing.


  • Chávez-León, e., Ontiveros, m.P. And Serrano, C. (2008). Selective serotonin recapture inhibitors antidepressive (ISR-5HT) recapture. Mental health, 31, 307-319.