Edith Stern project

Edith Stern project

The Edith Stern project consisted of an experiment that a man, named Aaron Stern, launched, taking his daughter as his own experimental subject.

Aaron Stern was an outstanding professor who came to dominate seven languages, so he was very remarkable during his career as a teacher, but, perhaps, the most notable project that has been part of is: the Edith Stern project.


  • What is the Edith Stern project about?
  • Aaron Stern and the scope of his project
  • What were the results of the Edith Stern project?
  • The subsequent years of Edith Stern
    • Bibliography

What is the Edith Stern project about?

The Edith Stern project is based on the girl that bears such a name and became an incredible genius and, later, a key piece in the successes of the IBM company.

Edith was born in Brooklyn, United States, and his parents, Aaron and Bella, were survivors of the Holocaust who had contracted nuptials in the Warsaw Gueto.

However, his inveterate father, as soon as his daughter was born, attended a press conference in which in front of the reporters came to say that he would make his daughter "a perfect human being". It was since then that journalists began to talk about "the Edith Stern project".

Some articles about Aaron's life and his teaching methods indicate that Stern was one of those thinkers whose ideas seem lush and disturb many, but, the truth is that the influence of his ideas has been important for other academics.

In Aaron Stern's learning method, he acknowledges that in children there is an inherent capacity that can be developed and thereby reach that infants expand their linguistic skills.

Thus, the traditional behavioral vision also staggers, then, the Edith Stern project was very successful and was mainly based on the girl's disposition to dominate a certain amount of content that could be considered greater than "normal".

Edith Stern

Aaron Stern and the scope of his project

The method used in the Edith Stern project was the "Total Method of Immersion in Education", And that in 1973 Aaron explained in his book The Making of A Genius.

This method allows everything that captures the child's interest is used as an opportunity for him to learn and deploy all his cognitive abilities.

So, since Edith Stern was a girl, her father began using everything around her, which went from the use of ethnic dolls, travel posters, spelling blocks, abacos and endless objects with which she could capture the child's attention, when she only went in her car and had a few weeks after being born.

Aaron Stern suffered from cancer, specifically in the jaw, so at one time he could not work anymore, so this allowed him to spend a long time next to his little Edith and immerse it in a learning that would completely change life who later was a prominent and successful woman.

It is worth noting that, being Aaron Stern a language teacher, and in the camps where displaced people were, during World War II, He took the opportunity to teach the children through posters in which the tours were indicated, since it was the only thing I had. So, with his daughter, education was much more consecrated.

In that famous book "The manufacture of a genius", Aaron himself commented on what was the time spent with his daughter and how he taught her to read when they went to the grocery stores.

Among the different activities carried out by father and daughter were the walks of the Sundays, when they went to the museums and talked about everything observed, since they left the house until the time of return.

A very remarkable point, was that Aaron always allowed his daughter to ask questions of any kind, without imposing restrictions on the curiosity of the little.

Benefits of listening to classical music

What were the results of the Edith Stern project?

The results of the Edith Stern project, evidently, ended up astonishing the entire world, since at eleven months the girl communicated through flash memory cards.

Even, at that short age, Edith Stern could build and broad. It was not surprising when it was learned that At two years old, the little girl knew all the alphabet.

More amazing was knowing that At five years of age, Edith Stern had read all the volumes of the British encyclopedia, So, at six, she was already a connoisseur of authors such as Plato, Darwin or Freud.

Although his father was skeptical of intellectual coefficients, Edith was subjected to one and the score was 205, when the general average is usually 100.

This coefficient, or its capacity, rather, allowed him. At the age of 18 he had already completed a mastery.

The subsequent years of Edith Stern

Edith Stern's life continued to be successful. This was a clear proof that the Edith Stern experiment had worked.

She came to teach at Michigan State University, continue her academic life and complete a doctorate.

Besides, It was an important piece in the research and development division of the IBM company.

Currently, Stern has more than 120 patents due to its technological innovations in digital media, telephony, cars, videoconferences, and the Internet, then, is a great engineer with many merits and distinctions. Indeed, he came to occupy the position of the vice presidency in the IBM.

The triumphs in the technological field have allowed Edith Stern to be recognized in many areas, as well as deserving of many awards and, although at first her mother was terrified of Aaron's methods, later she admitted that she admitted that His daughter was a young woman with maturity, compassion, kindness and intelligence.

The Edith Stern project, as well as many other experiments in the pedagogical area, leave the question open, Is being a genius to do with genetics or the way in which children are educated?

Inteligence test. CI calculation


  • Ilardo, m. TO., Moltke, i., Korneliussen, t. S., Cheng, j., Stern, a. J., Racimo, f.,… & Van den munckhof, I. C. (2018). Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Disting in Sea Nomads. Cell173(3), 569-580.
  • Stern, a. (1971). The Making of A Genius. Hurricane House Publishers.
  • Stern, a. (1976). The Joy of Learning. North Miami Beach, Fla.: Reniasance Publishers.
  • Stern, a. (1980). The joy of learning. Naomi Lindstrom review.