Mexican Proverbs

Mexican Proverbs

Important things of a culture can be known through their sayings and proverbs. In this case, it is time to meet the Mexican Proverbs. Mexico is a country of rich culture and diverse population. Its civilization has been forged by diverse peoples, which printed its current idiosyncrasy to the country.

Mexican Proverbs

The brave lives until the coward wants.

To give that it is pot mole!

Water that you don't drink, let it run.

The nopal is only close when you have tunas.

You still have no wings and you want to fly.

Bobos and crazy do not have them in a few ..

On given horse, you are not seen.

To chillidos from Marrano, butcher's ears.

If the river makes a noise its because water is running.

The skinny dog ​​is loaded with fleas.

To God begging and with the stick giving.

Where do you go, do what you see.

By force, neither the shoes enter.

A good hunger is not seasoned.

To a good saint are parcel.

A gift horse in the teeth not look.

Each one has to choose, the spoon with which he has to eat.

Bad meat, good sauce.

To eat and bed, once called.

To give it, which is pot mole.

Finishing the money, the friendship ends.

Olive oil, all evil removes.

Well is the wine, when it's fine.

Well it's scraping, but not starting the magueyes.

Search and find; Save and you will have.

Give the alon and eat the breast.

Giving and giving, bird flying.

Although the cage is gold, it is still prison.

That's where the pig twisted the tail.

Who works badly, the chisquirrioso rot.

Who does not speak, God does not hear it.

Arrieros are and on the way we walk.

Tree that grows crooked, never your trunk straightening.

Here a cup was broken and everyone for his house.

Faces we see, we don't know hearts.

Shrimp that falls asleep, it carries current.

Although the cage is gold, it is still prison.

As San Andrés said: he who has a pendejo face, is.

As you want, I want, and how do you wear me, I can!

Little goat, paid goat.

Nor so much that it burns the saint, nor so much that I do not alumin him.

The seed of truth may take to bloom, but in the end it blooms, whatever happens.

Turn the omelette.

Giving and giving, bird flying.


Give the alon and eat the breast.

Take for a ride.

Give the can.

Give the rattle

Of love broth and charity beans.

Good house good table.

Of two who love each other well, with one who eats enough.

From the plate to the mouth, the soup falls.

Little in little, the jar is filled.

Spill wine, good destiny, spill salt, bad signal.

Breakfast like king, eat as prince and dinner like beggar.

Between joke and joke, the truth looks out.

It is better to be alone than badly accompanied.

Idleness is the mother of all vices.

The love of the poor is like the pork thorn, peeled, but tasty.

Hot, neither feel.

Love has a good flavor.

Love is like the flu, it is caught on the street and heals in bed.

The dead to the hole and the living to the bun.

The foreign bread makes the good son.

The father of every disease can be a virus, but the mother of diseases is poor diet.

Faith without works, water food alone.

Trust little and in very few.

Fiesta without food, it is not a party fulfilled.

Last party, forgotten party.

Flowers content but do not feed.

Fortune and olive, sometimes a lot and sometimes none.

What is offered is as rotten, nobody wants.

The one that can, commands; the one that wants, obeys.

Quiet sea is bad sailor.

Better once red than one hundred faded.

The orange in the morning is gold, in the afternoon silver and at night poison that kills.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

The smile is like salt to food.

In the house of the soaponero, the one who does not fall, slips.

Revenge is sweet to the palate, but bitter for the throat.

True happiness is in small things: a small mansion, a small yacht, a small fortune.

You don't have to walk through the branches, the trunk being thick.

Not even if they are born, no more than they are well.

Who looks less sees.

Who wants everything loses.

Not even if they fly high, finally with corn they go.

Don't look for sleeves to the vest, or three feet to the cat knowing that he is four.

Do not ask the elmo pears.

Not for much early dawn earlier.

I'm not a gold coin to like everyone

Do not wrinkle, old leather. I love you for drumming.

The Indian is not to blame, but the one who makes him compadre.

It does not bring so much for how it is believed.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Do not ask the elmo pears.

I didn't come to see if I can, if not because I can come.

Given stick, or God takes it away.

Papelito speaks.

So that the wedge tightens, it must be of the same stick.

For all evil, mezcal and, for all good, too.

For fool you don't study.

Parral, the capital of the world.

Worse is chili and water away.

The sea makes me small to throw me a buche of water-.

It makes me very ojon to be a pigeon.