Irish proverbs Irish ancestral wisdom

Irish proverbs Irish ancestral wisdom

The old Ireland, land of mysteries and cradle of ancestral cultures such as Celta. Without a doubt, one of the most enigmatic and rich countries in terms of tradition, folklore and diversity. However, Ireland has gone through various avatars throughout its millenary existence. For example, devastating invasions, lack of resources, recurring crises ... However, their people have always managed to get ahead and be, today, a great country, from which many interesting things can be learned. Know a little more about this magical and mysterious Isa through the Irish proverbs.

Irish proverbs: Irish ancestral wisdom

As you love yourself, others will love you.

The true nature of someone's personality is revealed through his eyes.

Say little and say good.

The house is where the heart.

The worst cow of the stable is the one that muge higher.

A good start is half of the work.

He who does not prosper in his dreams will not prosper awake.

Neither search or run from battle.

There is no force without unity.

Do not light a fire that you cannot turn off.

Don't get up until you fall.

What is well done will show it in its results.

Choose your company before choosing the drink.

It is a long road that has no return.

Honor belongs to ancient time.

Be careful with the anger of a patient man.

There is no hero that is not compared.

What is taken with deceptions goes with the wind.

Who does not maintain their weapons in peace times, will not have weapons in times of war.

The one who shut up does not lose friends.

A lazy person is the same as a pig.

Better not start to leave without finishing.

What cannot be avoided must be carried out.

There are three things in life that arrive without one asking for them: fear, love and jealousy.

There is no place like home itself.

Promise without fulfilling is worse to refuse.

Take care that your chimney is swept before aiming the neighbor's ashes.

A man without changes is worth nothing, and the man with too many changes is not worth anything.

Good is not obtained without having problems.

Health is better than wealth.

Ancient Irish blessing

That the road goes to meet you. That the wind is always behind you and the rain falls soft on your fields. And until we find ourselves again, that God holds you gently in the palm of his hand. That you live for the time you want, and that you always want to live fully.

Always remember to forget the things that saddled you, but never forget to remember those that made you happy. Always remember to forget the friends who were false, but never forget to remember those who remained faithful. Always remember to forget the problems that have already passed, but never forget to remember the blessings of each day. That the saddest day of your future is not worse than the happiest day of your past.

That the roof never falls on you and that the friends gathered under it never leave. That you always have warm words at a cold dusk, a full moon on a dark night, and that the road always opens to your door.

Long live a hundred years, with an extra year to regret. May the Lord keep you in his hand, and do not tighten his fist much. May your neighbors respect you, the problems abandon you, the angels protect you, and heaven wraps you. And that fortune hugs you.

That the blessings of St. Patricio contemplate you. That your pockets are heavy and your light heart. That good luck persecutes you, and every day and every night you have walls against the wind, a rainfall, drinks next to the fire, laughs for those who love to comfort you, and that your heart collates with everything that You want. May God be with you and bless you, see the children of your children, may misfortune be brief and leave you rich in blessings. That you know nothing more than happiness. From this day on, that God grants you many years of life, surely he knows that the Earth does not have enough angels.