Scottish proverbs Wisdom of the old Scotland

Scottish proverbs Wisdom of the old Scotland

Scotland (Sunrise, The Scottish gaelic) is one of the four nations that make up Britain. This country, cradle of great mysteries and surrounded by sea and more than 790 islands, has always fought for its identity and tradition, which dates back to thousands of years ago. Scotland was independent until 1707, in which the Union Act was signed. However, even today retains much of his identity. Find out through these Scottish proverbs that we are going to show you.

Scottish proverbs: Wisdom of old Scotland

Those who open their mouths are the least open the heart.

Never let your feet go ahead of your shoes.

That hope never leads you to despise what you have.

Even the worst role needs to be well interpreted.

Share the load and this will be lighter.

That the saddest day of your future is not worse than the happiest day of your past.

The smile costs less than electricity and gives more light.

A kind answer mitigates anger.

Drink because you are happy, not because you are unfortunate.

Be just with everyone, but don't trust everyone.

There are two stations in Scotland: June and winter.

Never show your teeth unless you can bite.

Be slow to choose a friend, but slower to change it.

Better fold than break.

Against words full of anger nothing better than a closed mouth.

If there were no connections so strong that they connected to the other side, I think that Scotland would be the country that I would choose to spend the rest of my days.

There is no medicine for fear.

However good the crib is, the better is the good parenting.

Lies for me, and I will swear for you.

A liar should have good memory.

Choose your wife with your sleeping hat.

Hug God inside you.

Too many chefs ruin the broth.

A shared joy bends, while a shared affliction is reduced by half.

Marriage is to reduce your rights to half and double your duties.

A fool can make money, but a wise man needs to keep him.

A light bag makes a heavy heart.

No good story is spent, how many times it is counted.

No one in Scotland can escape the past. Is everywhere, hovering like a ghost.

Your feet will take you where your heart is.

That the roof never falls on you and that the friends gathered under it never leave. That you always have warm words in a cold dusk, a full moon on a dark night and that the road always opens to your door.

A little help is better than a world of compassion.

Guard yourself from that too inclined to make favors and offer your friendship, since one day you will demand your compensation.

The one that tells you the defects of others, will tell others your defects.

A friend's eye is a good mirror.

Scotland poem to remember a loved one: remember me, by David Harkins

You can cry because it is gone, or you can

smile because he has lived.

You can close your eyes

and pray to return or can open them and see everything you have


Your heart can be empty

Because you can't see it,

or can be full of love

that you shared.

You can cry, close your mind, feel the

empty and turn your back,

Or you can do what she would like:

smile, open your eyes, love and continue.

Famous phrases of Giovanni Papini

For the old days, by Robert Burns

Should the old friendships forget

And never remember?

Should the old friendships forget

And the old days?

For the old days, my friend,

for the old times:

We will have a glass of cordiality

for the old times.

We have both run on the slopes

and collected the beautiful Margaritas,

But we have erred with sore feet

From the old days.

For the old days, my friend ..

We have both waded the current

From noon to dinner,

But wide seas have roared among us

From the old days.

For the old days, my friend ..

And here is a hand, my faithful friend,

and give us one of your hands,

And let's pour a beer drink

for the old times!