Argentine Proverbs

Argentine Proverbs

Here are some of the most famous Argentine Proverbs To know something more about the culture, style and way of life of our American brothers. Argentina, a great country to discover and which we can learn many interesting things.

Argentine Proverbs

The figs are over, the friends are over.

It is a black rabbit: not a magician makes him work.

The one who eats and does not convince has a toad in the belly.

Money is a time metaphor.

Enjoy every day as if it were the last.

God squeezes but does not strangle.

One of lime and a few are very good house.

Southeast wind; rain as plague.

And who puts the jack to the cat?


Talk about the sex of the angels.

People are just valued when they are lost.

The occasion is painted by the occasion "or" on the forehead with hairs, they must not miss occasions in which Calva is painted.

His San Martín arrives at each pig (pork).

To dog face.

In the light of a dull lantern was a blind reading while a deaf listened.

To the dove when he speaks you have to understand her because she strives to understand you.

To old age ... smallpox.

Bread with bread: zonzo food.

Stop the car that is a lot of mud.

Piantá, Piojito, that the comb cacha.

Game silver, water between fingers.

Late pruning and sowing early, if you erras a year you will succeed four.

More Argentine proverbs

Puchero eats for the corn.

It may be that thundering rains.

Pure shout as a summer storm.

The one who sows winds, reaps storms.

The taba was turned.

If the rainbow see the west, collect the plow and go.

If in November True, the harvest will be good.

If they don't grab me the trot, it will be less galloping.

Everytime it rained it stopped.

The freshly wet land is always better mocked.

All the past time was better.

Everyone takes orange and poor orange.

Take house with home and woman who knows hilar.

After hunger comes the matmbre.

A stumble is not a fall.

Words are taken by the wind.

A confession of a party relay test.

At the short or in the long run there is no matrero that does not fall.

To what was done, chest.

Hot as water to peel fluchos.

To the past ... torn.

To monkey dad with green bananas!

Dog skinny never lacks fleas.

Whom God does not give children, the devil gives him nephews.

A river uprooted, gain of fishermen.

Go ahead with the lanterns.

Grab big and walk away.

Knowing calling him luck.

One pain relieves another pain, and one love heals from another love.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

To Asno Lerdo, crazy crazy.

A fine drinker, after milk, came.

A Bad Bed Wine Mattress.

Vieja love, jealousy and complaints.

I know the bird for the shit.

Colorado as a Polish cogote.

Argentine Proverbs

It was for wool shorn and left.

Before you get married, look what you do.

Wallet Mata Galán.

He wants the bung, the twenty and the sausage machine.

Chupá just, which another pays ..

Crocodile that sleeps is portfolio.

God is everywhere, but attends in Buenos Aires.

Where the drink comes out.

Fiesta without wine is not worth a cumin.

The woman of the blind man, who paints?

Does not give the poetrillo for boots.

Do not make alien, parking lot, without finding out the brand.

Don't stretch your legs a lot if you sleep in short cot.

There is no woman without cup or petizo without a morning.

Throws more a tit than a cart.

It is better to walk on foot than with the shoulder relapse.

Venture to the advantage is not a sin for hell.

Love and fortunately no resistance.

This is the truth of the Milanese!

From the saying to the fact there is much stretch.

Of ungrateful is the full hell.

It costs an eye of the face.

When a rich drunk
And a poor in his company,
The poor is drunken
The rich is joy.

When hunger enters a house through the door, love flees through the window.