Properties of Guaraná

Properties of Guaraná

The Guaraná is a dry paste made of the crushed seeds of the native woody perennial bush of Brazil and other Amazon regions Paullinia Cupana or Paulina Sorbilis. It is named after the Guaraní tribe in the Amazon, which used its seeds to prepare an energy drink ..

This plant has orange yellow fruits containing up to 3 seeds each. The seeds are collected and tuned to the fire. The grains are ground to form a paste and mold in cylindrical bars, which are then dried in the sun.

Is used for Combat fatigue, increase mental alertness and help lose weight. Guaraná is a usual ingredient of popular soft drinks and energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster. A seed paste, syrup or extract of the Guaraná plant is made and then add to these drinks.

In Brazil, Guaraná's drinks and are considered "tonic for health" and are almost as popular as traditional tail baseds based on.


  • Properties and benefits of Guaraná
    • 1. It is a powerful stimulant
    • 2. Improve learning and memory
    • 3. Weightloss
    • 4. It relieves chronic diarrhea and treats constipation
    • 5. Alleviate the pain
  • Possible side effects
    • References

Properties and benefits of Guaraná

1. It is a powerful stimulant

Guaraná contains caffeine. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), the heart and muscles. It also contains theophylline and theobromine, which are chemicals similar to caffeine.

In fact, Guaraná seeds can contain four times more caffeine than coffee beans.

This is why Guaraná has been used as a natural energizer, cognitive stimulating, drinking flavor and as a component of natural lossing products.

Caffeine acts by blocking the effects of adenosine, a compound that helps to relax the brain, joining its receptors and preventing them from activating.

A study found that people who took a vitamin supplement containing Guaraná felt less fatigued when completing several tests, compared to those who took a placebo.

Interestingly, studies also show that Guaraná can reduce mental fatigue due to cancer treatment, without significant side effects.

2. Improve learning and memory

Research has shown that Guaraná can improve learning capacity and memory.

In a study, the effects of different doses of Guaraná were analyzed on the mood and learning of a group of participants. The people who received 37.5 mg or 75 mg of Guaraná achieved higher scores in the tests. Since the low doses of Guaraná provide low caffeine doses, it is believed that other compounds in Guaraná, apart from caffeine, can be partially responsible.

Another study compared the Guaraná with the Ginseng, another compound that stimulates the brain.

It is said that Guaraná when combined with ginseng and real jelly improves concentration and reduces fatigue. On the other hand, when combined with Ashwagandha promotes mental health and also increases concentration.

The people who received Guaraná with Ginseng in the study paid more attention to their tasks and completed them faster.

In addition, animal studies have also shown that Guaraná can improve memory.

3. Weightloss

The Guaraná It contains caffeine, which can help lose weight by increasing metabolism. It has also been found that suppresses genes that help the production of fatty cells and promotes genes that slow down it.

For this reason, the Guaraná dust has become a popular ingredient in the supplements to lose weight, helping people eat less calories and burn more than they eat during the day.

However, more studies are needed in humans to corroborate and minimize their possible adverse side effects.

4. It relieves chronic diarrhea and treats constipation

Guaraná has been used for centuries as a natural stomach tonic to treat digestive problems such as chronic diarrhea and constipation.

Seems to have Antidiarrhean properties because it is rich in tannins or antioxidants of plant origin.

The tannins are known for their astringency, which means that they can join and contract fabric. This allows the tannins to waterproof the walls of the digestive tract, restricting the amount of water that is secreted in their intestines.

On the other hand, Guaraná is rich in caffeine, which can act as a natural laxative.

The Cafeína stimulates peristalsism, a process that activates contractions in the intestines and colon muscles. This can relieve constipation by pushing the content towards the rectum.

The low doses of Guaraná do not provide much caffeine, so they are more likely to have an antidiarrheal effect. High doses provide more caffeine and can have laxative effects.

5. Alleviate the pain

Historically, Guaraná was used by Amazonian tribes as analgesic.

The analgesic properties of Guaraná are due to its high caffeine content.

Caffeine plays a role in pain management, since adenosine receptors is binds and blocks. Two of these receptors, A1 and A2A, are involved in stimulating the feelings of pain. When caffeine binds to these receptors, it can reduce the sensations of pain.

This is a reason why caffeine is found in many free sales medications for pain relief.

Possible side effects

The Guaraná contains a large amount of caffeine, and the precise amount may not be properly documented on the label of a drink or a pill, so you have to be careful when consuming them.

The main side effects are usually:

  • Palpitations
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Stomachache
  • Instability

It is worth noting that caffeine can be addictive and cause dependence on high doses.

The pregnant women should avoid or limit Guaraná's intake, since caffeine can cross the placenta. Too much caffeine can cause abnormalities of growth in the child or increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.

Although Guaraná does not have a recommended dose, most humans-based research have found that doses as low as 50-75 mg can provide health benefits.

Industrial processing methods for Guaraná seeds can increase the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a group of chemical carcinogens that have also been associated with pulmonary, gastrointestinal and dermatological side effects.


  • Maira Pascchoin de Oliveira Campos, et al. Guaraná (Paullinia Cupana) improves fatigue in breast cancer patients who receive systemic chemotherapy. https: //
  • CF Haskell, et al. A double blind evaluation, placebo controlled, multidosis of the acute behavioral effects of Guaraná in humans. https: // pubmed.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/16533867/
  • Leila Larisa Medeiros Marques Bemilene Dias Fiuza Ferreira, Mariana Nascimento de Paula Attudi Klein Cjoão. Paullinia Cupana: a multipurpose plant - a review. https: //
  • Laura Pomportes, et al. Variability of heart rate and cognitive function after a supplement of vitamins and minerals with Guaraná added (Paullinia Cupana). https: //
  • Dimitrios Moustakas, et al. Guaraná provides additional stimulation about caffeine alone in the planario model. https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/PMC/ARTICLES/PMC4399916/
  • Sara M seifert, et al. Effects on the health of energy drinks on children, adolescents and young adults. https: // pubmed.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/21321035/