Emotional problems of the athlete

Emotional problems of the athlete

The emotional problems of the athlete are a variable that few comment, because it has always been assumed that sport is healthy, but, the truth is that it has another face.

In the training process it is important that the requirements are appropriate to the psychophysiological capacity of the athlete, so that exercises generate feelings of enthusiasm and joy. When this point is in equilibrium, the athlete may also experience a sense of security and motivation to continue training, but what happens when an overload happens?

Emotional problems of the athlete

If the intensity of the training exceeds the potential, then the emotional problems of the athlete arise, since the load surpasses and Negative emotions arise in response to that imbalance that originates in the body.

The athlete can feel monotony, satiety, reluctant, decrease in enthusiasm to train, loss in his level of training and, consequently, of his performance.

It should be considered that among the emotional problems of the athlete is the psychic tension to which it is subjected when the training load is very strong.

Some of the reactions to strong training loads are nervousness, emotional instability and asthenia.

This occurs because the athlete is overwhelmed at the tasks and his ability to, You can present sleep disorders, lack of vigor and encouragement, And many times you can also feel headaches.

Sometimes these symptoms or manifestations occur occasionally, without causing a disorder in behavior. Rather, they can be interpreted as a sign of adaptation to the physical and psychic tensions of the athlete.

However, coaches must remain attentive to the reactions of athletes and follow their course, reinforcing recovery, rest schedules and other methods that guarantee their well -being. Also It is recommended to be tolerant of the athlete, give support, encourage him, provide positive reinforcement and stimulate him, explaining the processes that are going through.

On many occasions, the athlete could express emotional instability due to overload, and his mood could be altered.

One of the most notorious signs is irritability, which expresses through its gestures, or when you constantly complain, so all complaints must be analyzed so that the athlete does not feel overwhelmed at the tension that derives from the training.

Sometimes, The emotional problems of the athlete encompass signs such as enrollment, high excitability, loss of self -control, interpersonal problems with other team members or with the coach, among others, becoming a person with little tolerance.

In other cases, athletes feel feelings of guilt and inability. They are also frequent are defeatist thoughts.

The weakness in the athlete can be presented with a depressive state in the mood, insecurity and restlessness, hypersensitivity to stimuli, among others. In addition, You can doubt the goals that are indicated and you can feel fear and anxiety.

He Depressive state of the athlete can also be manifested with loss of interest and his usual desires, inhibition, lack of encouragement, rejection of training, difficulties in sleeping, loss of appetite, indiscipline, difficulty complying with the regime, among others. In the worst cases, the athlete feels the desire to claudicate and abandon sports activity.

When these negative emotions appear, specialists must intervene to interpret them and identify the origin of them. Well, many times, the athlete's relationship with the coach, the style at work, or loading the training is also involved.

Once the causes are identified, changes can be introduced that help modify the psychological state of the athlete.

Sometimes psychological tension is evidenced in factors such as an unavailable psychological climate, presence of conflicts between athletes or with the coach; decrease in the willingness to train; situation of frustration in other areas of the athlete's life, among others.

When to the psychological intervention systems used to support and solve the emotional problems of the athlete, acute stress and chronic stress should be considered.

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