Main characteristics of children with high capacities

Main characteristics of children with high capacities


  • What do we understand by high intellectual quotient
  • When can the intellectual capacity of a child be detected?
  • Differences between boys and girls with high capacities
  • Stages of giftedness
    • Childhood
    • Adolescence
    • Maturity
  • How to help a child with high capabilities?
      • Links of interest

What do we understand by high intellectual quotient

Historically, children with an intellectual quotient or CI around 140 are defined as children with general/high intelligence.

Many of them are confident and nonconformist, but they know the rules and duties of the group. They usually present a critical attitude regarding their peers. This trait is due to their daring at work and relationships and sometimes they are impatient and overestimated.

He success of his actions is supported by his degree of intelligence, great confidence in this sense, serenity and the high degree of risk They are willing to endure at an intellectual level.

His education understands it as a playful activity. In addition, it should be noted that these types of children have a mind that is capable of staying for a longer time and attentive that the one who has any child with a normal intellectual capacity. They remain active for longer and their sleep hours are lower than those of their classmates.

When can the intellectual capacity of a child be detected?

Specialists recommend paying attention to children's abilities when they have between 3 and 8 years.

In general, gifted children They present different interests to children of their age. Other factors that distinguish overcrowded minors is their thought flexibility, high self -regulation, learning capacity and personal maturity.

Among other indications when recognizing a gifted child, the following can be taken into account:

  1. Great curiosity and creativity.
  2. Speed ​​of learning and excellent memory.
  3. Says his first word before 8 or 9 months.
  4. Says his first sentence with 1 year.
  5. He has a conversation between 18 and 24 months.
  6. Improper vocabulary for your age.
  7. Learn the alphabet and tell up to 10 and a half years.
  8. Mentally solves sum and subtractions up to 10 with 3 years.
  9. The stage of why before the age of 3 begins, asking exploratory questions at an early age.
  10. Very varied interests and logical search for why things.
  11. Early understanding and reading.
  12. It has a high sensitivity towards the world around it.
  13. Concern for issues of morality and justice.
  14. Energetic and confident in his possibilities.
  15. Very observant and open to unusual situations.
  16. Very critical with himself and with others.
  17. Great capacity for attention and concentration.
  18. He likes to interact with older children.
  19. Rejection of authority and great independence.
  20. Leadership capacity and great energy, with low level of tiredness.
  21. Sleep little less than most children of their age (adult can suffer from insomnia).
  22. It is bored in class because their capabilities exceed conventional study programs.
  23. They are, apparently, very distracted.
  24. Your thinking is productive rather than reproductive. They are based on the construction of things.
  25. They feel misunderstood, rare.
  26. High academic self -esteem, but not personal.
  27. They are independent and introverts.

On many occasions a gifted child has a family history of someone similar in the family (although it was not detected as gifted at the time), which indicates that it has an important genetic and hereditary factor.

Early detection is essential to offer the child the most convenient educational environment and the attention it deserves. If they identify in time, the small gifted ones can enhance their skills and develop them fully once the adult age reached. Otherwise, its intellectual development will be slowed down and can end in school failure. In this sense, from the Spanish Association of Overdated Children, the need to "design, schedule and teach" permanent training activities to non -university teachers, as well as in the importance of "promoting educational, school, scientific and social activities, is emphasized with parents".

What are negative punishments

Differences between boys and girls with high capacities

According to an investigation led by the Mª Immaculate Psychologist Ramírez Salguero, professor at the University of Granada, Girls are usually better than boys in verbal skills They imply a more advanced preparation to go to school. In addition, boys usually have greater reading problems and disabilities for learning than girls. It is true that these communicative advantages disappear over the years, and there comes a time when they are equal to those of the boys.

On the contrary, The boys have greater ease in areas such as science and mathematics, while these only surpasses them in writing.

There are also more boys than girls in the percentage of students who accelerate their academic preparation to enter early in universities.

This reason may be due to the fact that the acceleration in science and mathematics careers is more feasible than in social sciences, and that most gifted boys are inclined to the first two.

Some researchers believe that the differences between the cognitive values ​​that exist between boys and girls are due to their different socialization experiences. The most likely explanation is that the social pressures of parents, friends, teachers ... cause the child to adopt behaviors that he considers appropriate to his sexual role.

In girls, the female role can cause personality conflicts between what they are and want to be, as opposed to what they are supposed to be.

A solution, proposed by Professor Ramírez, is to give the gifted girl the opportunity to know women who have gone through the same circumstances, and who have taken advantage of it, but never making them look special, since many of them suffer insecurity before The question of making mistakes and seem unintelling, or never making mistakes and looks too much ready.

Personality tests reveal differentiating features such as:

  • The male gender is usually more introverted, analytical, rational and has a theoretical and pragmatic spirit, while girls are more imaginative, intuitive and grant many importance to interpersonal relationships.
  • The boys value in the studies the atmosphere of competitiveness and individualism, quite the girls who do not appreciate such circumstances and prefer interpersonal relationships to individuality.
  • Overcrowded girls are equated with the level of reflection and intellectual curiosity equal to that of boys but aspire to high social functions, They are less interested in their instruction during adolescence and suffer intellectual regression in adulthood.

Stages of giftedness

The development of the gifted intellectual abilities can be divided into three crucial stages:


The gifted baby is not like the other children of his age. Shows great precocity in learning and interaction with the environment.

They are very sensitive and respond before a normal baby to both visual and auditory stimuli. However, if optical stimuli are repetitive do not pay too much attention because they have an extraordinary photographic memory.

His communicative development is premature. They begin to speak before a normal child and his vocabulary will be more extensive, but still the expressive language will be equal to that of the other children of their age. What is appreciated is a greater use of interrogative forms, the result of its great curiosity.

During this stage the child usually shows a wide capacity to do a lot of work to which he will devote a lot of time and effort. It will also show greater competitiveness with all its peers in the field of talent with a great desire to be the best and ability to quickly learn new techniques related to its talent. Already in gifted babies this perseverance and high personal gratification can be seen when they manage to do it correctly.

The family is very important for the baby to develop their intellectual capacity, Well, a good family response will facilitate correct evolution. On the other hand, it is shown that the birthday influences the gifted. The firstborn usually receives a direct stimulation from the mother, and their reactions are also greater if compared to subsequent children.


This period is not easy for the life of a person, and it is even more complicated when we talk about the gifted ones because it is a stage of great transformations.

Cognitive abilities change and young people reflect on their own thoughts, have opinions on concepts related to increasingly concrete and strengthened social and moral values.

Also in this period the role of parents is crucial, since the lack of interest of parents for the work of their children can generate that the performance of the gifted falls, as well as the lack of security in themselves. There is a very important percentage that if you do not receive the necessary support, choose to abandon the studies, Despite its high intellectual coefficient.

They must have freedom to make decisions and some independence, although without neglecting family support.

These types of young people, although they do not usually have problems with their classmates, prefer to share their extracurricular time with older people, with intellectual development similar to their own and their friends are usually scarce than those of any teenager of their age.

In recent investigations it has been shown that There is a close relationship between intelligence, self -self -self -imparation and self -acceptance.


The gifted who has achieved an appropriate level of training usually gets a good job, normally of a specialist, with a remuneration according to his level of responsibility and in which he will work comfortably.

It is common to work isolated but that is valued by your classmates for your high capacity to solve problems or do high quality work.

If during adolescence he abandons the studies and does not achieve the adequate level of training, it is likely that he develops a type of work that does not require specialization, in which he will encounter great problems of acceptance of himself, and often it can also have difficulty accepting standards of their superiors.

The high intellectual quotient is not a guarantee of success in life And neither does it demand that the gifted have to opt for a specific profession and be physical, mathematician or aerospace engineer. There are professionals with exceptional intellectual capacity in all work fields. The gifted must develop his intelligence according to his personal and professional circumstances in order to achieve his well -being.

Infographics about the emotional overexcitability of gifted children. More information here.

How to help a child with high capabilities?

For parents or guardians our basic advice would be to pay attention to their inclinations for reading, art or numbers and helping him develop these skills. We can take them to places where they learn new things, such as museums, libraries, etc. It will also be a good action to stimulate it so that it does not get bored, answering as well as possible all your questions and concerns and enrolling in some extracurricular activity in which you can develop any of your potentials.

As for the school, it would be convenient to talk to your teacher, and if there is access and possibility in the teaching center, do a small follow -up for a school psychologist to avoid being isolated from others and that it can have an adequate learning rate.

On the other hand, there is the option of the school acceleration, in which the student can jump a course and enter a superior one (in total, you can accelerate up to three years in mandatory schooling and another in the mandatory post). But before making a decision like this, we should speak it and value it well with the child, because if sometimes he already has difficulties of sociabilization with those he already knows, we do not know how he would affect him to change the environment of friendships and have to be with others older companions and whose affinities are already made a long time ago.

Another less drastic but also effective option would be Curriculum adaptation. This possibility that is applied by teachers indisputably towards children with a very low school performance and with learning difficulties, is nevertheless less popular when it is requested to make children who are on the opposite side, because teachers think that It is not necessary to stimulate or pay so much attention, they are already ready children. But as we have already seen, a poorly tutoring child can end up in school failure. In addition, this option makes you preserve your friends and your surroundings in a more normalized way.

As for the programs for gifted boys, they have generated a lot of controversy. Some criticize them for being elitists and send a message of mediocrity to those who have not been chosen as gifted. Although it is true that it is not good to segregate, it is convenient that these children receive special attention.

It is recommended that children go to a normal school, but that they invest more hours of study weekly than others in enriched learning programs. For this, the educator and the family must form a team to closely follow the advances of the child.

If they do not receive adequate treatment, gifted children usually develop social problems. In addition, if the education they receive does not conform to their needs, they become inactive, distracted and have misconduct.

Links of interest

Children's tests