Preserve yourself, get safe ..

Preserve yourself, get safe ..


In my opinion, this is a matter of real and great importance to which the attention is not given.

It is a magical word: Preserve. Become safe.

Each one has the responsibility of their own life, and this also implies preventing others from damaging, that they discredit or add it, that the mancillen or belittling.

Each person, for being a person and if they have not committed something serious that discredit it as such, has the right and is worthy of deep and total respect. And it should not forget it.

Dignity, morality, honesty, honesty, ethics, nobility ... are personal values ​​that no one should dishonor and one must ensure so that no one discredits them.

Do not let something external and passenger stagger the personal center that should remain unaffected. It is convenient to know our feelings and meet us. Know and use the right way to see things not to allow others, with their words or their facts, affect our personal and emotional stability. What others think or think are only their opinions and thoughts - which, in addition, can be expressly malicious - so it is not convenient to let that destabilize us.

Take care of yourself, to avoid suffering unnecessarily. Look for emotional and psychological health. Do not allow them to alter unnecessarily and unjustifiably. It is good to avoid all the destabilizations that come from outside. The things that happen to us have to be valued with equanimity and justice.

Do not allow receiving damage. And in this you have to be irreducible. No unfounded or useless damage. Actually, no damage. Surely watch where the origin is when we feel some annoying or painful feeling. Why this pain? And why this pain? And if not one there is overwhelming reason, get rid of it.

Do not let others wobble our stability and take us to pain or decentralization. And for that it is convenient to know when our pride is enthusiarated superbly and what we intend is that we feel as a matter of our spiritual being - what is only a matter with delusions of greatness of the external being confused. The stability is in our inner center and we must not place it in the navel of the ego.

Discard emotional pain. And I do not mean the feelings or to remove the heart, but to learn to control that the facts of others - of which we are not responsible - do not take its toll. That the others, with their facts or their words, do not make us feel bad. Something like immunizing against what they do from the outside. Of course, it is convenient to be attentive in case they are right in what make us see and that hurts ..

Watch the ego. The ego, in most cases, is responsible for interpreting what comes from outside and making it a drama. If something hurts or hurts us ... Who hurts?, Who hurts? The one who is offended is the ego, because being is above those judgments, is great and does not feel affected by those things that are, in the long term and in many cases - but not in all of all -dimensions. How many times have we seen once the time that this reaction of rage or anger on our part was disproportionate! It is the ego that is injured but makes us pay us its tantrum.

The right to respect. Every person has acquired the right to be respected. And it is an attribution that demands and deserves to make it honored, for oneself and for others.

Practice assertiveness. Assertivity is a form of communication that allows to defend their own rights, express opinions, protect personal interests, communicate our desires, or ask for what we want, doing it freely and clearly, without being aggressive and without allowing us to add. More or less, it is this: defend the rights but in a serene way at the same time as very firm.

These are only basic ideas, of what can be done to preserve. That each find or use their own, but that we all pay attention to preserve ourselves as a very respectable obligation and right.

Francisco de Sales
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