Why does my son have no friends

Why does my son have no friends

Parents usually expect their children to be able to integrate into different groups of children of the same age, either at school or in extracurricular activities, and that thanks to this ease of integration they can have many friends. But on some occasions what is expected does not happen, since there are children who have difficulty interacting with the other children of their age, and that causes them anguish and feeling of loneliness. We talk about it in this Psychology-online article: Why does my son have no friends.

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  1. My son has no friends at school
  2. Why does my son have no friends
  3. How to help your child make friends

My son has no friends at school

Human beings, that we are born until we die, we are considered as social beings by nature. For this reason, Not having friends in childhood or have difficulty relating and making friends usually cause Emotional damage in children, such as feeling of being rejected, feeling of loneliness, deterioration of the maturity process, family problems, depression or depressive mood, low self -esteem, violent behavior, among others. Therefore, having a good circle of friendship makes it possible.

Why does my son have no friends

In this article we want to answer the question ¿Why does my son have no friends? that many fathers and mothers formulate. There are different possible reasons why a child does not have friends:

Bulling or bullying

First, one of the reasons why a child has no friends is bullying or bullying. It's about a physical and/or psychological harassment to which the child is subjected by his classmates, fact that causes him to feel rejected and develop fear and/or insecurity to establish friendships with other people outside that harassment. For example, if the child is harassed at school and, after a while he moves to another city and goes to another school, it is possible that the child is afraid and shows himself insecure when establishing friendships with his new classmates Due to not wanting to live again the bad experience of your previous school.

Behaviors that cause rejection

Second, a child can be rejected by his classmates, giving rise to a lack of friendships, for presenting inappropriate behaviors such as the following:

  • Hostility and aggressiveness: refers to acting violently towards other people or living beings. When a child acts in this way, it can cause the classmates to move away from him.
  • Dominant personality: These are those who are dominant and authoritarian regarding others, as if it were a leader. People with this type of personality, on many occasions, can damage others, due to their aggressive way of expressing themselves and determining what he wants. So it is possible that other children move away or reject the child with dominant personality. In addition, among children, it is common for children to call children with this type of personality, since they always want what they say, hence the authority and dominance we have commented before.
  • Accuse or disappoint: Children who constantly accuse their classmates or who disappoint them due to their actions or words, can be rejected by their classmates.
  • Bad habits: On some occasions, the child can be rejected by his companions due to habits that cause discomfort and offend others, such as if the child turns out to be sent from others and always let him know with offensive comments, if the Child usually complains about unimportant things, if he always wants to be the center of attention and acts ridiculous and heavy, or when he is unable to accept constructive criticism. It can be the case in which a time comes when the other children get tired of their repetitive offensive acts and reject it.

Lack of social skills

Third, the lack of social skills can also play a bad pass when relating to others to try to establish friendships. Some of these social skills that hinder it are:

  • Shyness or shame: It is a feeling that causes the child to be unable or have difficulty in establishing conversations, to face new situations and to relate to others.
  • Lack of empathy and lack of sensitivity: People with lack of empathy and sensitivity are people unable to put on the skin of others, that is, they are unable to feel compassion and piety for others. For this reason, other children can reject the company of children with lack of these social skills, since having compassion for others, they can very easily damage the feelings of the other children. Here you can see how to work empathy in adolescents.
  • Unsafety: On some occasions, children are insecure and unable to establish new friendships, either by shame, shyness or fear. They are not able to approach other children to establish a conversation or relate to others and, therefore, prefer not to try. Here you can see how to improve social skills in children.

The new technologies

Fourth, the acceleration of society and history implies a great growth in new technologies, a fact that can cause children to lock themselves more in themselves and have no interest in physically relating to other children.

Psychological trastorn

Finally, the fact of suffering a psychological disorder can also be one of the causes for which a child has no friends, either due to the stigmatization of the disorder, or why one of the symptoms that characterizes the disorder is linked to persistent deficiencies in persistent deficiencies Social communication, such as the case of autistic spectrum disorder.

How to help your child make friends

¿How to help your child make friends? It depends on the reason. That is, depending on the causes that originate that your child does not have friends, it should be helped in one way or another. Next we will mention some recommendations for each case:

In relation to bullying or bullying, it is common for children do jobs with me "," in the patio they leave me alone and do not want to play with me ", and so on. ¿How can you help your child in this situation? Normally, what is recommended in these cases is communicate the situation to school. Both the child's tutor and the director, they have the duty to ensure the well -being of their students at school, therefore, they must attend to the situations that prevent it. In the event that the school ignores the communication of the parents, the center itself can be denounced. In addition, if necessary, you can count on a specialist to help the child with their low self -esteem, with their emotional wear and other aspects caused by school bullying.

As regards inadequate behaviors and the lack of social skills mentioned above, there are a number of recommendations for parents:

  • Help your children realize of their attitudes and their repercussions, both the negatives and the difficulties caused by the lack of social skills.
  • Inform school of the situation of their children to take into account how to treat them, for example, if a child is very shameful, that the teacher proposes activities that involve talking to their classmates.
  • If necessary, go to an external professional to school that can help children control their actions and attitudes.

In reference to individualism caused by the growth of new technologies, ¿How to help your child make friends? Parents are recommended Limit the dedication time to new technologies, to propose to their children to carry out activities that involve leaving home and interacting with other children (for example, going to the park), among others.

Finally, in relation to mental disorders, helping your child to make friends, is crucial go to a specialist and keep the school informed, to be able to do a network work that allows the child to be treated from different areas of his life. Here we explain when it is to go to the child psychologist.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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