Why does insecurity arise and how to overcome it?

Why does insecurity arise and how to overcome it?

Do you feel lower than others? Do you think you are not able to get your goals? Insecurity is one of the causes why you fail to advance in your life. Discover why insecurity arises and how to overcome it.

Insecurity in people can have different origins, But one of its main causes is the lack of self -confidence. We have all felt insecure on occasion and in certain contexts. We fear failing, we are anguish to think about rejection, disapproval by others and put ourselves in evidence.

An insecure person has no confidence in their abilities, it may think that others will disappoint them and will also fear disappointing others.


  • How is insecurity?
  • Personal insecurity: causes and characteristics
  • How are insecure people?
  • Why insecurity arises and how to overcome it
    • 1. Think positive
    • 2. Buy your weaknesses
    • 3. Share thoughts
    • 4. No to paranoid or meaningless ideas
    • 5. Have fun
    • Bibliography

How is insecurity?

A proper psychological treatment allows to overcome insecurity, whether a characterial insecurity or that is related to a pathology. The treatment, in case it is an insecurity of character, is based on developing healthy self -esteem and detecting those thoughts little adjusted to reality that can lead the person to interpret reality in a little objective and distorted way.

It can be complemented if necessary, helping the person improve their social skills, their assertiveness and their problems to solve.

In the event that insecurity is associated with any pathology, such as social phobia or avoidance disorder, these problems will be treated quickly.

Personal insecurity: causes and characteristics

Everything that happened in our lives Gange. Although it is true that genetics and biology can predispose us when showing a more or less safe and assertive character, or more or less extroverted. However, what also makes us definitely are the events that occurred in our past.

Studies such as the one published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, and conducted by Professor Danny Dorling of the University of Sheffild (England), explain that 40% of our ratio of happiness, is based on events of recent life.

If what we experience is a failure, an abandonment or a deep disappointment, it is common to develop a certain sense of insecurity.

On the other hand, factors such as social anxiety, The constant anguish to be evaluated by others, also causes us to develop this dimension. Thus, an authoritarian, critical and even abusive breeding and education suggests insecure profiles.

Another explanation that is Behind insecurity is that which is driven by perfectionism. When we recriminate that we are not good enough for something or someone, which we actually evidence is a deep insecurity, one that can lead us to more than any psychological disorder.

Self-control in psychology and Kanfer's self-regulation model

How are insecure people?

Insecure people show a whole series of characteristic signs.

  1. On average they are usually Very complacent profiles, that seek the approval of others, to perceive some security.
  2. They tend to be defensive and do not accept criticism, because they consider it an attack on themselves, so it is difficult to maintain a constructive conversation with an insecure person.
  3. They do not know how to manage their insecurity but they often have a peculiar skill: achieve May others feel insecure, make us question ourselves.
  4. They are beings that cannot be silent And they fill it with unnecessary talks, because they feel uncomfortable with their thoughts since they do not have a very positive opinion about themselves.
  5. They are usually joking, They seek that others laugh, but at the same time they become too insensitive to others, mocking others and themselves, in order to try to capture attention.
  6. They are competitive individuals that do not support defeat and easily absorb people who have authority. At the same time, there are too many authoritarian and compensate for their lack of trust by downloading their frustrations generally in people too fragile.
  7. As for relationships, insecure people are jealous and abusive, since they lack confidence in their partners, which means distrust and constant altercations with the members of the opposite sex.

Why insecurity arises and how to overcome it

It was the psychologist Alfred Adler who coined the term inferiority complex. With this concept he defined those people who are seen in the constant need to fight for their superiority. They sabotage the feelings of others to make them feel small, as insignificant as they really feel.

If you want to overcome insecurity, keep in mind the following tips:

1. Think positive

Change the pole of your thoughts and orient them towards positivity. Little by little, you will discover how that approach allows us to overcome fears, empty, anguish. Be critic with yourself as you are with others, but don't get it to do that to paralyze you.

2. Buy your weaknesses

Try to know your weaknesses and follow them, accept them, then transform them and put them in your favor. Think about your strengths and develop strategies that allow you.

Do not compare yourself with anyone, It is unnecessary to cause jealousy and insecurities. Feel proud of who you are. You are you, different and unique, so you do not need to take anyone as an example to feel inferior.

3. Share thoughts

Share your negative feelings with your closest friends and family. Do not repress your feelings and express your insecurities honestly, With people who care about you. They will help you feel a little safer every day, travel with you for those situations or experiences you need to work.

4. No to paranoid or meaningless ideas

If you perceive that you have entered a circle of obsessive and paranoid thoughts, it is moments of stopping that flow. They do not take you to any good destination, they only limit you and dwarf much more.

5. Have fun

Relax and have fun. Learn to disconnect to find yourself. Wrap yourself from that internal balance where to talk to your insecure mind and the fears that inhabit it. Take measures to get rid of them and learn to say goodbye, be happy, begins to be a safe person, valid for herself and proud of everything you can achieve and what you are already getting.


  • Abbate-Daga, g., Gramaglia, c., Federico, a., Marzola, e., & Secondo, F. (2010). Attachment Insecurity, Personality, and Body Dissatition in Eating Disorders. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.  DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0B013E3181E4C6F7
  • Barling, j., & Keelloway, and. K. (nineteen ninety six). JOB INSECURITY AND HEALTH: THE MODELING ROLE OF WORKPLACE CONTROL. Stress and Health. https: // OnlineLibry.Wiley.com/DOI/ABS/10.1002/(sici) 1099-1700 (199610) 12: 4%3c253 :: aid-smi710%3e3.0.Co; 2-2