Why my son blames me for everything and what to do

Why my son blames me for everything and what to do

There are family situations in which the son blames his mother, making her responsible for everything bad that happens in her personal or family life. This situation is anomalous, so that in the event that it takes place, a solution to the problem should be sought as soon as possible so that the situation does not intensify and/or chronifies.

In the following Psychology-online article entitled "¿Why my son blames me for everything and what to do?"We will talk about this issue, exposing some of the possible causes that can cause this situation, the unpleasant relational environment that is created and we will offer a small process through which we can try to stop and revert this situation to create new fraternal ties between mother and son.

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  1. Why my son blames me for everything
  2. When a child blames everything to his mother
  3. What to do when my son blames me for everything

Why my son blames me for everything

To understand the deep reasons why a child blames everything to his mother, it will be necessary has gestated and developed.

Unresolved experience

It usually happens that in the face of continued negative behaviors of our children exists a concrete origin in your past life experience.

At a certain time of his past (or for some period of time) some events occurred that were not satisfactorily resolved for our child so that some disappointment, sadness, resentment, etc. That, depending on the severity of the experiences that will be generalized to a greater or lesser extent in the child's relationship with the person who did not "properly" resolve such a situation, in this case his mother.

Mother's victimist behavior

Another important aspect that can determinantly influence that a child adopts the behavior of blaming everything to her mother is that she has a weak and vulnerable personality, which acts as a victim, that has no mood strength, etc.

In these cases, it will be this behavior of the mother who ends up provoking in her child this behavior, reflecting the anger that her son feels towards a mother who is not able to fend for herself. It is how The son's behavior can serve the mirror mother since the son shows the unconscious thought of the mother of not worth personal and of feeling guilty for everything.

Need for assertive education

A third reason why this situation may occur in which a child blames everything to his mother and is closely related to the point we have just mentioned, is that the mother has no sobriety to educate with assertiveness to his son.

In these cases, it usually happens that the mother does not clarify the situations that are living, taking responsibility for many occasions that are due to her child's behavior. The fact of not helping him take responsibility for his actions in this attempt to overprotegerlo, he can end up provoking the behavior named.

To help you in this aspect, we advise you to read our article on how to educate children well.

When a child blames everything to his mother

When a child blames everything to his mother, the son remains in a constant complaint and of attack behavior with respect to his mother. For her, on the other hand, the situation can become unbearable if it fails to establish the necessary limits and clarifications with assertiveness.

This situation can be given in different degrees and levels and can range from blaming the mother in certain types of situations or, taken to the extreme, blaming the mother for each and every one of the acts she performs. In all cases, especially in those who reach unsustainable extremes to guarantee good family life, it will be necessary The intervention of third parties (family, friends or professionals).

These people can act with the sobriety that the mother is not able to show at that time, which can help to conveniently restore the positions that each of them must occupy within the family with respectful and empathic attitudes.

What to do when my son blames me for everything

Next we will offer 5 tips so that mothers who are in this situation can address it and redirectly redirectly for them and their children. It would actually be Five steps of a process that will allow to create among them a new, positive and cordial relationship.

  1. Take awareness: To begin, it will be necessary for the mother to become aware of the situation. Recognize what happens and see the irrationality of your child's behavior.
  2. Analyze situations: secondly, it will proceed to analyze in which situations or concrete behaviors the son blames the mother. Once the situations have been registered, it will be investigated in the possible causes that cause this behavior in the child to certain actions of his mother.
  3. Identify the causes: Once the possible causes are collected, we will try to talk with the child to try to get him to end up naming the specific causes, which have generally remained unconscious so far.
  4. Dialogue with the infant: When he/herself can become aware that certain discomforts are causing these attack behaviors against her mother, she will be shown the irrationality of her behavior and how she is causing great pain in her mother.
  5. Establish a new operation: From this moment on, mother and son will try to create a new relational functioning based on the needs of both people and the use of assertive, empathic and respectful behaviors that allow them to live together in a favorable and satisfactory way establishing, thus establishing new, new ties and links between them.

Now that we have answered your question "¿Why my son blames me for everything and what to do?", If you are still interested in establishing a good relationship with your child, we recommend you read our article how to communicate better with my children.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why my son blames me for everything and what to do, We recommend that you enter our category of emotional and behavioral disorders.