Why do I feel inferior to others

Why do I feel inferior to others

One of the most obvious symptoms that we are going through a period of vulnerability in our self -esteem is that we compare ourselves with relative frequency with others. And, in addition, the nuance of the comparison acquires a negative prism for those who position itself in A role of inferiority. This attitude produces pain for those who feel less important than others in a job interview, in an exam or in the personal relationships of free time.

This tendency to comparison has acquired a new scenario in the current context from the constant projection of social networks. If you have ever wondered "¿Why do I feel inside others?"In Psychology-online we would like to help you with these observations.

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  1. 5 symptoms that indicate that you feel lower than others
  2. 5 causes for which you feel lower than others
  3. How to stop feeling lower than others

5 symptoms that indicate that you feel lower than others

If you want to know why you feel interior to others, first of all it is important to analyze yes, really, this is your situation. Here we discover some of the most common signs that will indicate that, indeed, you feel lower:

  1. Pessimism and negativity. Your initial attitude towards many of the projects you undertake is pessimism and negativity based on thoughts that repeat the scheme: "I will not achieve it". That is, even before having given you the opportunity to observe the evolution of the facts, you put yourself in the worst, while trusting the good fate of others to whom you attribute qualities of perfection. What happens in this case is that when you start with this weight of negativity, you drag this distrust energy throughout the process towards the goal.
  2. Exaggeration of difficulties and lack of awareness of personal strengths themselves. Your attention focuses more on those possible obstacles than on your internal potential. Regularly you consider that you have little luck because you give great power to others. You measure your own value based on otherness and this produces great instability because the basis of your well -being and your growth is in you.
  3. You feel in someone's shadow. That is, wherever you are, you feel that there is someone who eclipses you for some reason. This thought even generates great internal wear during your moments of loneliness since your mental dialogue revolves around this issue.
  4. Envy. This is a possible manifestation in the mood of one who in this tendency towards comparison perceives the achievements of others as the memory of one's own personal shortcomings. The person feels sad for that good that the other possesses and that reminds him of what he lacks. Envy transcends the material plane since, for example, a person who positions himself in a role of inferiority may feel jealous of the alien charism.
  5. You are worrying excessively please. That person who feels inferior and who places the other in a role of superiority, seeks his own internal statement through external approval.

In the event that this happens to you in the loving field, we recommend you read this other article in which you will discover why you feel inferior to your partner.

5 causes for which you feel lower than others

We will analyze already in a detainee Why do you feel interior to others. Here we discover some of the most common causes that can make this emotion appear.


Having felt in a secondary role in an important scenario like the group of friends. For example, those who have been part of an environment in which their voice has not been taken into account or has always been heard less than that of other leaders and more protagonists, then, they can get to a negative conclusion about your level of interest.

This situation can also occur in the professional field when, for example, a worker observes that no matter how hard he tries does not receive recognition as an external motivation, however, he does observe the congratulations that other colleagues receive by the leader. The environment of which we are part also sends us continuous messages. However, it is important that if you are in such a situation, do not let this social conditioning affect your own mood.


You are under pressure from an important moment. For example, for some time you spend a lot of space to work and little margin in your free time. Your rest level is not adequate. There is some goal in your life for which you are preparing and that date is approaching in you an intense pressure because you have deposited many expectations in the results of that test.

For example, a doctoral exam. This feeling of inferiority in this type of circumstance is usually linked to the fear that something goes wrong in the test, the accumulated fatigue that generates stress (and that affects mental hygiene), as well as perfectionism.

Memories from the past

For example, having received negative assessments from others during the Institute stage. This moment is especially significant in development towards adulthood, this is one of the reasons why the trace of that period leaves a memory that can translate into this idea of ​​lack of worth own.

Academic or professional difficulties

In today's society, personal identity is confused in many cases with the professional status itself. From this perspective, long -term unemployment can affect the person to the point of feeling lower than others because the work is connected with many other ingredients. For example, social integration, lifestyle and time occupation.

A traumatic experience

Having been treated unfairly in a close and intimate relationship. For example, a couple link marked by the comments of sarcasm and constant irony that make the affected feel ridiculed by that person who supposedly loves him. This contradiction of a love that is not manifested as such produces a distorted message in the mood.

In this other article we discover the symptoms and treatment of the inferiority complex in children so you know how to overcome this situation.

How to stop feeling lower than others

  • Find your strength. ¿What is you like to do? ¿In what activity you highlight? It is important that you spend time to those challenges for which you feel prepared because, in this way, when observing these positive results, you also realize your own capacity. For example, if you love writing, establish an leisure network around the objective by attending a literary workshop or creating a blog to share your writings.
  • Decides to live your present without establishing constant comparisons with the past. From this new stage of your life, you can establish new personal relationships. Try to choose those people with whom you feel good because your company is a positive influence on your life.
  • Try to be a good confidant and a good listener. Enjoy conversation plans with others. And during those conversations, try to attend the reality of the other without comparing it with yours. You will realize that beyond appearances, every human being has their fears, their insecurities, their wounds, their hopes, their strengths and their struggles. That is, it is very possible that instead of feeling inferior to others, you begin to experience empathy when observing everything that people unea you.
  • Identify what relationships they harm you and make decisions about it. For example, establish limits and defend your own rights. Remember that "nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent," an Eleanor Roosevelt appointment that can inspire you in those moments of mood downturn. You can repeat this idea like a mantra until a new attitude.
  • You have a lot to contribute To others because your being does not possess anyone else in the entire universe. Therefore, project your freedom and enjoy that pleasure to show you as you are.

You can overcome the inferiority complex, better growing your own essence and discovering who you really are. Taking a step towards your own love is the first thing you have to do.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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