Why do we miss?

Why do we miss?

It is valid to ask Why do we miss?, Well, this means that someone has left a vacuum in our lives.

When a person is surprised, the process can be painful. Time is required to understand why we miss and thus power overcome that feeling of wanting the presence of someone who can no longer haver.


  • Why do we miss?
  • What is felt when missing
  • What to do when we miss someone?
    • Bibliography

Why do we miss?

Strange implies longing for, missing or remembering someone very loved, experienced pain in the face of their absence or loss. This means that recognition is made, from our interiority, about the importance that person had in our life and that can lead to remain in memory and capture our attention for a long time.

When it is surprised, a feeling of continuity is also displayed, since it is longed for the situations, people or things that we love last. From there, another mode of presence arises.

In general, an activator is required to start missing a person, this can be a photo, a special date, a place, a memory and even an aroma. However, miss someone and feeling sad does not always mean that love feels. With the memories of a person, who experiences him tries to get rid of his loneliness.

When someone is loved, you want to be with that person and when a separation occurs, it begins to be surprised, experiencing a kind of need for the other person to be by our side. Must be Ensure that feeling of missing does not become a need or attachment, but it is only a significant factor, typical of a significant relationship.

When missing, the person is affected in their mood and in their affections. Many times, a person is close, but he is not valued, You are not given the time or attention it deserves, then, when the person is absent, it is irremediably missed.

I also miss It can mean learning to learn to value the presence of many valuable people In our life.

It is normal to miss someone, this can happen every day and this feeling of missing can generate crying, laughter, sadness or joy. That's why we ask ourselves frequently: why do we miss?

What is felt when missing

It is impressive the way our brain works, since it can come Store an incredible amount of details, such as aromas, sensations, flavors, images and even temperatures. This makes our mind relive experiences or feelings that mark our existence.

This capacity of our memory allows us to experience desire, love, sadness, pleasure, among others, so you learn to miss, to Feel nostalgia for everything that was, that made us feel happiness and that now it is no longer, regardless of whether it has been for better or for worse.

From childhood, we are generating interactions with other people, they become significant for us. We start when we are babies and we connect with our mother, our father ... and so We are narrowing strong ties with other people. This capacity remains in adult life, especially when they are created Friendship or couple ties, in which it is shared and coexists with the other.

In these experiences many projects are usually built together, so, after several years of having connected sentimentally, if a break occurs, it is normal for the experienced person emotions that seem contradictory. This is part of analyzing why we miss certain people more than others.

A void appears due to the absence of the person who is strange; A void to what you still want to maintain.

In the case of couples, they complement each other in many areas, so It is normal to close to other experiences, even if new experiences can be better. It is not surprising that couples do not resist well to a separation, because confuse the feeling of missing with the feeling of a love that is no longer present. Therefore, it is important to recognize to what extent it is a custom or true love.

Nostalgia may be the best option. In these cases, when confusion appears, it is recommended Leave some time to understand and recognize feelings.

Tako-Tesubo syndrome: emotions can leave your heart "broken"

What to do when we miss someone?

Some of the things we can do when we miss, in addition to stopping, why do we miss?, are the following:

  1. Do not allow us to define us: You can remember the good moments that were lived in common and keep in mind that it is a good emotion that makes us human. There is a saying according to which a person is never surprised, but the moments that were lived. These moments will remain in memory, because they are part of what has been lived. They must be remembered as something beautiful, but understanding that We are not that memory. Although there is a lot of appreciation towards a person, this relationship is not what defines us, so you cannot lose control of our lives. Although we miss, we cannot miss in that feeling.
  2. Work in us: concentrate all the energies to meet our goals and continue our improvement. That absence, instead of collapsing, must inspire and drive us towards a new destination, remembering that we still have a lot of life and paths to go.
  3. Feel thanks: or feel fortunate for having coincided with that person.
  4. Unburden: writing everything we feel, even when it is better not to communicate it to the person.
  5. Talk with another person: Talking to someone of trust can help clarify feelings and feel better.
  6. Take distractions: that help our mind or our thoughts focus on something else.

We can miss a love of adolescence, to a grandfather who left for a long time, a friend, or the moments of happiness in our childhood. That is why launching is to be faced with a vacuum that a person left, but that cannot be easily filled and it is a feeling with which one must learn to live.

Emotions and Mental Health: Nostalgia


  • Abellán, r. (2018). Inhabit and miss. The phenomenology of home and autobiographical architecture.
  • Holmes, l. (2016). Missing Subone: Exploring The Experiences of Family Members. In Handbook of Missing Persons (pp. 105-126). Springer, Cham.
  • Vink, a. (2017). Missing Persians: What Happens When Subone Disappears?. Greenhaven Publishing LLC.