Why is it important to have a good self -esteem? Types of self -esteem

Why is it important to have a good self -esteem? Types of self -esteem

Having good self -esteem can help us feel better with ourselves and increase our well -being. There are some keys to improve your self -esteem and learn to love you more.


  • What is self -esteem?
  • What types of self -esteem exist?
    • 1. Physical self -esteem
    • 2. Personal self -esteem
    • 3. Labor self -esteem
    • 4. Social self -esteem
    • 5. Family self -esteem
  • How does self-esteem form?
  • What is low self -esteem?
  • How I can improve my self-esteem? 8 steps
    • 1. Remember your successes
    • 2. Identify your strengths
    • 3. Know and know the origin of your self -esteem
    • 4. Identify and question your beliefs
    • 5. Analyze your negative internal dialogue
    • 6. Do not compare yourself with others
    • 7. Be compassionate with you and forgive your mistakes
    • 8. Learn to take care of yourself and take care of your physical appearance

What is self -esteem?

The self-esteem It is the opinion and valuation we have about ourselves. They are all the thoughts, feelings and opinions that we have been internalizing about us during our life.

These valuations form the image we have about us, which can be positive If the valuation we have is good and we like it, or negative If on the contrary we give more weight to defects than to virtues.

What types of self -esteem exist?

Self -esteem covers different areas and five main ones can be distinguished:

1. Physical self -esteem

It is the perception you have of you and How do you value physically, If you accept yourself as you are or you focus more on what you don't like about yourself.

2. Personal self -esteem

Is he concept and assessment of yourself As a person, how do you define yourself and how do you think others see you.

3. Labor self -esteem

Is he Self concept as a worker, and is formed based on the experiences, successes or failures in terms of the different jobs you have had.

4. Social self -esteem

In the image of oneself regarding their social life and friendship, How you perceive about relationships with others and your ability to relate to others.

5. Family self -esteem

Is he concept you have of you in the family area, As much as a family member of origin and in the creation of your own family.

These are the main types of self -esteem that exist, and your self -esteem may not be the same in each of them, since it depends on your learning and experiences in each of these areas.

Talk about mental health from the body

How does self-esteem form?

Our self -esteem is built throughout our lives through all experiences and learning What are we having.

Since we are little, we are receiving different learning about the world, others and ourselves. From childhood we are creating our selfconcept, And we are forming some beliefs and Valuations about how we see each other and how we believe that others see us.

Many of these beliefs that we learn can become very harmful and harmful in the way of seeing us, and can create a very negative image of us.

This occurs due to Internal dialogue that we develop, which is the way we talk to ourselves.

"If you speak negatively, and criticism and punishment of failures, that internal dialogue will have a negative influence on your self -esteem."

What is low self -esteem?

You can know if you have a low self-esteem Yeah:

  • You are very self -critical, I criticize and punish harshly to the failures.
  • You usually focus on what you don't like about yourself or your defects.
  • You feel undecided To make decisions and doubts a lot for fear of being wrong.
  • It is hard for you to assume your mistakes and you feel guilty If you are wrong.
  • Are very sensitive to criticism Of others, since when you doubt you you interpret it as a threat.
  • You have a great need to please To others and it is difficult for you to say that "no" for fear of failing.
  • You have a Great self -examination And you are very perfectionist with you.

How I can improve my self-esteem? 8 steps

Self -esteem is something we have been building throughout life, therefore we can rebuild our self -esteem and Modify beliefs About ourselves to improve our self -concept.

To do this, it is essential that you can check what the origin of your low self -esteem, what areas of your life do you negatively influence and what beliefs are at the base of your self -esteem.

There are some Keys that can help you have greater security in you and improve your self -esteem.

1. Remember your successes

We have an innate tendency to look more in the negative aspects or failures we have had, forgetting the achievements. It is important that memories all successes achieved Throughout your life to generate positive assessments about yourself.

2. Identify your strengths

We all have Strengths and qualities that help us achieve our goals and that they are our strengths. Remembering the achievements achieved in your life, you can try to remember What qualities helped you get them (Patience, persistence, responsibility ... etc).

3. Know and know the origin of your self -esteem

In order to improve your self -esteem, you need to learn from Know you well and know what is the origin of your low self -esteem. Reviewing your childhood and adolescence, you can analyze what valuation you received from your achievements and your failures and how you felt with that assessment.

4. Identify and question your beliefs

After understanding the origin of your low self -esteem, it is necessary to analyze what beliefs you have developed based on you throughout your life. Some negative beliefs that you can have learned in your life are: "The value of a person is measured by their achievements and successes" or "others do better than me".

5. Analyze your negative internal dialogue

The way we talk is influenced by the beliefs we have and the concept we have developed from us. Have a Internal negative dialogue It leads us to have an internal critical voice that sends us messages such as: "I do not use for that ...", "I am not good or intelligent enough" ... etc.

6. Do not compare yourself with others

Each person has their own qualities and defects, and focusing on yours instead of others will help you Remind you all your strengths.

You may have qualities that other people value you and do not give them the value they really have.

7. Be compassionate with you and forgive your mistakes

The Self -pity It consists in treating you in the same way that you would treat someone you love, Be comprehensive with you and know how to forgive you for your mistakes.

This is essential to increase your self -esteem and not punish you when you make a mistake.

8. Learn to take care of yourself and take care of your physical appearance

Learning to take care is essential to feel good about yourself. Take care of your physical appearance, as well as your health habits will help you feel better both inside and out, and that will make your self -esteem improve.

If you think you need help to improve your self -esteem and you would like to learn to feel better with you, get in touch with me.

Self -esteem test: A step towards self -love and trust