Why nobody speaks to me

Why nobody speaks to me

He school rejection It produces a lot of suffering not only those affected, but also, to parents. If your child goes through such a situation, tries to keep calm not to increase alarmism in the situation. Friendship is a vital ingredient of child and adolescent development. However, at this stage of life, social groups are also vulnerable to the sudden changes in attitude of the members of the gang or class. Maybe your child has asked you on occasion: "¿why nobody speaks to me?". In psychology-online we help you face the situation with a positive perspective without falling into alarmism.

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  1. Causes for which nobody speaks to you at school
  2. How to act when nobody talks to your child at school
  3. Analyze the situation without the perspective of guilt
  4. How to solve a case of personal isolation at school

Causes for which nobody speaks to you at school

In such a situation, different factors intervene that, then we will analyze:

  1. The attitude of the aggressor and the silence of the environment that gives you strength. The aggressor's own behavior usually shows a superiority complex, however, to understand the attitude of the aggressor it is also important to deepen his own family environment that refers to an unstructured system.
  2. School size. The larger an academic center, the more possibilities there are a case of this type.
  3. Lack of authority of teachers. Something that can not only be motivated by the teacher's own pedagogical experience, but also, by the current social context itself in which the teacher's figure does not have the recognition that deserves. This lack of authority leads to the problem is not solved from the first alarm symptoms.
  4. Lack of selfesteem. Although it seems contradictory, who begins the situation of indifference and isolation, undervalued the victim before others from their own self -concept. This is one of the reasons why to prevent situations of this type, it is essential to train children in emotional intelligence.
  5. Jealousy and envy. Feelings that lead to rejection when children observe in the other something they would like to have themselves.
  6. Undervalue the situation In its initial phase it leads to the aggravation of the same. What could be an isolated fact becomes a problem of greater magnitude.

How to act when nobody talks to your child at school

  1. Listen to your child, Without taking importance to what happens to you. Understand your pain and your concern for what is happening. However, you don't fall into alarmism either. Listen to him and show him your understanding.
  2. Try to find out what's going on In the school environment. In addition to listening to the child, it is also recommended that you talk to his tutor. And, in addition, if you have confidence with other parents of other children, talk to them on the subject in a face -to -face way. Trust those parents with whom you have a good relationship so far and they inspire you confidence.
  3. Use pedagogical resources. For example, select books and movies that treat bullying as useful vehicles to transmit to the child a message from empathy.
  4. Share your experiences Children with your child. Make memory and share with him some similar anecdote of the past that you lived, since in this way, he will feel more united to you.
  5. Promotes the social links outside school. If the child has difficulties in personal relationships with other children of his age, he encourages the social encounter in other environments, for example, music school, sport classes, craft workshop ... In these spaces, the child will coincide with others companions.
  6. Make notes of those situations or anecdotes that you describe (do not do it in your presence). In this way, you avoid forgetting important details that can be especially significant when you share this information with a child psychologist if, finally, the situation requires it. In addition, given the emotional impact of the moment, you can forget some details. For this reason, these annotations can help you gain objectivity in the situation.

Analyze the situation without the perspective of guilt

It may be that a child wonders why nobody speaks to him at school. This is a question that is asked in a logical and natural way who suffers this situation is that, often connects with the feeling of guilt. When a person lives a situation of group indifference, in an indirect way he experiences a Self -esteem damage that leads him to doubt herself. Especially when it comes to a development and evolution stage like childhood or adolescence.

The situation becomes significant when this indifference is frequent, that is, when the student perceives this isolation in a recurring way. Since this stage of life is also defined by the position of anger that derive in indifference but that last a short time and that are accompanied by a subsequent reunion.

Nothing justifies that a person does not speak anyone at school. This is one of the reasons why change the question "why" for "what to do from now on". If you are a student who suffers this situation, tell someone from your trust, Talk to a teacher or your parents. It is important that you communicate an adult because he will help you. And if you are a father or a mother who suffers from this situation, talk to the tutor. If the conversation with the tutor does not offer results, speak with the head of studies or with the center of the center.

¿Why it is important to keep these conversations? Because through this interaction, it is possible to know better the context of the situation since there are many variables that have generated this indifference panorama. In this way, the question: "¿Why nobody speaks to me?"Acquires a greater meaning when appealing to third parties.

How to solve a case of personal isolation at school

School is a system. What happens inside that system affects all group members. For this reason, when a person suffers indifference from others, the solution of the conflict goes through involving all members of the group towards an attitude change. And parents and teachers can generate a great positive influence.

For this reason, it is recommended that schools have an action protocol to respond to these types of situations, without waiting until they occur. That is, it is convenient to adopt a proactive and not reactive attitude. In turn, it is convenient to train students in prevention of bullying, for example, it is convenient Teach talks On this subject.

It should be avoided by positioning the affected by this situation in the role of a victim so that, with the necessary support, he recovers self -confidence as the protagonist.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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