Popper what is, types and effects

Popper what is, types and effects

At present, drug use is quite common, especially among young people. Although in some cases they may suppose some pleasure or fun, they usually cause very harmful effects on health. Popper is a drug that is also known as "liquid gold", "bananas", "snoppers" or "rush".

It is very common in party environments, being especially popular within the gay community, although at the time it was used as a drug. It is quite cheap and easy to acquire and is ingested by inhalation. Makes the person a feeling of ecstasy and much energy. If you want to know more, in this Psychology-online article, we give you information about the Popper: What is, types and effects.

You may also be interested: drug classification - WHO and its index effects
  1. What is Popper
  2. Popper types
  3. Popper effects
  4. Popper medicinal uses

What is Popper

¿What kind of drug is Popper? Popper is a liquid drug that contains amilo nitrite that is administered by inhalation. Causes a sudden climb and acts as a sexual stimulant. Specifically it is a psychoactive drug which has harmful effects if ingested regularly. Currently, it is the second most consumed drug after cannabis.

In this article, you will see the classification of drugs according to WHO and its effects. Keep reading to know the effects of Popper on the human body.

Popper types

There are multiple types of poppers. The main ones are the following:

  • Amilo nitrites: It is the oldest and currently one of those that has the most powerful effects. The effects take longer to appear but last longer over time.
  • Pentile nitrites: they are the best known and the ones that are most sold. Its climb is more immediate and is a bit slower in which its effects disappear.
  • ISOPROPILO NITRITO: It is the purest formula of Popper and is very powerful.
  • Mixed formula: New types that arise from combining the previous three have been created: butyl nitrite, isoamil nitrite, isopentile nitrite, isobutil nitrite and 2-professional nitrite.

Popper effects

¿What effects Causes Popper? Being inhaled, the effects of Popper appear very fast. Let's see what are:

  • Produces a stimulation in the person and a Vasodilator effect. The person feels euphoric and with a high sexual desire.
  • Relax the sphincters, Reason why it is also known by the names of "sexual drug" and "gay drug". In addition, it favors erection.
  • Upon effect, in which control over the body and our behavior is lost.
  • The reaction capacity decreases And the person's language begins to be incoherent. These effects only last 2 or 3 minutes, as opposed to the side effects that can cause.

Sometimes it is mixed with ecstasy or LSD to enhance its effects on the body. All these effects occur because, contrary to the disseminated myths, if they have effects on the nervous system. In this article, you will find more information on the effects of drugs on the nervous system.

Side effects of Popper

Next, we will see the side effects of Popper:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headaches.
  • Eye redness.
  • Congestion.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vasodilation produces Hypotension and tachycardia.
  • When ingested by the nose causes nasal hemorrhages.
  • May cause loss of knowledge and diarrhea.
  • Increased aggressiveness.
  • In the long term it can cause Damage to the retina irreversible that will cause a loss of vision, as well as erectile dysfunction.
  • If consumed orally, it can cause blindness, brain damage, Organic and even mortal insufficiency can be mortal.
  • Another effect that can be caused is methemoglobinemia, That is, the blood stops transporting oxygen.
  • In the long term, a allergy To this drug.
  • They cause one Great tolerance. In a short time they stop taking effect and more quantity is needed to obtain the desired effects.

Regarding its addiction, it has not been seen that it causes withdrawal syndrome, although it can Generate some dependence by relating better quality of sexual relations with the consumption of this drug. In this article, we tell you what are the types of addictions and their consequences.

Today there are great defenders of this drug since its consumption is not associated with labor or family problems as it would happen with high consumption of alcohol or other drugs. However, it is important to take into account all the side effects that can cause.

Popper medicinal uses

Formerly, it was used as a medicine for different types of ailments, such as Angina of chest. However, its use has to be less due to the risks. At present it is only used for cyanide poisoning.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Popper: What is, types and effects, We recommend that you enter our category of addictions.
