NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and work stress. Intervention Techniques in Occupational Risk Prevention

NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and work stress. Intervention Techniques in Occupational Risk Prevention

The purpose of this work is to try to make a contribution for my part to the great existing debate in the working world about one of the psychosocial causes or factors that have the greatest influence on the production of accidents at work, and considered as one of the worst diseases of the 21st century, what is work stress.

Based on the conviction of the great contribution that the techniques of the P.N.L. (Neurolinguistic programming) They can contribute to the reduction of stress levels and minimization of such psychosocial risk in the provocation of accidents in the work environment, I intend with this work to open a broad debate on the intervention techniques of P.N.L., both in organizations or companies, and in individuals so that sooner or later within the work centers, it can be able to establish adequate strategies of communication, detection and prevention of the states of accidents at work and occupational diseases; this in the search for its reduction and minimization of its consequences.

In this Psychology Line article, we will talk about the NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and work stress. Intervention Techniques in Occupational Risk Prevention.

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  1. Introductory summary
  2. What is stress?
  3. Language as a communication technique for prevention
  4. Language as a communication technique for prevention
  5. P.N.L. and occupational risk prevention. Contributions
  6. NLP, work stress prevention and intervention techniques
  7. The mobbing
  8. Burnout syndrome
  9. Conclusions

Introductory summary

In chapter 1 of this work, about ¿what is stress?, I have omitted a greater deepening about everything concerning stress, because there are already numerous publications that define it, although nevertheless it was mandatory for me to provide some definitions, to make a reference of the facts that cause it and of the diseases that constitute its "somatization" and of course, the slight reference to the recommended techniques for the minimization of its effects.

In chapter 2, I perform a assessment regarding the situation in which the work stress is regulated by the Spanish labor legal system and the diverse jurisprudence created by the various social courts; to enter more directly into chapters 3, 4 and 5 to Value the contribution than p.N.L. (Neurolinguistic programming) It contributes in the fight against the already considered disease of the 21st century, as indicated above and the obligatory reference that also made to two concepts derived from work stress, which are: the "mobbing" and the "Burnout syndrome".

In Chapter 6, I allow myself to perform some Final assessments that constitute the final conclusion of this work.

This work is nothing but a modest contribution to the existing debateE in society and specifically in the work world, in the idea of ​​achieving greater awareness in the prevention of the risks derived from labor stress and that probably constitute the basis of the majority of accidents that occur in the field of work.

What is stress?

Since that student of the 1st.930, Hans Selye, established the name of "Syndrome of being sick" to what he later called "stress", numerous have been the definitions that have been given to this term from the varied disciplines in whose study they are involved, such as Medicine, biology and psychology.

Hans Selye himself defined stress as "The non -specific response of the body to any demand from abroad".

Other authors define it in different ways:

"Stress is a substantial (perceived) imbalance between demand and response capacity (of the individual) under conditions in which the failure to this demand has important consequences (perceived)" (01).

"It is the anxiety response that a person experiences when he has to face some demands that are excessive," to clarify that stress "is an individual process, a subjective perception, that is, the person evaluates their situation and her abilities, and it is her opinion and not the reality that matters for her "(02)

"For me it is nothing other than a great disharmony, a battle that the person librades between what he is and what he does, between his internal being and his life in the world, is in summary what we call a fleeing forward that we pushes to do more, more and more continuously, without stopping, without stopping "(03).

Apart from considering the result of many investigations, in the sense of giving as valid the accredited belief that there are certain personal characteristics that predispose certain human beings to suffer stress; It is appropriate to affirm that The demands of work That they turn out to be causes of stress in people, they are the following:

  • Work overload
  • Tax work rhythm
  • Role ambiguity
  • Role conflict
  • Training deficiencies
  • Insecure future in employment
  • Bad personal relationships
  • Lack of participation
  • Dangerous physical context
  • Great responsibilities
  • Performing dangerous tasks

As diseases overcome as a result of stress, the majority of authors agree to frame them in two large groups (04):

Acute stress diseases (Brief and intense exposure):

  • Ulcer by stress
  • Shock states
  • Post traumatic neurosis
  • Obstetric neurosis
  • Post -surgical state

Chronic stress pathologies (exposure for months or years):

  • Dyspepsia
  • Gastritis
  • Anxiety
  • Accidents
  • Frustration
  • Insomnia
  • Nervous colitis
  • Migraine
  • Depression
  • Aggressiveness
  • Family dysfunction
  • Neurosis of anguish
  • Sexual Transctors
  • Labor dysfunction
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Addictions
  • Cerebral thrombosis
  • Antisocial behaviors
  • Severe psychosis

As Techniques to control the physiological effects of stress, In order to reduce the symptoms and creation of anxiety that it carries with it, they are: are:

  1. Relaxation techniques
  2. Breathing techniques
  3. Meditation and mental relaxation techniques

Language as a communication technique for prevention

In accordance with the provisions of the Framework Directive of the European Union in the field of health and safety, every business organization is obliged to evaluate how many factors affect the risk of accidents at work (and among which stress are Find) (05). Spain, as a member country of the C.AND.AND., approved in 1.995 The so -called Law of prevention of labor risks in whose article 18.1 established such obligation on the part of the companies and whose subsequent development imperatively established the obligation on the part of any business organization to establish the appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce all labor risk, through the proper prevention, organizational measures, of protection and training regarding their own workers (06).

However and despite the fact that work stress constitutes precisely An important cause in the production of risk and provocation of the accident at work, To such a pathology does not refer to labor legislation expressly.

In Spanish labor legislation, the concept of "accident at work" is defined as "all bodily injury that the worker suffers on the occasion or as a result of the work he executes for others" (07), although in a broader way the consideration of the consideration of Occupational accident also extends to those damages derived with the purpose of the work developed; This is: occupational diseases, pathologies or injuries suffered (wounds or blows).

Said the above, it must also be said that the so -called "Occupational diseases"They have the consideration of" in the Spanish labor systemWork accident"said, although they enjoy a particularized protection regime. In this case, they constitute "Occupational diseases", those that have the same cause as the work accident, that is, that these are contracted on the occasion of the work done by others. To enjoy such consideration, such diseases must be among those previously established in a "" "listed" diseases by activities and the result of certain substances also included in the "substance or elements" table "indicated for each type of disease ( 08).

Interestingly, it is necessary to highlight that Stress is not within the "disease picture" previously indicated, so such "normally" pathology when suffered by the worker, this is usually attributed to consequences and occasions other than the workplace.

Despite what was said above, and although currently it is not expressly normalized that stress constitutes a job disease, many courts in recent years have been establishing the "alleged labor" of injuries that occurred in the place and time of work, work time, such as cerebral hemorrhage, certain cardiac lesions, nerve excitement, and even certain situations of stress at work. This is so, because such social courts, in the cases indicated, have been considering that the proof of the absence of unleashed labor circumstance must be demonstrated by who alleges it, which constitutes an "investment of the burden of the burden of the Test "In favor of the consideration of work of such pathologies (09).

In recent years, the theses that consider the existence of certain harmful stressful agents such as derived directly from work and that the worker can be subject to certain psychosocial factors in the work environment that can cause the stress situation that he can suffer and suffers in certain cases. In fact, in recent months, it has been expressed by representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the commitment to proceed to review such a situation and update the aforementioned "disease picture", adapting it more appropriately to current times.

It would not be difficult to assume that such "update" of labor legislation will soon be a fact, especially if one takes into account that a study recently conducted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at work (created by the Union European), it is stated that in the field of the European Union one in three workers experiences stress and other disorders associated with it (10).

Language as a communication technique for prevention

The puff pastry (anonymous story)

"A wise stranger arrived in Aksehir. He wanted to challenge the most learned man in the city and introduced Nasrudin.

The wise drew a circle on the ground with a stick. Nasrudín took the same stick and divided the circle into two equal parts.

The wise drew another vertical line to divide it into four equal parts. Nasrudín made a gesture as if he took the three parts to himself and left the fourth for the other. The wise shook his hand towards the ground. Nasrudín did otherwise.

The competition is over and the wise explained:

- ¡This man is incredible!, I told him that the world is round, he replied what passes the terrestrial equator through the medium. I divided it into four parts, he told me "the three parts are of water, the fourth is earth". Asked "¿because it rains?", replied" the water evaporates, rises to the sky and becomes clouds ".

Citizens wanted to know Nasrudín's version:

- ¡What kind of glutton!, He told me: "If we had a puff pastry tray," I said "half is for me".

I wonder "¿If we divide it into four parts?", I replied" I will eat the three parts ". Proposed to me "¿If we throw ground pistachos?", I said" good idea, but a high heat is needed. He was defeated and left ... "

After reading the previous oriental story, we will not find it difficult to agree that Each person is a victim of their own interpretations. Communication is vital for all human beings, because "we are always communicating" something, and it is truly important to do so that our message is duly "interpreted" by our interlocutors. That is, we need our message to be properly transmitted, understood and perceived.

Language is so important that even with the proper use of it, programs for chronic stress relief and associated ailments such as headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, stomach problems, anxiety, depression, etc ... and as such as Affirms dr. Matthew Budd, "linguistic acts have the power to alter the state of the body. By our daily experience, if someone shouts "fire", our pulse accelerates and the rhythm of our breathing increases rapidly ". The aforementioned DR continues to report. "Just as we have somatic or emotional habits, we also have language habits. These habits have their own life. Do not wait miracles while making observations about its "internal conversation" and their conversations with others. As your ability to observe, new possibilities may be at your disposal "(11).

Communication is very important In the development of occupational risk prevention activities, because an aspect of enormous interest constitutes the true awareness of agents interested in the convenience of putting the necessary means and interest in due protection for the avoidance of accidents. If the problem that affects the prevention of occupational hazards is not treated and transmitted in the appropriate "language", the policies or activities carried out in this regard will be dedicated to failure.

To transmit and sensitize in "prevention", the people responsible for carrying out such objective will have enough "sensory acuity" to become true communicators. With the techniques of the P.N.L., This will allow them to "connect" with the "system of representation" (view, heard, smell, taste, touch or common sense) of both entrepreneurs and workers, so that they internalize such sensitivity in this matter.

P.N.L. and occupational risk prevention. Contributions

"Our presupposition is that any human being who comes saying" help, I need help "has already tried with all its conscious resources and has failed miserably. However, we also assume that somewhere in their personal history has some set of experiences that can serve as resources to help them get exactly what they want in this particular situation. We believe that people have the resources they need, but they have them unconsciously and are not organized in the right context ... all we have to do is take the resources from there, where they are, and place them where they need them ".

John Grinder and Richard Bandler

¿What is P.N.L.?

The p.N.L. It is a discipline whose field of action is The structure of the subjective experience of the human being, That is: how we organize in our mind what we see, hear and feel, and how we review and filter the outside world through our senses, also explore how we describe it with language and how we react (both intentionally or not) to produce in us certain results.

It was created in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who took as a starting point the scientific study of the treatments used by certain modelic therapists such as Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson (among others) that were distinguished by their extraordinary results, as well as having managed to improve or cure people who suffered incurable diseases. These two creators started from the observation, then tested their observations and subsequently built a model that gave rise to a set of work and work procedures used immediately with enormously satisfactory results.

The acronym for P.N.L. (Neurolinguistic programming) "baptism" of their authors, respond to three terms:

- P: Programming: Term that refers to the process that follows our system of sensory representations to organize our mental strategies or in other words, the mental "programs" that each person we have established. All person's behavior derives from a "mental program" that it has.

- N: Neuro: Term that starts from the idea that all action and all behavior of each person is the result of a neurological activity (mental activity) since each "works" executing their "programs" through impulses. Neurons, nerve pathways are the basis of the person's brain programming.

- L: Linguistics: Term that refers to the fact that the person's mental activity and the organization of their operational "strategies" are externalized through communication in general and language in particular. Language, as indicated above constitutes a distinctive characteristic of the human being since we continuously communicate with the outside and with ourselves.

Until today, P.N.L. It has been developed by both its creators, as by a series of subject scholars and enriched with an almost unlimited series of techniques that make it become considered modern and effective (personal therapy, organizations' therapy, etc. …). Such is its degree of importance that these techniques are of enormous utility in all areas of knowledge (and for all professions), confirming its effectiveness in the following fields:

  • THERAPY: Anxiety, stress, phobias, relationships, lack of trust/self-esteem, parents-child relationship problems, addictions, anomalous behaviors, complexes, sexuality, future approaches, etc ..
  • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Achievement of personal goals, improvement self -esteem, establishment of success strategies, etc ..
  • EDUCATION: Teaching and communication techniques for the increase in capacities and learning performance, techniques for "learning to learn", etc ..
  • Work/company: Motivation, stress control, use of resources, creativity, development and achievement of objectives, leadership, competition, negotiation, etc ..
  • Organizational applications: Programs, unlocking negotiations, convincing communication systems, persuasion, conflicts, preparation interviews, etc ..

¿What can the P contribute.N.L. to the prevention of occupational hazards?

The statement that the human factor is responsible for 100 % of accidents at work, constitutes a unanimous feeling in anyone who has been devoting himself to the development of the tasks of occupational accident prevention. This is also stated by Professor José María Cortés Díaz in his book "Occupational Risk Prevention Techniques", who even clarifies that "behind a technical failure always, ultimately, we find the human factor" (12).

In numerous studies on the importance of the human factor in the production of accidents, it is considered accredited that of every 100 accidents, 85 are normally due to insecure practices, compared to one that normally comes to occur due to unsafe conditions (on which states that such a condition is caused precisely by someone). In reference to the remaining 14, it is stated that these were produced by the combination of both causes; What should undoubtedly lead us to the conclusion of the responsibility of the human being in 100 % of the accidents produced.

Such data show us The importance of "communication" in the prevention of such situations, because through the establishment of the adequate "communication channel", many of the accidents produced could have been avoided.

Having arrived at this place in this work, it is worth noting that from the labor administration itself there is the conviction of the enormous utility that the P.N.L. You can contribute in the establishment of a series of factors that are decisive in the improvement of working conditions. This is so, if we proceed to read the story of certain technical prevention notes (N.T.P.) that implicitly or explicitly refer to such techniques as "flattering" of the preventive "message" and among which the n should be specifically highlighted.T.P. Numbers 423 and 424 dealing with "Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): Applications to improve working conditions" (13).

In the aforementioned notes, it is expressly indicated that "it would seem strange to talk about neurolinguistic programming when dealing "Improvement" courses (personal control over problems that prevent or hinder development). However, lately the P.N.L. has had great relevance in the world of communication. The p.N.L. He has contributed to the complex world of personal relationships, which always suppose a communicative situation, ideas and instruments to be able to better analyze the process of "transfer" of data and, above all, to be able to influence more actively on the efficacy of transmission ".

In studies that have been carried out in labor safety and in the reduction or elimination of accidents, the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at work (agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) is considered as Adequate security technique, The performance of the human factor in the following areas: selection of personnel, training, training, propaganda and group action.

In this regard, P.N.L. You can make with respect to each of the aforementioned areas, the following contributions:

  1. Staff pick.- Accommodation of the human being to the job that is more consistent with its personal characteristics. Carrying out all this through the "metaprograms".
  2. Training.- Improvement of knowledge about the work that is done through the development of the "adequate and dynamic learning system" for workers in order to act on their "behavior", avoiding risks and doing the safest job, because "thinking "It is properly to see something important that makes us see what we had not seen, which also allows us to see what is not even visible.
  3. Training.- Teaching and development of one's own resources, skills, skills, knowledge and behaviors to adequately fulfill their work; or failing that, "modeling" of those who are necessary for this purpose, since to acquire communication, organization and leadership skills that define success, it is only precise (in addition to having one's will), having the method appropriate.
  4. Propaganda.- Change of attitude in individuals through information provided, through a process of "internalization" in the various "representation systems" that are predominant in the recipient subject of the same. This through proper use of language.
  5. Group action.- Psychological techniques of group dynamics through the use of "perceptual positions" and the development of "Rappord" techniques, which in turn favors continuous improvement within the organization or company.
  6. Incentives and discipline.- Techniques for increasing motivation so that every worker can conduct themselves in the proper way in the avoidance of accidents and favoring the appropriate mood and bodily. This with techniques such as "metamodel" or "metalanguage".

NLP, work stress prevention and intervention techniques

"It is totally ineffective to want to help someone telling him what he should do, since the only effective help you can receive and above all accept, it is to allow him to find for himself the solution that suits him through the entrepreneurship of a constructive dialogue,".

Catherine Cudicio

There are a number of diseases produced by psychic and social agents, the result or consequence of automation, labor division and specialization in simple and repetitive tasks that lead to the dehumanization of work, monotony and lack of interest of workers, in addition to Another series of social factors such as: salaries, work organization methods, promotion policy, etc ... that can produce the worker certain type of psychosis, depressions, nerasemias, etc ... and among which it stands out especially for its Importance, work stress.

Nevertheless and despite the enormous advances that are being carried out in the Terrero of the Prevention of Risk at Work, since in 1.995 The Occupational Risk Prevention Law was approved, both by the Administration, Social Agents, or by the entities accredited for the evaluation of occupational hazards, still today there is a great lack for the development of instruments of evaluation of psychosocial factors that can produce such accidents. Organizations or companies that have specific programs to face such risks are practically non -existent, love the current existence of a true "sensitivity" lack of not considering as a priority the prevention and the fight against this type of risks by all those of all those of all those of all those direct protagonists, which are entrepreneurs and workers.

Among the important occupational risks motivated by the conditions and circumstances in which the work takes place, as I have previously indicated, not yet sufficiently addressed in a completely effective way; There are work "stress", certain type of pathologies inherent to certain "addictions at work", the "isolation" sensations in workers who perform schedules to shifts, "mobbing" (psychological violence), "Burnout syndrome "(" Burned "syndrome)," sexual harassment "at work; and even extreme situations such as the one called "Karhosl" ("Sudden Death").

The repercussions of such "sufferings" constitute a great relevance on the normal development of the activities of organizations or companies and in their own personal and family life of human beings that are affected by such situations.

Without a doubt, as most authors point out, the best way to overcome stress is to avoid it, but the big question is the ¿As?.

The Intervention techniques For the elimination of work stress, they are developed through two types of specific interventions:

  1. Intervention About the individual
  2. Intervention About the organization

Intervention on the individual

The n.T.P. No. 349 (13), establishes as intervention techniques for stress prevention, the treatment of behavior problems in the person of the worker in order to promote the adaptation capacity of the individual, classifying these techniques in: general, cognitive, physiological and behavioral.

The contribution of P.N.L. In the effective achievement of these intervention techniques, it would be clear and their performance in the different classifications developed by the indicated N.T.P., It would be as follows:

  • Technique of General intervention: With the development of techniques and various P exercises.N.L., The individual would not be to specifically define those resources that he would need to "mobilize" to face such stress situation, or get it not to occur.
  • Technique of Cognitive intervention: With the development of P techniques.N.L., On the part of the individual, a made available to the situation would be obtained, with observation of it from various points of view, or in other words, finding by the protagonist of the stress situation, of his self -observation both from his own position , from a different one, and even from that of a third objective. This would have the consequence of changing its perception and its own "stressful" form of observing reality, its interpretation from other "perspectives" that had not been raised so far and its own evaluation and self -assessment of the problem.
  • Technique of Physiological intervention: Both physical relaxation exercises, those of breathing control and "disconnection" that are part and accompany all techniques and exercises of P.N.L., Already by themselves constitute an adequate intervention technique that, being associated with the determination of certain "submodalities" in the subject, favor the achievement of the proposed objective in terms of control of stressful situations.
  • Technique of Behavioral intervention: The techniques of the P.N.L., They favor precisely the promotion of "chosen" adaptive behaviors by the subject itself as the most appropriate to face the situation, since they are pre-expressed by the interested party through "bridges to the future exercises" in which it is the own subject who "experiences" in a non -traumatic way the usefulness of his free selected behavior.

Around this issue, it should be concluded that the development of the techniques of the P.N.L. In the business field and taking the individual as a subject of the intervention, they would not only be adequate to the object of prevention and elimination of labor stress in the worker's person, but even favor the resolution of problems of another type that would also have an incidence in the Action of your job.

B) Organization intervention

The n.T.P. No. 438 (13), clearly stands out as the main intervention technique on the organization, the performance on two differentiated planes: 1.º Through study and scientific research, such as with the analysis of work redesign, introduction of flexible schedules, and even participation in decision making. 2.º Through the development of other types of methodologies not scientifically proven, such as improvement of environmental conditions, enrichment of the tasks developed by the person, change of schedules, changes in management styles, increased formation, adequate management of the management of Human Resources, introduction of new technologies and redefinition of the structure and organizational climate.

As fundamental contribution of P.N.L. In their speech on organizations or companies, it must ". Such "resources" could well be those of "choice", "congruence" and "challenge", as some authors and researchers point out (14). With the development of P techniques.N.L., The following objectives may be achieved:

  • The chose": This is understood as the ability and will to respond in different ways, achieving the balance or midpoint between the resources available in the company and the difficulties, establishing in such a case appropriate control measures and influence on their areas of interest.
  • "Congruence": With the establishment of methodologies that allow "sensitizing" all personnel in their integrity in favor of common objectives, achieving an interconnection between the general and particular objectives of all its components, all in the same direction and ending the conflict and situations of conflict and lack of communication.
  • The challenge": Through the achievement of proposed final objectives and through the "check" of certain partial objectives through the test-operation-test.

Say around p techniques.N.L. For intervention in organizations, which are very suitable, since every company constitutes a "system" and as such, any modification on any of its "components" favors a "turn" in a different direction. The development of P.N.L. In the world of the company, it favors creativity and the obtaining of new methodologies in all areas that constitute it and this would undoubtedly be very useful in the prevention of occupational hazards.

Then we will make special mention to two types of stressful situations That for its increasingly frequent manifestations in the work centers, they require a differentiated mention: mobbing and "Burnout syndrome".

The mobbing

The "mobbing", also qualified in various ways such as "psychological violence", "Psychological harassment at work"," Workplace harassment "," Labor Psychoterror "; it means in short the Presion exercised by bosses and co -workers, By envy, competition and selfishness, on any new employee in any job.

Heinz Leymann affirmed about the "mobbing" that "the concept of mobbing is defined by chain over a quite short period of time of attempts or hostile actions consummated, expressed or manifested by one or more people towards a third: the goal " (fifteen). Such an appreciation, also coinciding with another of the authors who have developed studies on this subject, Professor Iñaki Piñuel and Zabala, who states that "in the workplace, the mobbing points out the continuum and deliberate verbal and modal abuse that a worker receives from another or others, that they behave with him cruelly with a view to achieving their annihilation or psychological destruction and obtaining their departure from the organization through different procedures "(16).

In the N.T.P. No. 476 (13), several ideas are contributed to contribute to the prevention of this problem emphasizing the importance of its consequences and the need to identify it in time, giving it a solution at its earliest phase through the following Actions:

  • Try to affected the achievement of "social support"
  • Make a design of social relations in the company according to the relationships independent of the work
  • "Training" of workers in interpersonal relationships.
  • Articulate representation systems. Reception and integration of people newly incorporated, without forgetting the consideration of the company's culture in the personnel selection.
  • Activity developed by internal psychology services, as a permanent service of assistance workers.

But without a doubt, in my opinion, the great contribution for the reduction or elimination of "mobbing" is carried out through a wide study of this problem by Professor Iñaki Piñuel and Zabala, who proposes a whole methodology to face said situation by affected people (16). For the monitoring and implementation of this methodology, I am of the opinion that the techniques of the P are very effective.N.L. As indicated, according to the sections established for said method:

1.º Identification of the problem As "mobbing" or "workplace harassment": the identification of the problem by the affected person and their awareness that such fact is taking place, constitutes an action that is simple to take effect through various techniques of " visual/quinesthetic dissociation "and through" metalanguage "developed by P.N.L., favoring the high self -esteem that such a precise person.

2.º Emotional deactivation: Awareness and identification by the person of the "negative" sensations that the aforementioned harassment produces to it, with P techniques.N.L. that allow him to "recover" the "control" on his reactions, "observing herself from various perceptual positions.

3.º Preparation of the answer To psychological harassment through extroution: development of the person's own internal resources and their own self -esteem and self -confidence, determining which of those of the resources developed throughout their lives are those that will "put into play", " recovering them "in the" temporal line "in which they manifested successfully.

4.º Overcoming the problem and integration of the vital perspective of the victim: "Taking of reins" of his own life by the affected person and development of techniques that allow the establishment of a "bridge to the future", through which this person "leaves of affecting "the way in which he has been affecting and seeing, feeling, listening and even smelling his own control and that of his own personal and professional life.

To overcome "mobbing", P.N.L. It has a set of techniques through which the subject assumes his own responsibilities in achieving his objectives and in all what depends on himself and in a "ecological" way, in his own benefit and without harming third parties.

Burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome or "Burned Syndrome"For work, it constitutes a ailment that already has as precedent in our country, recognition in 1.999 by a Court of Justice (the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country) of such a worker and whose conclusion or sentence establishes recognition as Work stress regarding the work accident suffered by the worker in question.

Although in the resolution the aforementioned court failed in favor of a worker in a production workshop, the legal reasoning of the aforementioned sentence could be equated to other professions. In the aforementioned sentence, the court understands and thus considers it accredited, that the profile of the worker who developed his work in said workshop, and a textually story, "is a very characteristic type of stress that occurs in those professions of those who do their work In contact with other people who, due to their characteristics, are subjects of help, such as teachers, health personnel or social workers ". In this case, the worker was dedicated to organizing the production of a workshop by directing disabled employees and had as functions "to obtain an acceptable level of productivity and labor effectiveness".

In 1998, the worker's head doctor extended the medical leave arguing Sleep disorders and physical-psychic exhaustion. Given such symptoms, it was his own heart doctor who referred to a mental health center, where he was diagnosed "a personal wear or burnout syndrome", being described as "a chronic adaptive disorder with anxiety as a result of the interaction of the interaction of the work or employment situation ".

The contribution that P.N.L. It can take effect in such cases, it is not different from those techniques that are applicable for the recovery of those workers victims of work stress, despite the fact that workers affected by this type of stress of the "Burnout Syndrome" constitutes a type of chronic emotional stress with very marked features of physical and psychic exhaustion, cold and depersonalized attitude with respect to the others in their surroundings, feelings of personal dissatisfaction with the tasks to be performed.


"Many people believe they are" slaves of the past "and that" "Psychological wounds leave scars for life". I have a few physical scars that ever hurt me a little; When I look at them, they are only reminders of what happened to me in the past, which let me know what I have to avoid in the future. Fortunately, the mind can heal itself even faster and more than the body; The unpleasant events of the past can be transformed into resources for present and future well -being ".

Connriae and Steve Andreas

Throughout the present work and in a very basic way the issue of the contribution of the P has been addressed.N.L. (Neurolinguistic programming) to intervention techniques in the prevention of occupational hazards and more specifically in terms of application in the elimination of labor stress.

The contributions of the P.N.L. There are many and practically reaching all areas of knowledge, since communication constitutes the fundamental basis of any interrelation between human beings and their environment, being precisely in that area where these techniques reach their greatest achievements. Needless to say, that the techniques of the P.N.L. They are perfectly Compatible with other types of techniques that can be used in the achievement that we can propose for the elimination of work stress.

Today, as stated throughout the content of this work, it has not yet taken roots in society and in the world of work the adequate sensitivity to address the issue of stress in the work centers with the necessary effectiveness in the workplace. Even today, the enormous relationship between this growing disease of the 21st century and the production of accidents at work has not been properly valued, despite the enormous efforts made by various professionals of professionals to eradicate such situations (17).

Also on the other hand, we also begin to be protagonists of the tasks that on the other hand try to develop trade union organizations in this area (18 and 19).

But all this might not seem sufficient in the light of the results of the "chilling" data that specialized reports reveal: increased stress costs at work and the growing incidence of depression (20).

The p.N.L. in this case constitutes an instrument, From my very valid point of view For employment in reducing work stress, against which without a doubt it has not to be scattered in the use of media for elimination.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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