Manipulative people. How to discover and disassemble them

Manipulative people. How to discover and disassemble them

All people have ever fallen into the traps and entanglements of manipulative people. Those people who convince you of what the best for you is the best for them, Until finally you are doing things you really didn't want to do.

Those people who have no qualms about asking you to put their needs before yours. Those beings that after getting what they wanted from you, They are not even grateful. That feeling of feeling cheated and disappointed can be one of the worst that someone can have.

If you feel identified with this topic, in this post we will explain how to recognize a manipulative person, how to discover them and disassemble them with simple techniques that we propose here.


  • What is a manipulative person
  • How is a manipulative person in a relationship
  • How are manipulative people? 4 characteristics
    • 1. They perfectly recognize your weaknesses
    • 2. They are relentless when achieving their goals
    • 3. They never have enough
    • 4. The feeling of control
  • How to discover manipulative people
  • Can a change manipulator for better?
  • How to disarm a manipulative person
    • Bibliography

What is a manipulative person

The manipulative person in psychology is known as the one who has a Machiavellian personality. They are people who are usually characterized by having cynical behaviors, without principles and with a tendency to think that manipulation is the key to achieving success in life.

According to some studies, such as the one carried out by the psychologist Jones (2011), these people are not impulsive, but tend to reflect on the way they will act, which is usually very prudent to, in this way, get maximum personal benefit.

Machiavellianism and the dark triad of personality

How is a manipulative person in a relationship

In certain couples it usually exists that one of the two people is manipulative, which exerts control over the other. Manipulative people They take advantage of the weaknesses and emotional shortcomings of other people to exercise their influence on them and get almost total control over their actions and even their personality.

These people need to feel superior to the rest of the others, so they will have no problem humiliation and discredit it in front of everyone, doing this, the manipulating person will believe that he is giving an increase in their own self -esteem.

The Messiah Complex, people predestined to save the world.

How are manipulative people? 4 characteristics

1. They perfectly recognize your weaknesses

Manipulative people are specialists in Identify your weaknesses, They are their biggest weapon to hurt you, since if you falter in your convictions, or if there is anything that you do not feel proud, the manipulator will find it and torture you with it.

2. They are relentless when achieving their goals

This means that manipulative people They pass over whoever necessary. When they draw up an objective they do not measure the consequences until it is achieved.

3. They never have enough

Manipulative people never make up what they have, so They always want to have more, They seek to reach new horizons at the expense of others. When they see that their abilities allow them.

4. The feeling of control

These individuals when they feel they have control of the situation, They make them feel superior to rest of the people. That is an effect that intoxicates at the same time and that chains in the constant search to maintain or improve the level reached.

Manipulative people enjoy trampling others, thus reflecting an empty and poor interior, which are full of lacks and insecurities and seek to protect themselves with that false appearance of power and control.

How to discover manipulative people

According to psychology, manipulative people tend to choose different types of strategies to exercise their power.

  • They make you believe they are victims of society And that everything around them goes against them, so it is almost impossible to refuse their requests
  • The objective of the dependent manipulator is make you think that you are the superior so that somehow do everything that he is not able to do.
  • They act provocatively and challenging, getting what he wants to avoid a dispute between the two
  • He discredit It is another type of strategy used by people who want to achieve everything at the expense of others. They are believed to be able to do anything and will treat by all means excel. The only way they pay your attention is by realizing favors towards their person.

Can a change manipulator for better?

I can probably change. But only if he or she are willing to go through a self -discovery process. For conscious manipulators, there is the unique opportunity to evolve towards better, which means acquiring cunning self -consciousness, carrying out decent actions, practicing conscientious communication, being able to solve problems constructively and be able to participate in healthy relationships and positive.

Victimism: Signals that someone is "doing the victim"

How to disarm a manipulative person

In this list, we present a series of guidelines that can help you disarm a manipulative person and not fall into their tangles.

  1. Be conscious
  2. Identify your behavior with different people
  3. Keep the distance
  4. Take your time to reflect
  5. Learn not to say
  6. Don't feel guilty
  7. Be firm in your decisions
  8. Control your emotions
  9. Accept your personality

So you know, if you are on the path of life with one of these perverse criminals of souls and you manage to recognize it, do not hesitate to use all the weapons that you now have to stop it once and for all.

Test: Are you a manipulative person?


  • Joybell, c. The importance of finishing what you start.
  • Moraga, f. R. G. (2015). The dark triad of personality: Machiavellism, narcissism and psychopathy. An evolutionary look. Criminality57(2), 253-265.
  • Nacho Ibañez. Personality. Jaume I University. 2015