Psychological profile of scammers 11 characteristics

Psychological profile of scammers 11 characteristics

It is important to know the psychological profile of the scammers, especially today when many abound, which also have almost invisible manipulation strategies in which any victim could fall.

In some criminal codes, The scam is typified as an artifice or any means capable of deceiving or surprising the good faith of another, inducing some in error and seeking, for himself or for another, some kind of unfair benefit with prejudice.

Psychological profile of the scammers

It could be said that One in fifteen people falls into what is called a trusted hoax, That is, a scam in which, through persuasion, someone manages to act in a way that would never have done.

Having common sense, being educated or believing "know them all", are not key to avoid being a victim of scams, since anyone could fall into one of these.

The crime of the scam is known with many names, all different. For example, for the Romans, the scam was known as 'bad deception', 'bad intent' (Dolus Malus). Subsequently, it was designated as a variety of 'falsum', a word that comes from 'failure' or 'deceive'; Finally, with private law, this criminal action as 'Estelionato' was called, which wants alludes to 'all deception, dissimulation or imposture in fraud of another'.

In any case, Today, the scam is cataloged as a type of fraud, in which money or value things are requested or removed, with artifice and deception, and with the mood of not paying.

In the forensic field, the word scam means: 'committing some of the crimes that are characterized by profit as an end and the deception or abuse of trust as a means', as the author is conceptualized by the author José Rafael Mendoza in his study on the crime of the scam.

Many scamming people are ambitious, attentive, and constantly evaluate where some kind of benefit can obtain.

In addition, trust plays a fundamental role, then The more data gives one person to another, the risk increases, because the scammer becomes a person who will be aware of his possible victim.

Another curious fact is that victims often keep what they will do, that is, they do not comment with their near circle how much they will invest -in the case of scams with money -, so no one can warn him about the danger.

There are people who also have some features that make them more vulnerable and, to know the scammer profile, It is also important to recognize which features make victims more vulnerable.

Victims usually form relationships with strangers in an easy way; They are impressed with people who demonstrate authority. Also, if they receive a small gift, they feel inclined to return the favor and thus a dangerous relationship is formed. This is because People usually obey those who have authority and this is used by scammers in their favor. Similarly, scammers appeal to the feelings of the other person, including their fears.

It has been commented that scammers have a narcissistic personality, they are lovely and play with the art of seduction. In addition to this, they do not feel regrets, but justify their way of acting. That is why, since psychology, it is considered that many times scammers have psychopathic profiles.

Psychopathy is characterized by being a personality disorder in which there is an affective deficit and lack of respect for the rights of other people. To this is why the psychological profile of the scammer is associated with this type of disorder.

In everything, some of the traits of the psychological profile of the scammers could be the following:

  1. They are intelligent: Well, they observe people very well and relate to the pattern in which they behave and then use it in their favor.
  2. They reserve others: it is Say, they see them as things and they treat them.
  3. They gain people's trust: for its physical appearance, or for being sympathetic or lovely and pleasant at all times.
  4. They show self -confidence: And they act very naturally.
  5. They are self -centered.
  6. They lie about their identity, his studies, his place of residence, among others.
  7. They are eloquent.
  8. They have cognitive distortions that help them sustain their way of seeing reality.
  9. They are skilled to distract and divert the attention of the victim.
  10. They can play the role of "victims", To manipulate others.
  11. They usually impede by people with authority, or be important.

A lot of These scamming people actually have few achievements in their life, They are dedicated to the scam and not to their personal growth. They have an incredible word capacity and use it to convince their victims. In addition, they have a good presence, which helps other people approach and not fear.

Profile of people with the greatest propensity to be scammed

Among the preferred profiles to cheat are the people they identify as more vulnerable, such as older people, unemployed, tourists, people with economic deficiencies, and other similar.

After committing the scam, the scammers usually disappear from the municipality or the area.

The best recommendations to avoid being a victim of scammers is always having good information; Do not comment on investments with people who are not from your trust environment.

It is also recommended Do not provide your card number and distrust what requires urgent money.

When you are a victim of a scam, it is important.

Finally, it is worth mentioning two curious cases that are part of the greatest deceptions in history and that even arrived at the cinema. One of them was Frank Abgnale, who in 1960 supplanted his identity up to eight times And he redeemed fake checks, committing a scam of 2.5 million dollars. The film inspired by this character is called Catch me if you can, Or stick me if you can, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Leonardo Di Caprio.

The other case was that of Nick Leeson, in 1995, who caused the Barings bank to break, Making a 1st scam.400 million dollars. This case arrived at the cinema starring Ewan McGregor and is titled The Great Farol.

It is necessary to be alert, therefore, there are scams that are novel and more traditional, but all coexist and it is important to avoid falling into scams, especially now, in times of crisis.

What is forensic psychology?


  • Fernández, m. B. (2018). The crimes of fraud in the Criminal Code. Editorial Center for Studies Ramon Areces SA.
  • Mayer Lux, L. (2014). The conclusive deception in the crime of fraud. Chilean Law Magazine41(3), 1017-1048.
  • Mendoza, j. Study on the crime of the scam.
  • Teruel Carralero, D. (1956). Mendoza, José Rafael. Yearbook of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, 367-369.