Perception of people and stereotypes relationship between stereotype, prejudice and discrimination

Perception of people and stereotypes relationship between stereotype, prejudice and discrimination

In the following Psychology-online article, we will try to define a series of complex concepts that we all usually use in many social and labor contexts: Stereotype, prejudice and discrimination. Let's see below what is the definition of each of them and how we can differentiate them to use them correctly.

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Relationship between stereotype, prejudice and discrimination

If it starts from a concept of 3 components (cognitive, affective and behavioral), in the case of a negative attitude towards a group:

  • Stereotype: Set of beliefs about the attributes assigned to a group.
  • Prejudice: Affection or negative evaluation of a group.
  • Discrimination: Partial or negative behavior in treatment of people under their belonging to the group or category.

Brightman: The stereotype serves to rationalize the hostility that a prejudiced person feels towards certain exogroups: justifying function.

VINACKE: Synthesis between the two positions: stereotypes are the expression and rationalization of a prejudice, although they may also express at all a prejudice.

Attitude concept of 1 only component (cognitive):

  • Fishbein and Ajzen: "The stereotype equals a belief or opinion, and prejudice to a negative attitude towards a group".

Although there is correspondence between stereotypes and prejudices, there are stereotypes that are not associated with prejudices (positive stereotypes).

Stroebe and Asho: Empirical relationship between prejudice and stereotype, between the attitude towards a group and the evaluation of the features attributed to it. > Next: History of stereotypes in social psychology

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