Short positive thoughts daily to reflect

Short positive thoughts daily to reflect

In our day to day, the attitude we choose to take is essential to face every moment since, depending on it, we will adopt some thoughts that will make us feel in a concrete way and we will act according to this. Schematically, there are two general vital attitudes: a cheerful, positive, optimistic that activates innate force and pushes us to live life with dynamism, strength and trust and another dark, negative and full of distrust, which turns out our original vital joy and leads us to adopt destructive attitudes towards ourselves (fear, distrust, isolation, etc.) or towards others (aggressiveness, attack, defensive attitude, etc.)

We all yearn to live according to the guide granted by our own inner strength by delivering it to the world and trusting life and people. However, the wounds lived during the children.

In the following Psychology-online article, we will propose a series of short positive thoughts daily that encourage our soul to awaken and abandon fears, uncertainties and distrust in favor of a calm attitude of opening to life. We will expose thoughts in several blocks: thoughts to start the day with an attitude of confidence in life, thoughts to recover calm in times of crisis, thoughts to strengthen our will, thoughts to stop conflicts and thoughts to have a repair dream during the evening.

You may also be interested: short life phrases to reflect index
  1. Good morning thoughts
  2. Love thoughts to reflect
  3. Positive Motivation Thoughts
  4. Short positive thoughts of life
  5. Thoughts to have a repairing dream

Good morning thoughts

The attitude we adopt when we get up condition our work throughout the day. Some of these phrases can help us face every morning trusting our strength and interior potential. The phrases of mood and strength help us to have a positive attitude. Let's look at these good morning positic thoughts and for the beginning of the week:

  1. Good thoughts, words and works for today
  2. Wisdom, love, purity, goodness, peace, mercy, harmony, truth
  3. I open my heart to receive all the light of life inside
  4. I trust that life takes care of me
  5. I breathe calmly and calmly to open myself to the good of life
  6. I give all my life force to the world
  7. I choose to enter this day from the force of light that I am
  8. Peace for everyone
  9. I start the day with goodness and joy
  10. I join my neighbor to face this day in a calm and strengthened way
  11. We are all one
  12. I turn on the life force inside me
  13. Quiet and confident path
  14. Life holds me and protects me
  15. I choose to see the goodness in others
  16. My soul longs to live in peace
  17. Nothing will turn off the flame of my interior
  18. I need others to live in peace
  19. True beauty is found in the union of hearts
  20. My heart burns
  21. Joy of life, inner strength, fraternal union, peace
  22. I give my service to the improvement of the world
  23. I accept being careful for my neighborhoods
  24. Joy breaks any darkness
  25. My heart sings calm

In this article you can see more positive phrases in life.

Love thoughts to reflect

We continue with positive reflections of life. When we are in delicate moments we tend to lose and end up sunk in distant depths. These thoughts can give us strength to combat the interior evil that, at that time, does not allow us to see the light. Let's look at the best thoughts to recover calm in times of crisis:

  1. I reject the fear and any evil that attacks me
  2. I clean my eyes of the dark look
  3. With help I am stronger
  4. I remain calm in the storm
  5. (Inspiration), Paz ..., (Inspiration), Peace (Expiration)
  6. I do not allow my inner light to go out
  7. I keep going despite the stones of the road
  8. My life force overcomes pain
  9. My heart flies high and calm
  10. Evil and pain have an expiration date
  11. I do not allow anything to usurpe my peace
  12. I just can not
  13. I open my heart to dissipate pain
  14. I choose good thoughts to recover calm
  15. I remain at peace despite the pain
  16. I face this moment with force and courage
  17. This moment will strengthen me
  18. I smile despite everything bad that may happen
  19. My loved ones calm me and accompany me on the way
  20. Although it seems that the fight never ends, I will defeat
  21. I recover your calm inside me
  22. Just at this time I am aware of the force that lives in my soul
  23. It will never overcome evil inside me
  24. Despite not seeing the light, she protects me
  25. I trust that life pushes me towards the exit

Positive Motivation Thoughts

We continue with short motivating phrases to reflect. This series of short positive thoughts and messages will help us motivate us towards action. The thoughts to strengthen our will are the following:

  1. I can, so sorry and act in that direction
  2. Moving me fills me with life
  3. I abandon laziness and my comfort zone
  4. If I organize, I will get it
  5. The breath of my neighbor feeds my soul
  6. Each step is a great achievement along the way
  7. Despite the backward steps, I keep moving forward
  8. I am closer every day
  9. I know where I go and I choose to take care of myself to move on
  10. My mistakes give me wisdom
  11. I will never stop
  12. The journey is easier than my mind lets me see
  13. Together we will win
  14. I just can not
  15. I will get rid of the web and the road will become straight
  16. As much as stones come out on the road, I keep going
  17. Any type of help is well received
  18. If I don't know, I ask
  19. Just breaking the chains we can walk
  20. Believing that I can't be a lie
  21. Little by little, step by step, I keep moving along the way
  22. I listen to the voice of my heart that guides my path
  23. I Ido the voices that discourage me
  24. The same path is the reward
  25. I look inside the force that allows me to advance

Short positive thoughts of life

We will also see words of encouragement in difficult times. In conflict situations, the following series of thoughts will allow us to stop them and pacify the situation:

  1. I do not want evil to anyone
  2. There is a cordial solution, we will find it
  3. In no case, violence justifies nothing
  4. I choose not part of this conflict
  5. Peace for all good hearts
  6. I ask you, life, calm and calm inside us
  7. I love my neighbor
  8. I refuse to harm anyone
  9. I stop my altered mind
  10. I open the gaze of the heart
  11. I join my neighbor, it is not my enemy
  12. I give up my pride to recover peace
  13. Maybe he's right, but I prefer to stop this
  14. Romo borders, limits and separations
  15. I open to understand the pain of others
  16. I reject egocentrism
  17. Little is it more worth the union of hearts
  18. United we will create something better
  19. Okay, I stop this
  20. I don't want to continue fighting
  21. Please help
  22. With this little conflict I contribute to increasing evil in the world and I don't want
  23. Peace for all good souls
  24. The resentment inside me
  25. I move away from evil in all its forms

In the following article you will find words of condolences.

Thoughts to have a repairing dream

As at the beginning of the day, to have a repair dream it is very important to dedicate a few minutes before bedtime to visualize certain thoughts that allow us to reconcile a quiet dream and help us get up the next day with renewed force:

  1. My body, my mind and my spirit rest suspended
  2. I'm going to have a quiet and repairing dream
  3. Heavyness of my mind
  4. I relax my body and mind to sleep in peace
  5. All my concerns rest at this time
  6. Nothing will disturb my calm dream
  7. I remain in a state of calm and sleeping
  8. My breathing is calm
  9. I accept the rest for the recovery of my body
  10. I allow myself to rest to calm my body and my mind
  11. I choose beautiful and dildos dreams
  12. Today's break will be strength for tomorrow
  13. I do not allow anything to alter my rest
  14. I long for a break to pacify my soul
  15. I choose to dream things that allow me to rest
  16. That this dream strengthens my interior
  17. I respect my need for rest
  18. Peace for this repair dream
  19. Rest is a very important form of self -care
  20. I sleep to take care of myself and that's wanting me

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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