Intrusive thoughts Why do I always think things?

Intrusive thoughts Why do I always think things?

Have you ever felt immersed in a world of intrusive thoughts that you don't know how to get out? You have experienced the unpleasant feeling of not being able to expel an idea or thought that damages you from your mind? If you are going through this situation or you know someone who is living this episode, in this post we will tell you how to do so that you leave once for all those intrusive thoughts that do not let you live in peace.

Obsessions are intrusive, repetitive and disturbing thoughts that remain in our minds for a long time despite the attempts to flee from them. They are those intrusive thoughts that we do not want to have, and however they end up coming to us again and again, disturbing our calm and making it difficult to concentrate.

Giorgio Nardone exhibits in his book "I think later" that doubts are the launch trampoline of our creative thinking, but also the spring of obsessive thought. In the first case the doubt is dominated and oriented, leading to the discovery of new thoughts. In the second, it is fought and repressed, and becomes the tyrant who pursues thought.


  • What are the causes of intrusive thoughts?
  • Intrusive thoughts consequences
  • How can we stop them?
    • 1. Meditation
    • 2. Meditate and exercise
    • 3. Try to see the positive face of things
    • 4. Look at the thoughts from afar
    • 5. The exhibition
    • 6. You are not your thoughts
    • 7. Note in a notebook
    • 8. Visit the psychologist
  • When is it necessary to contact a professional?
    • References

What are the causes of intrusive thoughts?

There are many causes that establish such thoughts. On the one hand, it can be related to the obsessive compulsive disorder, or appear in moments of stress and anxiety. And it usually happens in most cases for having suffered a traumatic situation in the past and has not been managed. Thus the thought is there sleeping, but it reappears.

According to Therapychat, such obsessions seem have its origin in a desire to control what surrounds us. What is sought in the effectiveness and success of our actions, but the actions are the consequence of a previous decision.

When this becomes a dominant thought, we have a good problem. Since it is very difficult to control such thoughts and become the center of our life and does not let us advance, The mind paralyzes us. If this allows us to make a normal life, such as moving to go to work or go out with friends, we need help.

Because Such intrusive thoughts have already taken control of our life And this does nothing but establish all kinds of both physical and psychic symptoms. And it is we who must have control of our thoughts and emotions, not vice versa.

Intrusive thoughts consequences

Intrusive thoughts attract serious consequences since they tend to appear complicated psychic problems to cope. Thus developing an obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC), anorexia, anxiety, depression, and other more serious consequences that we cannot stop.

How to stop the mental energy wear

How can we stop them?

1. Meditation

Meditation has been shown as a great tool for many mental and physical ailments. If we actively practice it, it will help us control disorderly thoughts and symptoms derived from these, which are those of anxiety.

2. Meditate and exercise

To stop intrusive thoughts and make them not stay there, it is necessary to learn to meditate, control breathing and thus divert these bad thoughts in other positive. He physical exercise It is also really important because it allows us to dismiss and relax at the same time.

3. Try to see the positive face of things

Although it sounds easy to say it is difficult to apply it. But negative thoughts only lead us to a spiral of bad sensations and the best is Contribute positivity and optimism daily with all the things we do.

4. Look at the thoughts from afar

Another thing we can do to remove intrusive thoughts, is to observe them from outside and see that that is not good and can destroy us.

5. The exhibition

The exposure is one of the methods and treatments that the psychologist usually uses, where he exposes the patient to the thoughts, images and situations that cause this problem to face and can control.

6. You are not your thoughts

We must accept that we are not the thoughts we have in mind because they appear unintentionally and we must control them and most importantly, learn to select them.

7. Note in a notebook

Many psychologists recommend patients who point such intrusive thoughts in a notebook. This technique will work as a kind of liberation, because they stay there and they will not. The specialists recommend doing it early in the morning to dedicate a few minutes to it, and not think about this again. They are the minutes for this that they must be reduced to end it until one day the time is for it because there is no longer.

8. Visit the psychologist

If you notice that the problem persists, you must go to a professional, who will be in charge of studying our thinking and will also apply the treatment that must be faced.

When is it necessary to contact a professional?

If intrusive thoughts are recurring and become an obsessive vicious circle that you do not see yourself capable of leaving, affecting your daily life, subtracting you significantly quality of life, It is recommended that you visit a specialist with whom you can analyze your situation, Discovering the causes of the appearance and maintenance of obsessions, learning tools that will make you can learn to think in a healthy and effective way.


  • Christoff, k. (2012). "Thought thought: neural determinants and correlates". Brain Research 1428: 51-59.
  • Winston, s. M., & Seif, M. N. (2017). Overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts: a cbt-base guide to getting over frightening, obsessive, or disturbing thoughts. Retrieved from https: // = gu4hdgaaqbaj