Paratimia what is, causes, examples and treatment

Paratimia what is, causes, examples and treatment

Ideoaphecitive incongruity is among the psychological disorders of affectivity, which encompasses emotions, feelings and mood. In the case of paratimia there would be an unconnection between these elements, and the way of expressing them. That is, what it feels like is not the emotion that is expressed.

If it has ever happened to you or happens to someone known, keep reading to discover the causes of paratimia, paratimia types, some examples and treatment that would apply.

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  1. What is paratimia
  2. Causes of paratimia
  3. Types and examples of paratimia
  4. Treatment

What is paratimia

First, let's see the definition and meaning of paratimia. Paratimia refers to a difficulty when expressing emotions. This, also known as Discordance or IdeoAffective incongruity It is the unconnection Among the emotions felt with the emotions expressed, that is, although the person feels a certain emotion, he expresses a totally opposite. This can lead to many problems, since if the rest of the people do not understand their difficulty, they can feel offended and consider disrespect what has been expressed by the individual.

The paratimia can have two parts or components, which we will see below with examples:

  • Discordance can refer to The intensity When expressing an emotion, that is, its intensity is greater or lower than adequate, such as laughing scandalously in a play.
  • Para matimia or affective discordance also refers to Type of emotion that is expressed in itself, such as laughing when it would be serious.

Causes of paratimia

Paratimia usually appears as consequence of other disorders. The most common is to see it as a symptom of schizophrenia, especially in the case in which the negative symptoms of schizophrenia occur. On the other hand, brain damage can also produce a palatimia. This damage may be due to trauma or some dementia or neuronal degeneration.

It also can also be seen as a symptom and consequence of a personality disorder such as, for example, bipolar personality disorder. It is also quite common in depressive manic psychosis. Therefore, it's how we commented, it is not common to suffer from this disorder in a unique way.

Other affective symptoms that we can find in mood disorders are abulia and emotional lability.

Types and examples of paratimia

There are various types of paratimia depending on how.

  • Paratimia: The most common is the aforementioned, in which an emotion is expressed that does not match what it feels like. This happens, for example, when someone laughs at a burial or cries at a wedding. Another example is that the person tells you that he is suffering, and even wants to take his life as he smiles.
  • Positive paratimia: It consists of showing a state of euphoria and hyperactivity. It is quite common in the manic phase of bipolar disorder or in organic disorders such as Moria, which is that after a brain trauma, the person would enter a state of euphoria or mania as a symptom of a brain injury, which in That moment is still reversible.
  • Negative paratimia: The opposite occurs in the previous one, there is a state of sadness more or less durable over time. It is quite common in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder.

The paratimia should not be confused with affective indifference. This consists of the inability to express an emotion or inability to change their emotional state. In paratimia, different emotions can be expressed and, in general, change from one to another.


Paratimia has regularly pharmacological treatment. It is quite common to use antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytics In order to alleviate the symptoms although, as we commented, as it did not present in isolation, this medication is usually administered to alleviate the other symptoms of these disorders. This type of medication is used in order to relax the person and facilitate the correct sending of neurotransmitters.

On the other hand, as a psychological treatment, it would be a Emotional education in which the person could understand when they must express each emotion. Likewise, the facial expressions corresponding to each emotion would be shown and said expressions would be rehearsed with the person.

However, the most important thing is to attend to the cause of the problem and take it into account for its solution since if, for example, the cause is an organic cerebral damage, that rehabilitation would take more place while the problem of origin is a disorder of The most appropriate personality would be the aforementioned medication.

On the other hand, another function of psychological treatment is to ensure Adhesion to Pharmacological Treatment, since it is quite common for the patient to refuse to take medication, which could increase the problem since there would be a greater amount of mismatches in the transmission of neurotransmitters causing such psychological disorders.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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