Binaural waves, sounds that feel like drugs

Binaural waves, sounds that feel like drugs

In the world of modern life, there are different situations that can generate sadness, anxiety or fear. To combat such feelings, many people choose to escape reality through drugs. Such illegal substances produce various changes in the nervous system, leading to altering mood. However, these types of chemicals generate long -term negative effects, so they are regulated.

At this point, it has been found that it does not necessarily have to resort to narcotics to feel these effects. Well, they exist certain sounds that can lead the individual to generate an altered state of consciousness similar to that of drugss. These are called Binaural Waves or Pulses.


  • Binaural waves
  • Binaural wave benefits
  • Psychological therapies with binural pulses
    • References

Binaural waves

Sound perception is a phenomenon that takes place thanks to information from both ears. First, each of the ears captures a slightly different stimulus, as these are separated by the head. Therefore, the distance leads to the sound to be delayed a few seconds to arrive from one place to another. In this way, it is in the brain that the heard is combined and a unique sound is generated, creating in the brain the perception of three -dimensionality.

Now, when we talk about binural sounds, the mechanism operates differently, it is about Tones of slightly different frequencies that arrive separately. Upon listening to them, a 400Hz sound is transmitted in the left ear and in the right of 410Hz, when combining a remaining 10Hz. This remaining is what generates the Binural pulse, that is, low frequency waves. This effect was discovered by Heinrich Dove in 1839.

Binaural wave benefits

By entering the issue of binural waves, it is important to clarify their effects on the body and demonstrate if they have any kind of benefit. In this case, the answer is affirmative, then The 10Hz pulse is transmitted directly to the brain, specifically to the mesolmbic zone. This is responsible for controlling emotions such as joy and sadness. In this way, binural sounds have the ability to generate various positive effects. Among them, They allow to improve mood, produce calm, well -being and stimulate positive thoughts of gratitude.

The experience generated by binural waves is individual, Each person experiences its effects differently. But, certain people mention reaching altered states of consciousness, having lucid dreams, feeling relaxation, eliminating their discomforts and being more creative. All this, thanks to the habit of listening to Binaural Sounds.

It is unusual to compare binural pulses to a drug since, generally, the latter refer to substances ingested or injected. Nevertheless, Binural pulses are the effect of a sound that stimulates certain sensations. In this case, the comparison comes because the State that induces these waves is quite similar to that of drugs such as marijuana or cocaine. For example, they can generate the impression that the body is out of reality.

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According to Emiliano Martín, president of the National Drug Plan, the first immersion of Spain towards drugs was in 1975 with the boom of heroin. At the moment, Spain is one of the countries with the greatest consumption of illicit drugs in people from 14 to 35 years old. Taking these data into account, it is expected that binural pulses become very popular. Since, it seems that people are constantly in Search for ways to escape reality.

In this thread of ideas, substances that are traditionally classified as drugs have the ability to modify the nervous system. In the long term, they can become very harmful and, as if that were not enough, they have a strong addiction potential. In relation to Binaural pulses, it has not been shown to produce damage to the body or that they are addictive. In this way, they would not necessarily have to classify them within the category of 'drugs', since the generated sensations are also very similar to those produced by meditation or guided visualization.

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Psychological therapies with binural pulses

Due to the above, binural pulses have not only become noticeable as a method of evading the world. Rather, its positive effects have led to them being considered as Great therapeutic tools. In this way, there are therapies based on binural pulses.

It has been shown that They have worked in people with anxiety, depression, stress and concentration problems. However, it should be remembered that psychological therapy cannot be neglected, so Binural pulses would represent a complement, rather than a therapy itself.

Binaural pulses are easily accessible, therefore, even if you do not attend a therapy, you can live the experience yourself. There is an almost infinite library of binural sounds on YouTube and Spotify, where you can listen to them. The recommendation is that they are heard with headphones at any time of the day at least half an hour. However, it is recommended that they are not used by people with epilepsy or personality disorders.


  • Becoña, e. (2021). Evolution of consumption. Addiction and drugs in Spain: 1975-2020. Man Project. Extracted from: https: // project man.It is/articles/Elisardo-Becona-Evolution-Consumo-Droga-Addition-Spaniard-1975-2020/
  • Castro, c. (2022). Binaural pulses, sounds that alter the brain and are used as 'auditory drugs'. The independent.
  • Domínguez, c. (2015). Binaural waves and their effects. Cruz Cruz Azul Cooperativa.
  • Medina, m. (2022). Binaural sound therapy and its benefits. Mixtli. Extracted from: https: //