Do you hate others or do you hate yourself?

Do you hate others or do you hate yourself?

Hate to others could actually hide a hatred towards himself, as indicated by several studies and authors.

Hate is a feeling that is characterized by aversion, antipathy, repulsion or enmity towards a phenomenon or a person, which can lead to the person who suffers from wanting to cause harm. However, hatred of others can hide low self -esteem, resulting from situations lived in the past, perhaps in childhood or at the early stage of life.

All this, if not being treated, can lead to tragedies, not only for others, but for the same person who suffers from it, since it could experience depression or some emotional instability disorder in your personality.

Hate to others, what hides?

Many people who feel hatred towards others, but who actually hide a hatred towards themselves, cause damage through excessive alcohol intake, harmful substances or through food disorders. Another way in which these people hide their discomfort is isolating themselves, since they usually feel shame. In the end, the person with hate towards others avoids feeding well or sleeping enough, that is, it is not taken care of how.

But, the most curious thing is that hatred of others implies a hatred of oneself. That's why, Many incur torture and humiliations to other people, without analyzing what they hate in themselves. In most cases, the enemy who believes is to see outside resides is inside and, in an attempt to silence this fact, the other is trying to annihilate the other.

An example of this was what Sigmund Freud explained in 1918, in his essay entitled The taboo of virginity, in which he said: "Precisely the small differences (among people) are, when there are other similarities, the origin of the feelings of strangeness and hostility between them". This could explain why brothers, who are so similar, hate each other more strongly than strangers, when their genetic material is the same.

This fact has led to some authors considering that it is not the differences that lead to men fighting each other, but just the opposite: their similarities.

Author Piedad Bonnett, in her study on hate discourse in contemporary society, indicates how hatred can lead a person to want to destroy, because feeling hate implies discomfort and instability. However, it also emphasizes that Hate begins to harm those who feel it, since who feels hate needs time and energy, so, He who hates, tends to become obsessed with the object of hate and examine every thing he does, giving attention that is excessive.

It is worth remembering the words of Charles Baudelaire, for whom "hate is a drunk at the bottom of a tavern, which constantly renews her thirst with more drink", or as Caroline Emcke said: "Hate does not suddenly manifest itself, but rather cultivate ".

On the other hand, author Silvina Fernández, in her article entitled Hate and its deployments: some peculiarities, He emphasizes that for Freud hate was a manifestation "of the struggle of self to be preserved and affirmed", which could be interpreted as a reaction against the hostility of the world.

Unsatisfied needs

It is to contemplate that, when a person does not obtain the satisfaction of a need, the means he has to move away from pain are the defense mechanisms, which, instead of leading him to face rage, leads him to repress it. These are the following:

  • Desensitization: by interrupting and prohibiting the sensations of rabies;
  • Projection: When you feel angry and instead of expressing it, it is deposited in the other, thus removing the responsibility of what you feel. This is manifested through critics, or rejection;
  • Denial: by replacing the expression of rage with more accepted ones, denying what he feels and disconnecting from his emotions;
  • Introjection: if attitudes, beliefs and ideas regarding rage are incorporated;
  • Retrople: When the anger is contained inside and somatiza, among others.

There are cases of patients who show that they suffer from unsatisfied needs, especially recognition, which leads them to experience frustration and with it, I hate.

Hate to others hides a frustration of not feeling satisfied with themselves, feeling insufficient.

This could realize why many Haters They do not seek so much damage the other, as to calm the discomfort they feel internally and do so through humiliation, criticism and teasing.

In these cases, the social networks and anonymity they offer are conducive, since in this way emotions are reinsant, thus converging in what Zimbardo called as "de -individual", that is, a state of consciousness of himself in which interest in social evaluation and limits against prohibited behaviors are weakened.

All this allows us to conclude that hate towards others what it truly keeps is a hatred towards itself, a low self -esteem and a level of dissatisfaction with life.

The antisocial personality disorder: symptoms and treatment


  • Bonnett, p. (2019). Notes on hate discourse in contemporary society. From the Freud Garden: Psychoanalysis Magazine, 177-186.
  • Fernández, s. (2013). Hate and its deployments: some peculiarities. Barcelona psychoanalytic space. March.
  • Freud, s. (1918). The taboo of virginity. Complete workseleven, 185-204.
  • Glucksmann, a. (2019). Hate discourse. From Freud's garden19, 328-333.
  • Romero, e. Q. (2001). Resentment in personality disorders. Behavioral psychology9(3), 489-512.