Object Filia, a strange sexual attraction

Object Filia, a strange sexual attraction

The object has returned to the forefront after some headlines in which it could be read that A woman intends to marry a plane, Specifically with a Boing 737-800. The 30-year-old woman says she met her "love" in March 2014 at Berlin-Tegel airport. According to the young woman, He was attracted to his ailerons, for his wings, for his thrusters. Assures that he felt a strong attraction to the plane. However, it was not until five years later, in 2019, when they finally let him approach the device and sit on his wings. Moment when the young woman took the opportunity to kiss the plane.

In various interviews, the young woman has expressed that "I want someone to marry us and ask me if I want to spend the rest of my life with my 737-800 and I say yes, we kiss and we can be together forever.". It also states that "When I play his wings, I immediately sweat my palms of my hands and excite me". On the other hand, the young woman expresses her desire that this type of relationship will stop being seen as something strange and that they begin to normalize. At this point, many will be wondering what the object is really. Let's go there!


  • Object
  • What is a disorder?
  • Paraphilia and paraphilic disorders
    • Conclusion


The object is a paraphilia that is defined as emotional and sexual attraction towards objects. It is a simple definition whose explanation and understanding is more complex. There are numerous cases of people who claim to be attracted both emotionally and sexually by an object. If we investigate the networks, we will find news and videos in which we can observe this phenomenon. Several questions are those that come to mind when we read about this type of events: Is it a disorder? To do this, we will review what a disorder, a paraphilia and a paraphilic disorder is.

What is a disorder?

According to the DSM-5 (2014), a metal disorder is "a syndrome characterized by a clinically significant alteration of the cognitive state, the emotional regulation or behavior of the individual that reflects a dysfunction of the psychological, biological or development processes that underlie their mental function. Usually, mental disorders are associated with significant stress or disability, whether social, labor or other important activities ". With respect to the object, and in the case of the girl who intends to marry a plane, we observe that the definition of disorder does not clarify much if our protagonist can suffer from it.

Finally, the DSM-5 adds that, "Socially anomalous behaviors (whether political, religious or sexual) and existing conflicts mainly between the individual and society are not disordersAles, unless the anomaly or conflict is due to a dysfunction of the individual as described above ". We observe that although the behavior is anomalous, it does not necessarily have a disorder. So that, establish that the object is a disorder or not, it is not a simple task. Therefore, we are going to investigate a little more in paraphilia and paraphilic disorders.

Mirror exposure therapy, what is?

Paraphilia and paraphilic disorders

As the DSM-5 describes, paraphilia is related to "Any intense and persistent sexual interest different from sexual interest in genital stimulation or preliminary caresses within spoiled huanas relationships and with physically mature and phenotypically normal couples". A paraphilic disorder "is a Paraphilia that causes discomfort or deterioration in the individual or a paraphilia whose satisfaction entails personal damage or risk of damage to third parties. A paraphilia is a necessary but not sufficient condition to have a paraphilic disorder, and paraphilia by itself does not necessarily require clinical intervention ".

In the definition of paraphilic disorder it can be seen that for a paraphilia to be considered disorder it depends on the fact that paraphilia causes discomfort or deterioration in the individual. This description throws some more light with respect to the object. In the case of our protagonist in love with the plane, the data is insufficient to make a reliable diagnosis are insufficient. However, we already know that an important part So that your "affair" with the plane is considered a disorder, will depend on the degree of discomfort that causes you in your day to day.


Maybe behind our protagonist does not hide a disorder as such, which does not mean that there cannot be any type of affective disorder. It has been verified throughout the article, that classifying a behavior as a disorder is not always an easy task. It is important to note that although other people's behavior is most anomalous, disorders cannot always be considered. In this case, feeling excitement for an object and specifically feeling attraction to a plane, it is not the most common type of attraction, so it would be necessary to speak with the protagonist of the object and elaborate a psychological profile in depth.