Obesity and adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence

Obesity and adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence

Adverse experiences and toxic stress can be really destructive and manifest throughout the course of life. Numerous research has concluded that many of these responses have a physical, mental and social level, they can be harmful in the adult health stage, they can respond to adaptive coping responses to these events through psychopathologies and pathologies, such as heart disease , Addictions to substances, behavioral, way of relating to food, digesting emotions, eating disorder and obesity, which may correspond to adverse situations in childhood (American Academic of Pedriatrics).


  • Relationship between obesity and abuse or abuse
  • Impact on psychosocial progress and general well -being
  • Multifactorial process
  • Symptoms of disorder
  • Stress coping
  • Alterations. Anxiety and stress
  • Steps to strengthen healthier habits
    • 1. Recognize one's own feelings
    • 2. Communicate and share with someone of trusted
    • 4. If they harass you
    • 5. Selfconcept
    • 6. Deep sadness
    • Conclusion
    • References

Relationship between obesity and abuse or abuse

Studies have shown the relationship between obesity and child abuse (emotional and/or physical), have been assigned as possible causes of these adaptive responses or ways of relating to food and ways to fill these experiences or emotional gaps. Using in these cases, The consumption of food as a compensatory way of the lack or emotional vacuum and hostile context with greater probability in childhood or adolescence. Compulsive behaviors in certain cases after experiencing abuse or abuse can be manifested as adaptive behaviors to these experiences, especially sexual or emotional abuse. In addition, the possible causes originated in different forms of aggression, such as harassment or persecution in school (bullying), giving rise to different consequences in psychosocial evolution (López-Navarrete GE, Perea-Martínez to , Loredo-Abdalá a., 2008)

"The experiences of abandonment/instability and deprivation or emotional abuse, negligence and secrecy added to low self -control and self -discipline

Impact on psychosocial progress and general well -being

Obesity in childhood and adolescence have harmful results in psychosocial progress and general well -being; It can have long -term negative consequences, greater probability of experiencing isolation, intimidation, insults, humiliation, emotional and even physical aggression, they are often victims of humiliation and social marginalization by equals, primarily in school. The consequences of bullying (Bullying) can lead to not having friends (friendship friend poor psychosocial adaptation, which increases anxiety, isolation, loneliness, depressive feelings, lack of self -esteem and behavioral problems. (López-Navarrete Ge, Perea-Martínez A, Loredo-Abdalá to. 2008).

Desensitization and reprocessing by ocular movements (EMDR)

Multifactorial process

The progress of obesity is multifactorial, they are due to biological reasons (p. eg. Psychogenetics), Behavioral (p. eg. hypercalical food and lack of physical activity), circumstantial (p. eg. Access to healthy foods, possibility of physical activity), social and psychological (p. eg. Immediate environment support, and self concept) to properly treat the origin of the pain (Lopera, D, Mauricio and R. Mauricio, 2014).

Symptoms of disorder

The symptoms of the disorder may include nightmares, insomnia and “flashbacks” regressions, lack of concentration and feelings of isolation, irritability, aggressiveness or self -aggressiveness and guilt, all this can encourage intake in major proportions.

Stress coping

The scientist newspaper Brain, Behaviour and Immune He published a study whose results showed that a medium used by adolescents to face stress is the excessive consumption of saturated fats. According to this study, such food can modify the areas of the brain that face the responses to stress and fear. This publication shows that exposure to an obesogenic environment (context that benefits the process of obesity or that favors habits and behaviors that favor the increase of saturated and weight fats) during adolescence, cause abnormal maturation of the neural and behavioral substrates that They maintain fear, high threat and anxiety level. This explains that obesity and associated metabolic alterations may be related to PTSD in addition to its predisposition.

"In adolescence a critical stage originates in the way of managing the stress that the adult stage will be shown. According to an interview in  Science Daily, Dr. Johnny Figueroa claimed that simple and complex decisions taken on adolescence directly have the ability to overcome daily challenges in the adult stage.

The treatment of anorexia nervosa

Alterations. Anxiety and stress

In people with obesity it has been found as associations that include the flavor and smells of food, display intensified adaptive reward responses; stimulation, memory and associated emotions. It implies neural networks that are triggered through conditioning such as stress and anxiety that predisposes to obesity through the consumption of food with saturated fat. This association shows how behavioral adaptation to memories, stimulation and emotions is essential to constructively face anxiety and stress.

Fortunately, we have more information in social sciences and health, about the causes that trigger non -constructive adaptive behaviors in people from childhood to adult stage, which is part of the entire life cycle, and the way of understanding behaviors , thoughts, attitudes and social relationships, not as unconnected stages but integrated throughout life.

"There is no transformation in my books. The ugly duckling does not become a beautiful swan. Becomes a safe duck capable of taking care of your own life and your own problems ". Maeve Binchy

Steps to strengthen healthier habits

1. Recognize one's own feelings

If you have obesity problems, you feel frustrated, angry or disgusted and do not accept yourself. Be aware of your emotions, identify, Africle, communicate, management them and change them.  Identify the cause and all the chains that have taken you to this situation, to break with them.

2. Communicate and share with someone of trusted

Enriches your social area. Some overweight teenagers may suffer harassment, teasing and this condition social security, even in the long term and perpetuate it. Try to participate in constructive social situations, create a social circle of valuable people, who do not judge for the superficial and external, face your fears and break with them. It promotes social skills, trying to avoid rejection can lead to isolation and loneliness.

3. Incorporates eating habits and physical exercise on a day -to -day basis

In addition to a balanced diet, physical exercise practices, activates antidepressant mechanisms in addition to reducing stress through the well -known cortisol, stress hormones.

4. If they harass you

Find help. Face emotions, express and seek solutions, learn to value you, to respect and grow from it. Be authentic, remember that authentic beauty begins inside you, your attitude and your way of relating to you and consequently with the world. Everything is a process, practice and believe in your capacity, this will make you change your attitude and lead you to a self -concept full of great possibilities.

5. Selfconcept

If you have overweight and want to change it, marcate this purpose, focus on the achievements, value every step you take, be tolerant, autocompositions. Celebrates the small achievements that will lead you to the goal, feel proud, define the goal well. Following a diet can be accompanied by self -criticism, disappointment and great effort. Fight, identify the possible sabotage, for this define your goal well, celebrate each achievement, allow you to fail but learn from it and improve, work the two key concepts are the concept of capacity and attitude and know that you deserve and you can reach the goal marked.

6. Deep sadness

When security disappears in oneself and the self concept suffers the consequences, it is extremely difficult to follow an effective program to lose weight. If you are in a phase of deep sadness or even depression go to a professional to help you and accompany you in the process, from this state it is very difficult to meet goals.


Being overweight can be very hard on emotional, social and physical level. The way to change it is to become aware of the emotions, thoughts and behaviors, have the support of people (friends, family and professionals) and take action for change from this new life purpose, determined by values, attitudes and beliefs constructive.  

Produces the change and becoming a habit. Accompanied is easier, ask for help.

"Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Take care of your words, because they will become your actions. Take care of your actions, because they will become your habits. Take care of your habits, because they will become your destination." - Mahatma Gandhi


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  • López-Navarrete Ge, Perea-Martínez A, Loredo-Abdalá to.(2008). CHILDREN'S OBESITY AND MALTRATE. A bidirectional phenomenon. Pediat Mex Act. 2008; 29 (6): 342-346.
  • Tamayo Lopera, Diego, & Restrepo, Mauricio. (2014). Psychological aspects of obesity in adults. Magazine of Psychology University of Antioquia6(1), 91-112. Retrieved on September 10, 2020, from http: // pepsic.BVSalud.Org/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s2145-48922014000100007 & lng = pt & tlng = is.