Our physiological response in relaxation

Our physiological response in relaxation

The term "Relaxation response"It was coined by the DR. Herbert Benson, professor, author, cardiologist and founder of the Harvard's Medical Institute. The response is defined as personal capacity to help the body release chemical substances and induce brain impulses that make our muscles and organs decrease their speed and increase blood flow to the brain.

The relaxation response is essentially the reaction opposite to the response of "struggle or flight". Effectively use the relaxation response is beneficial, since it counteracts the physiological effects of stress and the fight or flight response.

The response to stress of fighting or fleeing occurs naturally when we perceive that we are under excessive pressure and is designed to protect ourselves from body damage. Our sympathetic nervous system is immediately involved in the creation of a series of physiological changes, which include an increase in metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory, dilation of pupils, constriction of our blood vessels, all of which works to allow us fight or flee from a stressful or dangerous situation.

What is the relaxation for

Relaxation provides a decrease in the level of activation of the sympathetic nervous system allowing arteries to widen very little and allowing an increase in blood that flows through them. That in turn translates into a Oxygen increase Available for body tissues, specifically on the periphery.

The neural routes of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system guide the function of the response to stress and the relaxation response. Through a training process that involves relaxation exercises, the patient can learn to regulate the balance in these ways, which affects the physiology of the body. While the level of the sympathetic nervous system (which guides our activities) decreases, There is an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system (Guide our recovery or rest) at the same time. The way the body works in this case is Find a balance: mind and body working together.

Relaxation works through psychophysiological means and both the mind and the body are involved in the process. The progressive training of muscle relaxation focuses on muscle groups and allows them to relax. With less a decrease in brain impulses, a lower level of stimulation in body organs is evidenced (p. Eg., Less tense muscles). It is known as Somatopsychic relaxation. With this modification of incoming and outgoing neuronal impulses come the benefits associated with relaxation.

Research has shown that regular use of relaxation response can help any health problem caused or exacerbated by chronic stress, such as fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal diseases, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety disorders and others.

How to relax

There are many methods to obtain the relaxation response, such as visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, energy healing, acupuncture, massage, breathing techniques, prayer, meditation, tai chi, qi gong and yoga. True relaxation can also be achieved away from everyday thought and choosing a word, sound, phrase, prayer or focusing on their breathing.

All these techniques suggest that Relaxation begins in thought processes, The cognitive process of the mind (for example, the reduction of rummy or excessive anxiety). This process is called psychosomatic and has as a final result the relaxation of body physiology. Many relaxation techniques challenge this simple classification and are often a combination of several modalities.

For example, visualization or active imagination has been used successfully in the treatment of various diseases. It is especially valuable to use these practices while the body is in a relaxed state. That is, we first allow our body to relax for a few minutes; Then, while relaxed, healthy results or the desired healing are visualized. When the body is in a relaxed state, neural transmissions are lower and the "language" of positive visualizations and healing suggestions "can be heard" more easily by body tissues.

Our health, well -being, harmony and balance are our best weapon. Knowing that we have the solution ourselves, let's put into practice its benefits, both for our psychic and physical world.

David Álvarez. Therapist