I don't feel valued at work. What do I do?

I don't feel valued at work. What do I do?

We spend so many hours at work that it is important that we aspire to be happy in Our professional life. One of the most frequent dissatisfaction reasons is the feeling of invisibility that the worker feels by his company. Excellent companies are those that reinforce their employees in their strengths and in their competences, however, many bosses assume the well -done work of an employee and focus only on correcting everything that has not done well or that It is improvable. This weakens employee motivation. In this Psychology-online article we reflect on this issue: "I do not feel valued at work: ¿what I do?". We give you the keys to find the answer if you feel identified with this emotional state.

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  1. Cultivate your internal motivation to increase your assessment
  2. Talk to your superior
  3. Look for a job in another company if you are stuck
  4. Enter a business to set up your own project

Cultivate your internal motivation to increase your assessment

Undoubtedly, it is very pleasant and very positive that you receive external motivation from your superior superior through constructive valuations, reinforcement words or congratulations on your achievements. However, it is better than Work focused on your own internal assessment. ¿Why? Because the leadership style adopted by the company does not depend on you. Therefore, this external recognition transcends your own control.

However, what depends on you is your ability to mentally connect with some aspect that provides valuable meaning to your professional task. That is, your assessment must start from the most important: Your satisfaction for having given the best of yourself in this job.

Fulfill your professional goals, He arrives punctually to the office, tries to be a good partner, celebrate your achievements, learn something new every day and keep studying. Your internal motivation increases from your own inner commitment to effort, overcoming and constancy.

Contribute your own ideas in work meetings, adopts A participatory attitude. If there is a suggestion mailbox in the company, then, make your own improvement proposals. Therefore, it acts as the protagonist of the work environment of which forms parties and do not position in a reactive role, that is, to the expectation of receiving a recognition message. You can frustrate yourself if it does not occur. On the contrary, if you get in your ability to adopt a proactive attitude, then you acquire a higher level of well -being.

In this other article we give you some tips to learn to be more efficient at work.

Talk to your superior

If you have been working on the company for a while, try to assess different measures that you can negotiate with the Human Resources Department. For example, the possibility of making a change of position within the organization itself. If you feel that in that company there is a position that further adjusts to your training and experience, a position that you have much more to offer thanks to your previous preparation, then, take the initiative To raise your request.

When you raise your suggestion, it is important that reasons your request objectively through arguments that indicate that you are a good candidate for that position.

If you think the time has come to request a salary, So, you can also take this initiative, expressing, as in the previous point, the reasons for this decision.

Look for a job in another company if you are stuck

There is a time when the most recommended can be to look for a job in another company. For example when Your dissatisfaction level produces stress And a disenchantment that does not improve even though you have had patience to try to overcome this fact.

In that case, the most recommended that you reconcile your job search, with the schedule of your current job. If you are in this situation, present your candidacy for those companies in which you would like to work.

There are times when a Change of company is the best option to increase motivation inside. For example, when you feel stagnant work and do not believe that your company is a real work projection scenario. Or, also, when you think your current job does not allow you to learn anything really new and you want to continue evolving.

In this other article we try to give you some guidelines so you know what to do with your working life if you feel a little lost.

Enter a business to set up your own project

There are many professional decisions that you can start up to align your professional career with your personal expectations. One of the options you can also consider is that of entrepreneurship. In this case, You can reinforce your internal motivation when choosing your business idea, The market niche and define an objective action plan. The idea of ​​undertaking is positive if this thought persists in your mind in a recurring way. That is, if you have been going around the possibility of starting your own project for many months or even years.

If you feel inside you the motivation to shape an own project, led by you, then seek advice to take the step.

Almost all have passed at some point for this situation of thinking: "I do not feel valued at work: ¿what I do?". These different options can serve as a reference. However, remember that the most important thing is that you make that decision that makes you feel good to you.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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