Lazy or too intelligent children

Lazy or too intelligent children

Laziness is the lack of interest towards work. The laziness can be related to physical disorders such as some intestinal disasters, fever, neurovegetative imbalances, etc ... In these cases the treatment is determined by the pediatrician and that laziness is momentary. Pereness can also be related to psychological disorders such as: due to lack of interest (demotivated children), depression, instability of character or maladjustment to the family or school environment, to name some causes. Pereness is the absence of will, it is lack of energy, vitality. When we have made a great effort we can spend the rest of the day lying down without doing anything because we no longer have more energy. This tiredness is justified.

A child has much more vitality than an adult person therefore when we are facing a child who acts in a lazy way, we must remain alert, because it can be a psychological symptom.

In this article we will focus our interest in the lack of motivation for school learning of some children who are perhaps too intelligent and for that reason they get bored in classes. We speak in this case of gifted children. Some people are smarter than others. Thus, at school, some students easily learn while others, with the same teacher and the same books, seem to show difficulties in learning the same content.

Every individual, whether a child or adult, is by nature, an active being

What is intelligence?

When we talk about intelligence we refer to a concept that encompasses three functions:

  1. Ability to deal with abstractions.
  2. Ability to learn words and symbols.
  3. Capacity to solve problems or new situations.

That group of individuals who by excess or by default stand out from the general intelligence measure (intellectual quotient) that evaluate the so -called intelligence tests are considered "exceptional" and within this group we can find those whose C.Yo. It is below the 90-120 values ​​(values ​​verified as normal) and then we could talk about cognitive deficit in its different nuances and degrees and, those that are well above the high value of that figure we know with the name of gifted. The gifted child is that child who has a higher capacity to deal with facts, ideas and relationships (J.J.Gallagher, 1975).

The features that we can consider more characteristic of gifted children are the following:

  • Both physical and mental development.
  • Curiosity for the world around him. Constant desire to increase your knowledge.
  • Vivaz interest in all types of encyclopedias, manuals always in search of more information.
  • Easy and fast learning.
  • Intense concentration that sometimes brushes obsession.
  • Great ease in logical type operations such as those that include abstract, analyze or generalize.
  • Optimal ability to immediate understanding while having great ease to communicate what is understood.
  • They have talent, that is, an unusual execution capacity and in a specific area.
  • They are creative in learning, that is, they are able to provide new hypotheses using them to imagine the consequences of possible new and not yet proven solutions.
  • They are usually busy in different activities at the same time.
  • Your vocabulary is broad and complex.
  • Great organization capacity.
  • Preference for higher partners both in your social life and in games.

Often these children are overlooked within a school group and end up boring from the slowness of learning. They can have problems with the rest of their class partners precisely because of their "exceptionality" and the marginalization to which they are conducted can easily lead them to failure.

The detection of this group of children is the first step in the prevention of failure and thus be able to drive and enrich its overflowing creativity.

In the school, knowledge to the gifted child should be adapted through the enrichment of programs, special classes and of course acceleration, that is, chronologically and schooling the child's instruction chronologically.

In its socio-family environment it must be mainly influenced at the orientation level. Do not forget that the gifted child above all is a child who can present emotional problems, which is within a family nucleus that behaves in a certain way within society. Together with all the incidents that are generally taken into account when working in the field of child psychology, in the case of gifted ones, it must be added that their parents are normal people who will need special treatment because they can develop feelings of insecurity , of maladjustment, hostility, jealousy, etc ... towards your own child as a result of that "incomprehensive and feared of the child.

Informative video about high children's capacities: