Highly sensitive characteristics characteristics and how to educate them

Highly sensitive characteristics characteristics and how to educate them

The high sensitivity It is a feature that affects 15% of the population and represents a high degree of sensitivity and reactivity in the person's central nervous system. It is a personality feature, not a disease. The difference they present with respect to the majority of the population is the way to perceive and process the information that, due to certain personal characteristics, makes them act in a different way from the others.

Although on many occasions people with high sensitivity (PAS) are perceived as "rare" or different, presenting this feature is nothing bad for the person. It is about accepting and integrating this personal characteristic and making the necessary adjustments in their environment so that their daily life becomes something calmer and more pleasant.

In the following article we will deepen the subject of the High sensitivity in children (NAS): Its characteristics, the relationship with high capacities, how to know when a child is highly sensitive, how to treat it and educate it and if some type of psychological treatment is necessary.

You may also be interested: emotional intelligence in children index
  1. Characteristics of highly sensitive children
  2. Highly sensitive children and high capacities
  3. How to know if my son is highly sensitive
  4. How to treat children with high sensitivity
  5. How to educate highly sensitive children
  6. Psychological treatment for highly sensitive children

Characteristics of highly sensitive children

According to Elaine Aron, a American doctor and psychologist who coined the term PAS (highly sensitive people) In the mid -90s, highly sensitive children or nas They are characterized by four main features:

  1. Processing depth: They perform deep analysis of situations before undertaking concrete action.
  2. Great emotionality and empathy: They feel the different emotions in a very intense way due to their great ability to empathize with certain situations.
  3. They have great sensitivity before the subtleties that the rest of the people barely perceive.
  4. On stimulation or saturation: By processing the information deeply, environments loaded with stimuli can saturate them as they record all stimuli without applying any type of filter.

These four characteristics are aspects that define the trait without which a child cannot be considered highly sensitive. However, there are a number of characteristics that can accompany the NAS, although they do not occur in all cases or equitably. These would be:

  • They do not tolerate exposure to bright lights, strong smells and noise.
  • They are persons lonely and introspective that, in some cases, they have not especially developed their social skills, so they can also be introverted or shy.
  • They feel especially attracted to arts, nature and justice. They suffer with the pain of others and, therefore, they present attitudes of altruism and solidarity Faced with social or environmental injustices
  • They present difficulties to connect with their own limits, which tend to be perfectionists in their interests (without detecting their rest needs, for example), it is difficult for them to say "no", etc.
  • Precisely because of their difficulty in connecting with their own needs and limits, they are usually little spontaneous which leads them to stress before changes And, above all, in stressful situations.

Highly sensitive children and high capacities

Here you can write an important aspect to consider: 90% of children with high capabilities are highly sensitive children, However, not all NAS have high capabilities. It is a fact that should be not.

Children with high sensitivity have the four main features described in the previous section and, in a random way, other aspects such as high capabilities and other features but these are not defining themselves.

Although both features have many characteristics in common, they are not exactly the same. Studies are currently being carried out to try to explain the relationship that underlies them.

Here you will find more information about intellectual giftedness.

How to know if my son is highly sensitive

Currently, there are several versions of the test initially developed by Dr. Elaine Aron. Among them, Spain has developed one adapted to the Spanish -speaking population that can be found online and whose questions are:

  1. ¿It feels in harmony with nature?
  2. ¿He likes animals?
  3. ¿The lack of sleep affects him especially?
  4. ¿He complains if there is a constant noise?
  5. ¿It is easily scared?
  6. ¿He prefers to collaborate to compete?
  7. ¿Sometimes you need to be alone?
  8. ¿Is sensitive to pain?
  9. ¿Ask unusual questions for your age?
  10. ¿Is prudent when dealing with other people?
  11. ¿Follow the rules?
  12. ¿Shows interest in the arts?
  13. ¿Has very developed senses?
  14. ¿It is easy for you to understand complex concepts?
  15. ¿Highlights its creative and imaginative capacity?
  16. ¿It tends to be a perfectionist and orderly?
  17. ¿Understand the emotions of others?
  18. ¿Criticism affects you a lot?
  19. ¿Normally reflects long before making a decision?
  20. ¿Enjoy being alone?
  21. ¿He complains about clothes?
  22. ¿Live emotions with intensity?

This test is a free online test that, in no case, is a definitive diagnosis. In this case, we recommend going to a specialist who will proceed to a greater depth evaluation.

How to treat children with high sensitivity

As adults it is necessary and positive for a child with a high sensitivity that we recognize their feature and Let's respect your personal characteristics. In this way, the infant will feel valued and his self -esteem will be comforted.

It is important to recognize and be respectful in the issues that concern him because, although for us they are insignificant things, for them they are truly relevant. Some of the aspects that usually concern NAS are usually:

  • injustices of all kinds
  • problems/tension between people
  • of others' suffering
  • massive or overestimulated environments
  • Unexpected surprises and changes
  • Lack of affirmation and recognition of the loved one.

Accompany and respectfully calm and girls In these situations it will help them feel safe, with which they will cope with these moments better.

How to educate highly sensitive children

The education of boys and girls in general is not simple. Presents very pleasant moments and others somewhat more complicated to cope. In the case of children with high sensitivity, the same occurs but the intensity of the sensations increases, both of well -being and of discomfort, precisely by the most intense emotional response of the infant.

THE EDUCATION OF THE NAS It requires a lot of presence, true attention, understanding and empathy. It is important to keep in mind that tiredness, stress and over-stimulation, both of the child and of parents or educators, will make respectful accompaniment difficult and increase the possibilities of conflicting situations. In many cases, some of the parents also presents the high sensitivity feature, so the accompaniment of their child becomes a greater feat due to their own characteristics and sensitivity.

Actually, it is about making a respectful accompaniment, such as any other child, which meet your particular needs and respect your peculiarities. Calm, patience and personal care will help to better cope with difficult situations.

Psychological treatment for highly sensitive children

High sensitivity is not a psychiatric disorder but a personality trait. That is why children with high sensitivity do not require any specific psychological treatment, unless they present concrete problems in some area of ​​their life, normally, not to cope with and integrate this feature as something of their own. In these cases, it is advisable.

It is equally important.

In any case of doubt, Request specialized professional help It is the best option to clarify the situation.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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