Neurogenesis all life thanks to stem cells?

Neurogenesis all life thanks to stem cells?

Neurogenesis all life? Not many years ago, neurons were believed to be created in the first years of life, however, as scientific research advanced, it was discovered that we continue to create them all our lives. This fact was baptized as neurogenesis. Recently, new investigations seem to shed light on an important factor that Relate neurogenesis with stem cells, Let us enter!


  • Neurogenesis and stem cells
  • How this finding would favor neurogenesis
  • Favor neurogenesis on a day -to -day basis
  • Conclusion
    • Bibliography

Neurogenesis and stem cells

A recent international study of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and headed by Aixa V. Morales has discovered one of the factors that could be fundamental for the generation of new neurons throughout life. Research, published in the scientific journal Cell Reports under the title of Soxd Genes Are Required For Adult Neural Stem Cell
Activation He has put the focus on brain stem cells.

Apparently, The key would be in the Sox5 and Sox6 proteins of brain neural cells To actively produce new neurons. This type of protein would be mainly in the hippocampus, a fundamental zone for both memory and learning. As described in the study, SOX5 and SOX6 proteins are crucial in adult stem cells to travel an inactive state to an activated one.

At the moment, the experiment has been carried out in the laboratory with mice. They selectively eliminated these proteins from the brain stem cells and discovered that they were key to the generation of neurogenesis. Morales outstanding that, above all, that the protein that represents a greater threat to being eliminated is sox5. Thus, by eliminating SOX5 and SOX6 proteins, it is a brake on the birth of new neurons. In this way, it seems that if these proteins are preserved and encouraged we could present high neurogenesis all our lives.

How this finding would favor neurogenesis

This is a study that opens new paths made the generation of new neurons specifically and voluntarily, which would mean a great revolution. Thus, tomorrow, Before a neurodegenerative disease, perhaps we can prevent it, slow it or, who knows, reverse it. But until the date is not important, it is important not to stay with a crossed arms since we have a more active role than it seems in neurogenesis.

It is an investigation of vital importance in the neuronal field since it puts on the table the possible formula of creating new neurons in a way that we did not know so far. Until now, and how we will see later, exercise generates new neurons, as well as learning a new language. However, Can it be possible to stimulate this creation more powerfully through some type of stimulation or treatment? What would happen if we could generate neurogenesis all our lives?

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Favor neurogenesis on a day -to -day basis

The good news is that We can adopt an active attitude focused on the generation of new neurons. What can we do in our day to day to favor neurogenesis? For example, avoid sedentary lifestyle. The ideal is to perform physical exercise regularly several times a week. It is also important to undertake new projects. While it is true that the brain likes routine, the best thing we can do to stimulate it is to surprise it and learn new skills, for example, to paint, to touch an instrument or learn a new language.

It is important to add that it is not a competition since there is the general belief that if we learn something is to achieve a high degree of performance. In this case, the objective is not so much to be a virtuous, little by little positively affects our synaptic connections (creating more) and favoring neurogenesis lifetime. In this way, we can actively slow diseases such as dementias.

It is essential to be aware that we have more power over us and not abandon ourselves. So, a life in which physical exercise, healthy diet, perform novel tasks and a few minutes of meditation per day predominates, It will provide us with brain level the best conditions to create new neurons. Even today we can see or sign up for a great offer of online courses that will help us in our new goals. Although the ideal would be to leave home and thus also walk and avoid sedentary lifestyle.


The investigation headed by Aixa V. Morales charges special relevance within the scope of neurosciences because it emphasizes that There are proteins that can specifically affect neurogenesis. In this way, new lines of research are opened in discovering whether you can stimulate neurogenesis a lifetime voluntarily. And not only that, but you can recover the total number of lost neurons through some type of treatment.

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  • Lingling, li. (2022). Soxd Genes Are Required For Adult Neural Stem Cell Activation. Cell Reports, 38, 1-18.