Necrophobia, the phobia of death

Necrophobia, the phobia of death

Necrophobia is the exaggerated fear of death or corpses. It comes from the Greek words nekr (o)-νέκρον, which means 'corpse' and -phobíā -φοβία, which translates as 'fear'.

The fear of death is a fear that almost all human beings can experience, some to others, however, it is convenient to differentiate it from tanatophobia, since, in the case of necrophobia, fear does not necessarily feel towards death of the person himself, but that of others, and everything related to it.

So, Those who suffer from necrophobia also feel fear of everything related to the phenomenon of death, As going to cemeteries, seeing corpses, polls, attending wakes, knowing that crematoriums, see tombs, flower crowns or funeral cars will be executed.


  • Necrophobia: a very real fear
  • Causes of necrophobia
  • Treatments for necrophobia
    • Bibliography

Necrophobia: a very real fear

Those who experience necrophobia tend towards the behavior of avoidance in order to try not to experience the anxiety that death -related objects produce, or corpses.

This phobia can be paralyzing because If something is real and unavoidable is death itself, which is an enigmatic reality that no human being is free.

For example, a relative, a pet, an acquaintance, or simply go down the street and stumble with a funeral procession, how to avoid panic for death,?

The symptoms experienced by people suffering from necrophobia are also intense, and may include:

  • Tachycardia
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Sweating
  • Panic attacks, among others.

Needless to say that these symptoms are unpleasant for those who suffer them, so it is often necessary to go for help.

Causes of necrophobia

A traumatic experience in childhood could be the cause of necrophobia. For example, losing a family being or a very dear person when they are small and there are few resources of Afrokery or support people who help to understand the loss.

However, not everyone is exempt from suffering from necrophobia, then, García Álvarez, in his study on this subject, has commented that even pathological wardens run with the risk of acquiring this phobia.

This is because Ceadores sometimes fulfill auxiliary functions during autopsy practices, which includes the cleaning of the tables and the room itself.

Likewise, they could be involved in other tasks, such as the transfer of the bodies to the mortuary, prepare the instrumental, take out the body of the refrigeration chamber, demorta it -in the case that proceeds -, prepare it at the necropsy table, among others.

In general, those who work in health or hospitable centers could also be affected by necrophobia, since they are scenarios that are not quite pleasant, even if the profession that is exercised is done with passion. Well, in these institutions there are generally circumstances in which death is present.

That is to say, Some people can develop necrophobia from a strong experience in childhood or adult life, especially if you are in contact with the scenarios of death.

Since death usually causes fear, the person suffering from necrophobia could also develop an anxiety disorder on any related situation.

Androphobia, origin and characteristics

Treatments for necrophobia

The treatment for necrophobia can occur with psychological therapy and, in more acute cases, the intervention of psychiatry may be necessary, especially in those exceptional situations in which a person suffering from necrophobia cannot avoid contact with the elements that cause him The phobia, how to attend the funeral of a relative, for example.

In the case of psychological therapy, the most used approach is that of cognitive behavioral therapy, since with the same It is intended to modify behavior in situations that trigger the discomfort.

Likewise, relaxation techniques are recommended, although there are those who resort to natural therapies to try to be relaxed, instead of starting directly with drugs. However, each case and each situation is particular.

The most important thing is to know that there are various options and who suffers from necrophobia is not obliged to lead a life with this suffering, but that it can change it with the most appropriate approach. To do this, the specialist can evaluate and indicate the most convenient.

Know more about the fear of m


  • Álvarez, J. (2020). Necrophobia as a psychosocial risk of the warden in pathological anatomy. OCRONOS. Medical and Nursing Magazine.
  • Bello Urcullo, M. AND. (2015). An audiovisual trilogy based on the abstracted symbolism of the collective unconscious on tanatophobia and necrophobia.
  • Fear, d. (1997). Phobias.
  • Villa, s. TO. (2018). Who wants to kill a dead?: Violence, magic and necrophobia in ancient Rome. In religions: (no) Violence and dialogue: Proceedings of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Sciences of Religions (pp. 77-97). Tirant lo Blanch.