Narcissists, manipulators, psychopaths or Dark personalities in work

Narcissists, manipulators, psychopaths or Dark personalities in work

Did you know that narcissistic, manipulative people, even psychopaths, tend to get better jobs? It was proven that certain features in their personality make them functional when achieving the objectives of a company or play leadership roles.

In this article, we will address the issue to reach the conclusion about what narcissistic, manipulative personalities and psychopaths have to benefit a company. If you want to know what they hide and what a factor in them makes the difference with respect to another kind of people, then, keep reading!


  • "Dark personalities" and job performance
  • Dark personalities, main differences between them
    • 1. Narcissistic personalities
    • 2. Manipulators
    • 3. Psychopaths
  • What highlights them?
  • Dark personalities, excellent in their work performance
    • Bibliographic resources

"Dark personalities" and work performance

He has caught our attention, a study carried out by Ling L. Harris, Scott B. Jackson, Joel Owens and Nicholas Seybert. In it, a relationship between what they call is established "Dark personalities" (in Spanish, dark personalities) and their work performance. Under this title they include psychopaths, narcissists and compulsive manipulators.

You can be asking yourself, why companies would be interested in hiring people with these characteristics and what benefits they would get about it, then, the answer is that when meeting the objectives that a company proposes, These personalities are extremely functional.

These people normally They have no inconvenience to exceed ethical limits And, this factor can become an excellent taxpayer at the time of generate profits and increase productivity. That is why they are not only regularly hired, but they obtain important jobs with people in charge and get more profits. They are considered for optimal companies when performing a leadership role.

Dark personalities, main differences between them

We have mentioned that, within the so -called dark personalities or Dark personalities, We refer mainly to manipulators, narcissists and psychopaths. And, although at a certain point related, these three concepts are different and should know how to be differentiated. Now we will explain the differences between these three concepts.

1. Narcissistic personalities

People who suffer from personality narcissistic disorder manifest a high sense of egocentrism. This feature implies to be people who do not care about the rest of the people, positioning themselves as a priority in most situations in their lives. In addition, they worry extreme in themselves.

This combination of features will be made by personalities that would do anything in such a.

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2. Manipulators

Manipulative people are those who They use others to achieve their personal goals. They are capable of, through refined tactics, totally affect the perspective of a person, modify judgments and decisions of others to achieve what they want to achieve.

The manipulators easily They lie, they victimize and manage to make others empathize with them. This is how their goals achieve.

3. Psychopaths

Finally, psychopaths are people whose feelings are practically indecipherable. This is a personality disorder characterized by narcissism, impulsivity, manipulation and control techniques. As you can see, in this case we witness a fusion between narcissists and manipulators, To give results to psychopathy.

They usually have socially adapted behaviors, and use their manipulation and misrepresented strategies sometimes to achieve what they propose. It should be noted, that it is very difficult to perce.

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What highlights them?

Within its most notable characteristics when achieving a good job, it should be noted that both manipulators, narcissists and psychopaths, They are useful for manipulation, that is to say, play with the perception of others. Therefore, for example, in a job interview they could implement their conviction strategies about the interviewer. Or, even, once won the position, use them to gain the confidence of the people around their work environment and thus ascend more easily.

They are mainly egocentric personalities, which They put their goals above all things And they will know how cold strategies to obtain them, without being guided by their feelings or allowing them to generate distractions.

In addition, and this is something that concerns narcissistic and psychopathic personalities, they are more likely to highlight (without any inconvenience) what characteristics of their person make them special and how well they believe they can develop the position to which they will enter. This is a key point within a job interview and, for their benefit, they can develop without problems.

For these reasons that we have mentioned, dark personalities are extremely efficient when getting a job and being successful in it, it takes them to get the best positions and the confidence of your superiors.

Dark personalities, Excellent in your work performance

We hope this article has allowed you to understand why narcissistic, manipulative and psychopathic people are able to obtain good jobs, lead and obtain better salaries. Some characteristics of their personality make them especially suitable at the time of playing a role of this class, knowing how to achieve their objectives and fulfilling the objectives of the companies that use them for their determination and lack of consideration when respecting ethical and moral issues. And you do you think? Would you hire a dark personality?

Bibliographic resources

  • Harris, l. L., Jackson, s. B., Owens, J., & Seybert, N. (2021). Recruiting dark personalities for earnings management. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-26.
  • Lykken, d. T. (2006). Psychopathic personality. Handbook of Psychopathy, 3-13.
  • Morrison, j. (2015). DSM-5® guide for clinical diagnosis. Editorial The Modern Manual.
  • Pemment, j. (2013). Psychopathy versus sociphy: Why the distinction has crucial scholarship. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18 (5), 458-461.
  • Rudinow, J. (1978). Manipulation. Ethics, 88 (4), 338-347.
  • Trechera, j. L., Millán Vásquez de la Torre, G., & Fernández Morales, and. (2008). Empirical study of the narcissistic personality disorder (TNP). Colombian Psychology Act, 11 (2), 25-36.