Methods of description and analysis of jobs

Methods of description and analysis of jobs

Although the description and analysis of the workplace are closely related in their purposes and in the process of obtaining data, they differ from each other: The description is oriented to the content of the workplace (What does the occupant do, when he does, how he does it and why he does it), while the analysis intends to study and determine the qualification requirements, implicit responsibilities and conditions that the job requires to be played by properly. This analysis is the basis for evaluating and classifying jobs, with the purpose of comparing them.


  • Direct observation method
    • Characteristics:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages:
  • Questionnaire method
    • Characteristics:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages:
  • Interview method
    • Characteristics:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages:
  • Mixed methods
    • The most used are:

Direct observation method

It is one of the most used methods, both for being the oldest historically and for its efficiency. Its application is much more effective when they are considered micromovimiento studies, and times and methods.

The analysis of the workplace is made by observing the occupant of the job, directly and dynamic, in full exercise of his functions, while the job analyst writes the key data of his observation in the position analysis sheet of work. It is more recommended to apply it to the work that comprise manual operations or that are simple and repetitive.

Some routine jobs allow direct observation, since the volume of manual content can be easily verified by observation. Since not in all cases the observation answers all the questions or dissipates all doubts, It is usually accompanied by interview and analysis with the occupant of the job or with the supervisor.


  1. The job analyst collects the data about a job through the Observation of activities that makes the occupant of this.
  2. The participation of the job analyst in the information collection is active; The occupant is passive.


  1. Veracity of the data obtained, because they originate in a single source (job analyst) and to the fact that it is oblivious to the interests of the one who executes the work.
  2. It does not require that the occupant of the job stop performing his work.
  3. Ideal method to apply it in Simple and repetitive jobs.
  4. Adequate correspondence between the data obtained and the basic formula of the analysis of jobs (what does, how it does and why it does).


  1. High cost Because the job analyst requires investing enough time for the method to be complete.
  2. The simple observation, without direct and verbal contact with the occupant of the job, It does not allow important data for analysis.
  3. It is not recommended to apply it in jobs that are not simple or repetitive.

It is advised that this method be applied in combination with others so that the analysis is more complete and precise.

Questionnaire method

To carry out the analysis, the personnel are requested to fill out a job analysis questionnaire and record all possible indications about the job, its content and its characteristics.

When it comes to a lot of similar jobs, of a routine and bureaucratic nature, it is faster and more economical to elaborate a questionnaire that is distributed to all occupants of those jobs. The questionnaire must be developed in a way that allows you to obtain correct answers and useful information. Before applying it, they must know at least one occupant of the job and its superior to establish the relevance and adaptation of the questions, and eliminate unnecessary details, distortions, lack of relationship or possible ambiguities of the questions of the questions.


  1. Data collection on a job It is carried out by means of a job analysis questionnaire, that fills the occupant or his superior.
  2. The participation of the job analyst in data collection is passive (receives the questionnaire); The occupant is active (fills the questionnaire).


  1. The occupants of the job and their direct bosses can fill the questionnaire jointly or sequentially; In this way, a broader vision of its content and its characteristics is provided, in addition to the fact that several hierarchical instances participate.
  2. This method It is the most economical for job analysis.
  3. Also is the one that encompasses the most, because the questionnaire can be distributed to all occupants of jobs and returned with relative speed, as soon as they have answered it. This does not happen with other methods of job analysis.
  4. It is the method Ideal for analyzing high -level jobs, without affecting the time or the activities of the executives.


  1. It is not recommended, its application in low -level jobs, in which the occupant has difficulty interpreting and answering it in writing.
  2. Demands that be planned and prepared carefully.
  3. Tends to be superficial or distorted Regarding the quality of written responses.
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Interview method

The most flexible and productive approach In the analysis of jobs is the interview that the analyst makes to the occupant of the job.

If it is well structured, information about all aspects of the workplace, the nature and sequence of the various tasks that the job, and the why and when.

It can be done in relation to the skills required to occupy the job, allows to exchange information obtained from the occupants of other similar jobs, verify the inconsistencies in the reports and, if necessary, consult the immediate supervisor to ensure that the details obtained are valid. Guarantees an interaction in front of the analyst and the employee, which allows the elimination of doubts and distrust, mainly in front of obstruction and stubborn employees. At present, those responsible for preparing the job analysis plans prefer this method based on direct contact and collaboration and participation mechanisms.

The direct interview method It consists of collecting the elements related to the workplace that is intended to be analyzed, through a direct and verbal approach with the occupant or with his direct boss.

Can be done with one of them or both, together or separated.


  1. Data collection is carried out through an analyst interview with the occupant of the job, in which questions are asked and verbal answers are given.
  2. The participation of the analyst and the occupant of the job is active.


  1. The data related to a job is obtained from those who know it better.
  2. There is the possibility of analyzing and clarifying all doubts.
  3. This method is the best quality and the one that provides the highest performance in the analysis, Due to the rational way of gathering the data.
  4. It has no contraindications. It can be applied to any type or workplace level.


  1. A poorly conducted interview can lead to the staff reacting negatively, Do not understand or accept your goals.
  2. It can generate confusion Between opinions and facts.
  3. Too much time is lost, If the job analyst does not prepare well to perform it.
  4. High operating cost: Require expert analysts and work paralysis paralysis.

Mixed methods

It is evident that each of the analysis methods have certain characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To counteract the disadvantages and obtain as much benefit from the advantages, it is recommended to use mixed methods, eclectic combinations of two or more analysis methods.

The most used are:

  1. Questionnaire and interview, both with the occupant of the job. First the occupant answers the questionnaire and then presents a quick interview; The questionnaire will be referenced.
  2. Questionnaire with the occupant and interview with the superior To deepen and clarify the data obtained.
  3. Questionnaire and interview, both with the superior.
  4. Direct observation with the occupant of the job and interview with the superior.
  5. DIRECT QUESTIONNAIRE AND OBSERVATION, both with the occupant of the job.
  6. Questionnaire with the superior and direct observation with the occupant, of the job, etc.

The choice of these combinations will depend on the particularities of each company, as objectives of the analysis and description of jobs, staff available for this task, etc.