

Paint some black boxes so that the numbered boxes are contained in white rectangular areas of the same size indicated by the value. White areas cannot be in contact with each other orthogonally but must be in contact diagonally between them. Complete instructions

Level: ▼ ▲

Complete instructions

A board divided into cells is presented and contains some numbers. The game consists of painting some black cells so that Each number is contained within a white rectangular area of ​​size equal to its value. In addition, the following restrictions must be met:

  • Black cells should not cover 2 × 2 or higher size surfaces.
  • All boxes with a number belong to a rectangular white area. The number indicates the number of white area boxes.
  • White areas that do not contain any number can be of any size but maintaining the rectangular shape.
  • White areas cannot touch each other orthogonal, but all white areas must be connected diagonally.

The buttons bar From the top will allow you to perform the following actions:

  • Restart the current game: Eliminates the progress of the current game and starts it again with the same board.
  • Undo the last movement: Allows to go back in the movements made.
  • Redo the previous moving: If you got rid of the last movement you can rebuild it by clicking this button.
  • Repeat all movements: Repeat all movements.
  • Show the solution: The game will be automatically solved and the completed board will show you.
  • Detailed instructions of the game: Access to the instructions of the game you are reading.
  • ▼ ▲ Select level: Allows you to select the game level. Use the buttons to select the following or previous level, or write the level number.

Game developed by Otto Janko.