Mental minimalism what is, benefits and how it is practiced

Mental minimalism what is, benefits and how it is practiced

While we transit our lives, we go through several experiences that leave us teachings forever. The things that have seemed important can cease to be if you change the perspective on them. Our actions are determined to give greater or lesser value according to the principles that guide our existence.

Suddenly, you begin to eliminate certain elements that allow you to appreciate life in another way, putting the essentials in the foreground. Maybe we have heard about this, although we don't always know what it is about. ¿You want to know more about this? In this Psychology-online article, we will give you information about Mental minimalism: What is it, what are its benefits and how it is practiced.

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  1. What is mental minimalism
  2. Benefits of Mental Minimalism
  3. How mental minimalism is practiced

What is mental minimalism

When we refer to mental minimalism, we talk about a mental state that generates the possibility of Eliminate those excesses that appear in our lives to give greater importance to the essential elements that surround us. So that, ¿What is mental minimalism? The capacity of subtract importance from those thoughts and emotions that divert us from our values, beliefs and principles.

We live in an era marked by capitalism, that is, we are immersed in a culture that constantly gives us stimuli about different material objects that we would need to be happy. In this way, a false illusion of happiness that produces frustration, sadness and long -term anguish is created, since it is not possible to have everything in life. In this article we explain how to manage sadness.

What is mental minimalism for

Mental minimalism gives us the possibility of Do not guide us for social norms but for own purposes that have as reference the value of life. This mode of thought translates into a lifestyle that is carried out daily by those willing resign certain values ​​of capitalism.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary that a deep reflection be made that allows a rethinking of the objectives and goals to be achieved in life.

Benefits of Mental Minimalism

Mental minimalism can bring us a series of advantages that can be useful in life. Next, we will describe what are the benefits of mental minimalism:

  • Causes a greater degree of autonomy linked to the feeling of freedom.
  • Greater self -perception.
  • Improve concentration.
  • Increased order in housing.
  • Generates higher levels of life: more importance is given to positive experiences.
  • Attenuates feelings linked to loneliness: Feeling alone, on many occasions, causes consumerism
  • Enables a mastery of stress triggers: As a consequence, this allows you to reduce anxiety
  • Help the Classification of material objects according to the importance of each one for the person.
  • Favors economic savings: only the elements that the person considers essential and indispensable for their life are consumed

So that we can obtain the benefits of mental minimalism, it is important that your practice be sustained over time. Actually, it is a mental state that is incorporated as lifestyle applicable to all situations we are going through. This does not mean that unpleasant thoughts and emotions will disappear for the person, but that the way of understanding life allows them to be important.

How mental minimalism is practiced

Beyond the benefits of mental minimalism and what gives us to our lives, we must also learn how it is practiced. To apply it to our daily lives, We will tell you how mental minimalism is practiced through some points that are transcendental when doing it:

  • Selection of thoughts: There are situations that do not depend on us but on external factors. Sometimes, this can generate frustration when the objectives are not met. Avoid giving importance to this type of thoughts, it will have the effect that you concentrate on goals that depend on you.
  • SITUATION ANALYSIS: Reflection about various situations can help us understand if it is really worth spending time to unpleasant moments for us.
  • Focus on personal aspects that provide pleasure: The implementation of activities that we enjoy will make us pay attention to ourselves. In this way, we can reduce the levels of stress and anxiety that are generated by situations that we are going through in everyday life.
  • Do activities that favor an internal look: There are alternatives, such as meditation, which have as focus an analysis of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This causes us to stop in those personal aspects that we want to modify to understand our way of seeing life.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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