My partner drugs, why and what can I do?

My partner drugs, why and what can I do?

Our partner can generate an immense variety of sensations according to the type of link we have. Love, fear, anger, disappointment, joy and enthusiasm can be present. It is common for us to share many moments since the couple represents an important part of life. However, suddenly it could happen that we observe some strange behaviors and we are disoriented for this reason. Drugs are an access door to a dangerous world for both the lives of those who consume them and the people who make up the environment. Having knowledge about drugs will provide us with tools that allow us to help who suffers consumption. ¿You want to know more about this? In this psychology-online article we will provide information about What can I do if my partner drugs, and why.

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  1. Symptoms of drug use
  2. Causes of drug use
  3. Consequences of drug use
  4. How does the couple of an addict feel
  5. Can an addict love?
  6. What to do if my partner lies for drugs?

Symptoms of drug use

¿How can I know if my boyfriend is drugged? There are several types of drugs that have negative health effects of those who consume them frequently. We must know that drugs produce different effects according to the characteristics of each since not all are the same. Here we will describe the most important symptoms of drug use:

Physical symptoms

They are those bodily reactions that appear in consuming people. The Red eyes, increased blood pressure, heart rate elevation, oral dryness, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, Slower breathing, poor coordination, dilated pupils, anxiety, nervousness, involuntary movements, tremors, mouth or nose damage, among others.

Cognitive symptoms

These are the ideas that a person who consumes substances presents. Among the most relevant, the catastrophic thoughts About the person himself and about the world, hallucinations, difficulties in concentration and attention, memory problems…

Behavioral symptoms

Are the behaviors that can be observed in drug consumers. We will mention at this point the irritability, changes in mood, Slower or faster breathing, disinhibition, insomnia, euphoria, aggressiveness, constipation, among others.

Each substance will produce different effects according to the dose that is consumed. One or more symptoms may appear depending on the type of drug used.

Causes of drug use

The causes that determine drug use depend on several factors that should be considered. It is important to know them to be able to address this problem. In this section we will describe the most relevant:

  • Environmental factors: The environment in which we live can be an influence on the time of drug use. There are relatives who are immersed in this problem, thus generating other nearby people begin to consume substances.
  • Genetic factors: Genetic inheritance also plays an important role when the causes of drug use are studied. There are certain neuronal connections that allow a greater incidence.

Consequences of drug use

The behaviors linked to drug use They have consequences to which we must pay special attention. The most relevant are:

  • Deterioration of physical and mental health
  • Loss of social relations
  • Failure in the educational and labor area
  • Various disease appearance
  • Isolation
  • Anxiety
  • Behaviors that endanger physical integrity

How does the couple of an addict feel

¿What is it to live with a drug addict? Beyond knowing the characteristics of a person who frequent the consumption of toxic substances such as drugs, we must also think about the people with whom the addict has a close bond. At this point, the couple of an addict presents a series of guidelines of the utmost importance that should not be neglected:

  • Sensation of loneliness: Addicted couples experience a strong feeling of loneliness since much of the decisions that make up the couple take them unilaterally. This produces a great responsibility that is difficult to face.
  • Appearance of negative feelings: It is possible that the fault in the addict couple appears for not being able to control drug use. As we mentioned before, the responsibility they feel in these situations It generates a huge weight. When the addict continues to consume despite the couple's efforts to avoid contact with drugs, they feel it as a failure that anguish, anguish and frustration produces.

Can an addict love?

It is difficult to know if effectively a person who presents a drug addiction can love since it will depend on the characteristics that it has as the link established with someone in particular. You may have feelings related to love but There are also handling features They can be part of the couple relationship. For this reason, it is essential to know the person to determine if their way of acting corresponds to the loosen.

What to do if my partner lies for drugs?

¿What can I do if my husband is drugged? When someone is immersed in difficulties produced by drug use, they may appear deception in relationships to continue this problem. Given this, we suggest a series of steps to take into account right now:

  • Talk to the family: The family environment is part of the addict's world and will be the place where valuable information can be obtained to treat it.
  • To look for help: There are varied forms of treatment for people with drug addictions. Brief -duration therapies work in the resolution of objectives, so it can be a tool that allows the patient to address these situations in another way. On the other hand, there are long -term therapies such as psychoanalysis that seek the origin of a conflict. This allows the patient Understand the cause of their behaviors and emotions to be able to elaborate them. In this way, this type of therapy provides the possibility of facing situations from another point of view.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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