My partner doesn't want me what can I do?

My partner doesn't want me what can I do?

There are many people who do not feel desired for their Couples. What to do in such a situation? The truth is that, depending on the situation, it may be very complicated. But still, We have some keys that can help you.

Let's see how to do it, but before starting, if you want to deepen the subject, do not hesitate to visit the path of seduction.


  • Keys to recover desire with your partner
    • 1. Be honest with your partner and explain your needs
    • 2. Find out the obstacles and how to overcome them
    • 3. Seduces your partner without criticizing or pressing
    • 4. Do not always carry the initiative
    • 5. Don't want to go fast

Keys to recover desire with your partner

Next, We mention the main keys to recover the passion in your relationship:

1. Be honest with your partner and explain your needs

The first thing you have to be clear about is that it will be useless that you isolate yourself from your partner and live in silence your sexual frustration. That will only generate suffering and frustration, which will be visible in other areas of the relationship, not only in the sexual part.

Explain that you would like to intimate more usually and how you would like to do it (or any other problem that you consider you have sexual). Who knows, maybe your partner thinks the same and did not dare to express it.

Simply pay attention to your response, because it is about that about what you are going to have to build the new relationship in the sexual level.

2. Find out the obstacles and how to overcome them

The reasons for not wanting to have sex can be the most varied, and not necessarily be linked to you. Therefore, It may not be desired, but there is some other problem.

For example, there may be physiological problems or some type of frustration, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or vaginal dryness. These cases can be shameful, but treating them naturally is the best way to improve the sexual relationship between you.

It may also be that your partner is going through a situation of stress or fatigue that makes it difficult to have sex. In that case, you have to look for solutions to those above problems.

In short, you have to identify what are the obstacles to have a greater amount of sex. This can be resolved in many ways depending on the cause, everything is a matter of speaking and planning it, whether visiting the doctor or releasing the agenda a bit.

3. Seduces your partner without criticizing or pressing

Think that a simple mismatch in libido can end up leading to a complete lack of interest in sex If the person with less desire is continuously pressured to have sex.

Therefore, you don't have to try to force intercourse because. In fact, perhaps what is missing is a bit of mind opening on your part and seeking stimulation without necessarily thinking about what may come after.

For example, you can tell your partner that nothing happens if he doesn't want to have relationships that night, but if he wants you to try to excite her. Then, try to stimulate it in a way that your partner enjoys.

And remember, this does not necessarily mean that there will be sex after. Open your mind and assume that sex does not have to imply penetration always.

4. Do not always carry the initiative

Sometimes, routine does not help. It may always be you who proposes sex and your partner who rejects it has become a norm. Breaking that circle can be very beneficial.

Plant him if she wants to take the initiative on some occasions, and, perhaps, that breaks that cycle of proposal and rejection. Of course, planted it within some deadlines, so that you can not use the initiative as an excuse to never take it.

5. Don't want to go fast

A problem that couples have that do not have their desires correctly is that they try to solve it very radically. And that rarely works. To readjust sexual interests you have to go much more slowly and taking small steps.

Many times (especially in women), when you want sex, what you really want is a loving and emotional connection. Therefore, do not try to go to the purely mechanical. View little by little and make the relationship satisfactory in more flat than the merely sexual.

And remember the power of correct stimulation. You do not have to give up your sexual energy, you just have to redirect and control it so that your partner, who needs some more time to get heat, is willing to do what you want (and, remember, you must also satisfy his wishes).

After all, sex is precisely that. Generosity and ability to give up so that you both enjoy.

As you can see, If your partner does not wish you, you can do some things for this to change. Of course, they do not guarantee success, but it is very likely that you can awaken that flame and enjoy the passion you had at the beginning of the relationship.