My partner doubts our relationship. What to do?

My partner doubts our relationship. What to do?

My partner doubts our relationship. What to do? It is the question we usually ask ourselves. The doubts in love They are common, we have in our deepest records ask ourselves this type of questions about our life and that today in this post we will investigate.

Doubt and ask if my partner doubts our relationship, and thinking if we want the other person or if he loves me or not, is something that usually torments couples and puts on his relationship their relationship.

Therefore, it can happen to us that one day we feel that the person we have next, from whom we had been completely safe, no longer awakens the same admiration, the same desire or the same desire. Or it may be that Our partner who tells us that their feelings has changed and that it now has doubts that if you want to continue in the relationship.


  • What to do if my partner doubts our relationship?
    • 1. Order your ideas by capturing them in words
    • 2. Determine if what does not satisfy you can be changed through your actions
    • 3. Tell her with the other person
    • 4. Do not adopt the mentality of seeking guilty
    • 5. If you do not notice improvements, go to couple therapy
    • 6. Do not fall into the trap of the typical confusing phrases
    • 7. Have a sincere conversation
      • Bibliographic references

What to do if my partner doubts our relationship?

Follow the following tips to manage those doubts and sources of uncertainty about your relationship.

1. Order your ideas by capturing them in words

To know what to do before the doubts that have been addressed in relation to your courtship or marriage, it is fundamental put a certain order in your head so that you can locate yourself. To do this, try to reserve a few minutes a day to annotations in a kind of personal diary in which you can write every detail that passes you through your relationship on your relationship.

This will avoid leaving feelings reserved for being "taboo" and you will link some ideas with others to get a more global perspective about what happens to you. But yes, Do not pretend to understand exactly everything that is happening to you; Keep in mind that emotions and feelings exist beyond reason and our ability to use language and do not depend on this.

The strange thing would be that you understand perfectly everything that happens to you by the head. In fact, the normal thing is that you realize that both in your doubts about the relationship about your ideas about you and your partner there are contradictions and even affective ambivalence. You must be able to tolerate a certain degree of uncertainty and ambiguity in what you feel.

2. Determine if what does not satisfy you can be changed through your actions

Perhaps it is reasonable to get used to performing certain actions so that this courtship or marriage works well. However, if you conclude that the problem is beyond your control and that it has little or nothing to do with what you do, Then you have to move on to another plan.

3. Tell her with the other person

If you still ask yourself, my partner doubts our relationship. What to do? And those uncertainties are intense enough to consider cutting the relationship, keep in mind that It is an important information that the other person deserves to have, since you are also providing effort and commitment in your relationship.

And if you think the problem is in your behavior to be jealous, this is also something you should let you know, although not as reproach but as an explanation of what you feel.

4. Do not adopt the mentality of seeking guilty

It is important that you look for the origin of what leads you to reth.

If not, or You will fall into a dynamic that will lead you to look for reasons to attack the other person for exculparte and save your self -esteem, Or you will blame yourself for what you feel. Neither of these two options is adequate, they also have a great capacity to worsen the situation and affect you psychologically.

5. If you do not notice improvements, go to couple therapy

If with the previous advice you still think, my partner doubts our relationship. What to do? So, the most correct thing is that you attend couple therapy and begin to establish a communication space in which it will serve that the couple can express themselves freely with with professional psychological help, providing exercises to improve coexistence, communication and emotions management.

6. Do not fall into the trap of the typical confusing phrases

Those words that sometimes tend to reach confuse when you're not sure what you really feel, As I love you but I do not love you or I love you but I am not in love, they will only serve to feed an absurd hope that will lead you to extend a situation whose final is already well defined.

7. Have a sincere conversation

Sit down yourself and your partner and try to speak long and hard so that they can express everything they feel, their fears, desires and needs that have hidden and that the time has come to discover.

He shares what he believes that he has failed or that has caused that emotional change in him or her. Understanding what happened will help us learn and improve the relationship.

Bibliographic references

  • Bevan, j.L. (2004). GENERAL PARTNER AND RELATIONAL UNCERENTY AS CONCELOUS OF ANOTHER PERSON'S JEALOUSY EXPRESSION. Western Journal of Communication. 68 (2): pp. 195 - 218.
  • Christensen a., Atkins d.C., Baucom b., Yi j. (2010). "Marital status and satisfaction five years following a randomized clinical trial comparison versus integrative behavioral couple therapy". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78 (2): pp. 225 - 235.
  • O'Donohue, w. and Ferguson, K.AND. (2006). Evidence-base practice in psychology and behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today.
  • Villegas, m. & Mallor, P. (2012). The structural and evolutionary dimension in couple relationships. Psychological action, 9 (2): pp. 97 - 109.