My son is always angry. What do I do?

My son is always angry. What do I do?

Usually, when children spend most of the angry time it is due to susceptibility, a fact that leads them to get angry at anything unimportant, they feel easily offended or belittled, their feelings can be hurt easily, among others. This situation can despair of parents and, for this reason, they will surely ask how they should deal with children who spend most of the time enraged or angry and who rarely are happy and assertive. If you want to answer this question, do not hesitate to continue reading this Psychology-online article: My son is always angry ¿what I do?

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  1. Children susceptible to anger
  2. Consequences of anger on children
  3. Educate children who get angry easily

Children susceptible to anger

One of the most common phrases in consultation by parents is: my son is always angry ¿what I do? In the first place it is necessary to know exactly what anger is and how to differentiate it from tantrums. It is easy to confuse anger with tantrum, as they are two closely linked concepts:


On the one hand, we understand anger as an emotion in which a feeling of disgust, A poor disposition that is directed towards a specific person or thing and is usually generated by something that harms or goes against the person. Because in anger people show their feelings and thoughts about the controversial situation in an assertive and respectful way. In addition, although there is a disagreement between the different people involved in the anger, an argumentative conversation can be reached in which the empathic capacity is not lost, giving rise to a possibility of giving reason to the other person. Because in an anger it is intended to solve the situation and learn from it.


On the other hand, The tantrum refers to a great anger that manifests itself violently through Screams, cries, disapproval gestures, irritation, verbal and physical aggressions, among others. In a state of tantrum people self-convent to be right and do not fall into the possibility of giving reason to other people, therefore, others will always be wrong. It is an anger accompanied by violent and despicable gestures and acts, such as those already mentioned, who are looking for damage the feelings of the other person considered the culprit of your anger and emotional state.

Thus, when we talk about children likely to get angry, we refer to children who are easily angry, even for non -importance, who feel easily offended or belittled, their feelings can be hurt easily, they are delicate and delicate irritable, among others.

Consequences of anger on children

Anger is an emotion that all people feel at some point in our lives, but ¿What happens when your control is lost? Anger It is usually manifested or expressly express, responding to a situation for which the child can feel threatened or harmed, because at the time his control is lost, this is not healthy or safe for children.

If children cannot control their emotions, especially anger, this may influence and affect family problems, Problems with your classmates and friends, School performance problems, etc. In addition, it can also have an impact on the health status of children, since normally anger is accompanied by an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, among others.

Another very important aspect to consider when there is a lack of control of anger and, therefore, of the aggressiveness with which you can respond to different situations, is the fact that it can generate Problems with justice and the law, physical damage and emotional consequences.

For these reasons, it is very important to teach children how they can control their anger and anger in a healthy and adequate way. To do this, it is recommended to start educating children on this way from very young.

Educate children who get angry easily

If your child is susceptible, you may think: my son is always angry. Parents will usually ask how their children can help control and manage the emotion of anger so that it does not affect their family, school, social life, among others. Below we propose a series of Recommendations on what parents can do to educate your children susceptible to frequently angry.

  • Show its qualities and their way of being.
  • Demonstrate acceptance.
  • Avoid judging, Correct or criticize what the child does wrong.
  • Be constructive, that is, to make constructive criticisms.
  • Reinforce it and congratulate him When things do well. It is not necessary to reward with material objects, show approval, affection and pride can be sufficient.
  • Empathy. Help you develop your empathic capacity. You can reinforce your empathy with questions such as: ¿How do you think your sister feels when you break her toys? ¿How would you feel if they did to you? That is, you can work talking about other people and himself. Here you can see activities and games to work empathy in children.
  • Validate feelings, But not problematic behaviors. Transmit the idea that all feelings are acceptable but they are not all behaviors. That is, experiencing certain feelings does not imply that it is correct to act violently or inappropriately, although your feeling is accepted.
  • Reflection. Promote that the child learns from all the situations in which he gets angry, so reinforcement and congratulations are important. In the same way that when the child does not act correctly, he must also be highlighted, since he must be shown as a learning opportunity. To do this, you can help you know the functioning of operating conditioning.
  • Mark some guidelines. For example, tell the child that when he recognizes that he has acted incorrectly, write it down on paper and look for solutions to act in a more adaptive way when he is in a similar situation.
  • Develop habits To control stress effectively. Learning to control stress can help children avoid acting violently. In this article you will find 15 relaxation exercises for children.
  • Go to professionals Of the health. It is always advisable to go to professionals to give their point of view based on each situation and each child.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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