Menopause emotional symptoms and psychological effects

Menopause emotional symptoms and psychological effects

Menopause supposes the end of ovulatory cycles and the fertile stage of women. Without a doubt, it is a very significant moment in the life of every woman and brings with it a series of physical and emotional changes, in some cases more pronounced than in others, due to the important hormonal changes that occur in the female body. In the stage of premenopause and menopause, there is a decrease in the main female hormones, such as estrogens and progesterone, and this is what results in those physical and emotional changes that can affect the quality of life of Women and their personal and social relationships. In this psychology-online article, we will focus on what are the emotional symptoms and psychological effects of menopause so you can identify them and know how to deal with all the emotional alterations that you suffer at this time in your life.

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  1. Emotional symptoms and psychological effects of menopause
  2. Physical symptoms of menopause
  3. How to minimize the psychological effects of menopause

Emotional symptoms and psychological effects of menopause

During the stages of premenopause (period that includes 3 to 7 years before menopause) and menopause (the last menstruation of women), the ovaries are stopping producing the estrogen and progesterone hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and, therefore , the levels of these hormones decrease considerably, which affects women at the physical but also psychological level. Estrogens, especially, are hormones that affect the central nervous system and the effective Reduction of serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter that directly influences our mood and other important processes of the body such as sleeping, appetite, sexual desire, etc. It is precisely this low level of serotonin that can cause women to present important changes in their emotional state during premenopause and menopause.

Let's see what are the emotional symptoms and psychological effects of menopause that woman can experience because of these hormonal changes:

  1. Alterations in mood and humor changes: This is the most common emotional symptom of this stage, as commented hormonal changes can cause significant and sudden changes in the woman's mood. You can go from euphoria to sadness and anger without apparent reason, as well as be more susceptible to the usual and get angry or bother more easily. In addition, these symptoms can intensify if the woman feels a great rejection of this stage of her life.
  2. Irritability: When the feelings are in the leather, it is usually much more irritable, and during menopause it is possible that the woman is much more sensitive and susceptible, that he bothers anything that does not previously, that offends anything they tell her, that is on the defensive, etc.
  3. Anxiety: The reduction of estrogen levels and the consequent decrease in neurotransmitters that regulate mood can also cause anxiety, a symptom that can be aggravated or intensified, in addition, by the other physical symptoms that are suffered, such as stifles or sweats , and the impact they suppose for the personal and social life of women.
  4. Deep sadness or symptoms of depression: It has been pointed out that the descent of estrogen next to the condition of the uncomfortable symptoms of this stage and the fact that the woman is assuming that she is exceeding the stage of adulthood, can increase the risk of developing depression in menopause. Depression has been more frequently observed in women who have severe premenopause symptoms, those who approach menopause and still wish to be mothers and who presented mood disorders previously.
  5. Difficulty of concentration: Both stress and anxiety and insomnia, suffocations and other symptoms of menopause can cause women to have a lower capacity to concentrate on the activities that must be carried out in their day to day to day.
  6. Sleeping problems: suffering from sweats and nightlife can severely affect sleep quality and make it very difficult to reconcile sleep and rest. In addition, insomnia can cause, in turn, that irritability increases and that the woman is very tired and fatigued the next day.
  7. Loss of sexual desire: estrogen reduction and changes that occur in the intimate area during this stage cause the woman to have a lower libido. Vaginal dryness appears and vaginal walls lose elasticity, so the discomforts that are experienced during sexual relations also make sexual desire decrease.
  8. Memory loss: The decrease in estrogen also affects the normal functioning of the brain and more short -term memory lapses have been observed, although not serious, in women who are in premenopause and menopause.
  9. Low self-esteem: Many women live menopause as a traumatic stage and this added to all the physical and emotional symptoms that can occur can lead to severe self -esteem problems.

Physical symptoms of menopause

To the previous emotional symptoms, a series of physical symptoms also caused by the decrease in estrogen levels in the female body in the female body usually accompany them. Between the physical symptoms of more common menopause, are the ones that we list below:

  • Hot flushes
  • Sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Weakest or fragile bones (osteoporosis)
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urinary effort incontinence
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Joint pain
  • Dry Skin
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Greater risk of presenting urinary infections

In the event that the physical symptoms of menopause are presented in a very intense way, it is important to go to the gynecologist so that this assess the possibility of initiating a hormonal treatment.

How to minimize the psychological effects of menopause

Then, we show a series of tips that can help you better cope with this stage of your life and maintain an optimal emotional state during menopause:

  • Accept menopause as another stage of life: It is important that you understand what is happening to your body and that you adapt to these psycho-somatic changes in the most positive way possible. Menopause is a natural stage in the life of every woman and it is a transient phase that you will overcome. It is a good vital moment to devote more time to yourself and enjoy all those activities you like to the fullest.
  • Do not repress your negative emotions, Accept them even if you don't like them. If you share what you feel with trusted people or write the negative emotions you experience in a paper, you will be able to recognize and face them successfully. Good emotional management will make you feel much better with yourself and also with the people around you.
  • Promote your self -esteem: To reduce the psychological effects of menopause and achieve good emotional well -being, it is also essential that you work self -love and strengthen your self -esteem. To do this, you can spend time what you really like and make you happy, change those things that you do not like of yourself, listen to your inner voice, take into account all your opinions and preferences and propose new projects and personal challenges that you motivate. In the following article, you can see good advice to strengthen self -esteem in women.
  • Relation of your environment and Increase your social life. Talk to your friends and family and you will see how your company is very rewarding at this stage and you get to cope with it with much better encouragement.
  • Talk to your partner What you feel and all the changes you are experiencing. In this way, you can understand you much better. In addition, it is important that you strive to enjoy your sex life, since intimate relationships help improve self -esteem, self -esteem and even alleviate some of the physical symptoms of menopause. If you feel that your sexual desire has decreased considerably, we recommend that you consult the tips of the article how to increase female libido with natural remedies.
  • Look for the positive side of the menopause stage: Focus on your positive emotions and try to look for the advantages that this vital phase can have for a woman: accounts with greater security and maturity, you can enjoy your sexuality without having to worry about possible pregnancies, you have fought or you will be able to free you very soon of the inconvenience associated with menstruation, etc.
  • Find psychological help If you feel that you cannot overcome the discomfort and emotional symptoms of menopause or you are misunderstood by your close environment and need external support.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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