Family mediation search for agreements and conflict resolution

Family mediation search for agreements and conflict resolution

It is true that not all conflicts find a satisfactory solution, but the vast majority of them are. Where is the main turning point? On many occasions, the key lies in the good disposition of people to know. Family mediation helps in this regard, because the possibility and the need to at least try to resolve a conflict ... is it not the best option if the benefit is set?

Continue reading to know how family mediation helps in the search for satisfactory agreements!


  •  The existence of conflicts
  • Family profiles that are part of the conflict
  • Relationship situations of conflict in the family field
  • The advantages of mediation
    • Resources

The existence of conflicts

When we talk about conflict, We always associate it with dispute or confrontation. They are part of the human condition And they have been, are and will be inevitable, as well as necessary In everything that refers to progress and social change, but also familiar.

"It is the contradictions that make love grow. It is the conflicts that allow love to continue by our side." Paulo Coelho

It is important to try See the existence of a family conflict as an opportunity to improve an awkward situation or that causes discomfort, which needs a change.

Family profiles that are part of the conflict

Within the family environment we can differentiate Two different profiles They can be part of the conflict: on the one hand, fathers and mothers; And on the other hand, sons and daughters.

Although, within these profiles, there may be conflicts:

  • Between fathers and mothers.
  • Between sons and daughters.
  • Between fathers and/or mothers and sons and/or daughters.

Family mediation is a discipline that Bet on conflict resolution and the search for agreements.

The structural model in systemic family therapy

Relationship situations of conflict in the family field

There are a large number of conflicting situations in the family, but in which It is possible to apply the mediation as an effective technique, even before these situations take place, that is, When problems are detected.

Some of these situations are those presented below:

  • The couple's breakdown, either by separation, divorce or nullity.

In these cases, mediation can act before it takes place, trying to prevent rupture or even solving conflicts after rupture. In this way it is achieved that there is a good relationship between parents and/or mothers, as well as between sons and daughters.

  • The existence of communication problems between the different members of the family.

In this case, mediation will try to solve conflicts but will also offer skills and new capacities that can prevent such problems in the future.

  • Intervention in difficulties with adolescents, in which mediation intervenes in this phase of life, sometimes so complicated and conflictive in life. Mediation does not intervene to avoid conflicts only, because they will probably continue to exist, partly because as we said at the beginning, they are necessary.

It will work by addressing each of the existing conflicts, and also learn from these.

The advantages of mediation

The advantages of mediation with respect to other conflict resolution methods and agreements search there are many.

It's a Simple process that does not adhere to a strict script, since the figure of the mediator or the family mediator adapts to the situations with which it is, as well as the people with whom the intervention will carry out.

Mediation encourages creativity in the search for alternatives to conflict resolution.

In addition, there is a great freedom of the parties in the agreements and in the resolutions of the conflicts, because in family cases people know each other. It will always be pretended that both parties feel satisfied with the agreement finally adopted.

With the mediation technique there is a lower emotional cost Thanks to the most intimate and personal environment in which the relative is intervened. Besides, Reduces the economic and temporal cost For the parties involved, and for the family that is much lower than other procedures (for example, a trial).

Finally, family mediation The responsibility of the parties involved increases In the agreements achieved. In this way, people have not only participated in the decisions taken, but also in the entire process that culminates with the search for solutions and agreements, and finally in the resolution of the conflict.

Mediation in the family field is a conflict resolution method that actively implies the parties and also improves the skills of people from the family nucleus.


  • Effective communication in the family
  • Assertive communication, key to the proper functioning of the couple
  • Family and social development in childhood