Massages with windy 15 benefits

Massages with windy 15 benefits

Summer massages have become a trend, not only in people who feel muscle aches, but also in athletes and fans to have good health in general, because the benefits it provides are diverse.

Now everyone wants to sign up for a session of Cupping, As is also called massage with suction cup, but what few know is that, in reality, This type of massage is ancestral And nothing new.

In ancient times it was believed that with the suction cups any type of spirit causing disease could be extracted. His practice, it could be said, that dates back about three centuries before the common era.

For example, in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, as well as in India, and this type of massage was applied, only that the materials varied. So that the instruments used were clay, ceramic or built with bamboo.

At present, suction cups are manufactured with ceramics or plastic, generally, although there may be variations, since some have decided to step back and return to certain ancient materials.

From the application of massages with suckers there has been records of historians, and today it is known that many applied them at some point, even doctors, poets and philosophers. All these thinkers knew the importance of the art of rubbing body parts.


  • Massage with windy or cupping
  • How do you make massages with suction cups?
    • Bibliography

Massage with suction cups or Cupping

Currently, it is more common to find certain spa or medical centers in which sessions are offered Cupping, which is another name with which you know the massages with suction cup, since this English word derives from CUP, that literally translates as 'cup'.

In accordance with the provisions of the specialist Paola Vernaza, in her study on Massage as an intervention technique in pain management, The massage is widely used by physiotherapists due.

Therefore, when massage with suction cups, what is done is to create a vacuum effect on the body. The suction cup is attached and, when sucking, the pores open and the blood circulates more easily.

This is one of the main reasons why so many people are requesting massages with windy today.


He Cupping o Massage with suction cup has a double aspect. On the one hand, their supporters consider that their application facilitates that the body meridians are opened, that is, roads through which energy flows, as those who practice acupuncture flow.

On the other hand, its strongest defenders indicate that this type of massage is indicated for conditions, such as:

  1. Migraine relief;
  2. Arthritis;
  3. Rheumatic diseases;
  4. Fibromyalgia;
  5. Depression;
  6. Infertility;
  7. Anxiety;
  8. Anemia;
  9. Hypertension;
  10. Hemophilia;
  11. Asthma;
  12. Allergy;
  13. Nasal congestions;
  14. Eczema and acne;
  15. Gynecology -related problems, among others.

Of course, suction cup massage therapy also has detractors, who do not believe that this can be more than pseudoscience, which does not have academic or scientific support, although every time, lovers of massages with suction cups are organized more and are grouped into societies.

It has been considered that the practice is safe, but neither can the fact that It has some side effects, such as itching, ardor, and even skin infections.

Women who are menstruating or in pregnancy period cannot take them; Those who have muscle spasms or fractures, are also prohibited from taking massage with suckers. Patients with metastases are excluded equally.

Live with the disease

How do you make massages with suction cups?

To make massages with suction cup, the skin must be discovered and treated with cream or oil to hydrate it. This will also facilitate that suction cups can slide easily.

The suction cups that are most frequently used are silicone, glass and electronic.

When they are silicone, they are applied to the skin, the vacuum effect is created by pressing the fingers and nothing else is required.

Instead, If the glass is made of glass, they put a candle on with the flame inwards, Then proceed to place on the skin, because, in this case, the void is created with oxygen.

Massages with suction cups electronically are perhaps the simplest to apply, since it is only enough to place it on the site to be treated, turn on the device, measure the force and, gradually, the skin will be suckled.

These massages They have a duration that varies between 5 and 15 minutes of application. The treatment can be short or reach two weeks, as the case and improvement.

Some practitioners of the technique, use the suction cups adding their knowledge of acupuncture, so, within every suction cup, they insert a needle. In the end, It depends on the style of who makes the application and the patient who wishes to undergo this treatment.

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  • Alfaro, p. J. S. (2007). Las Ventosa: Traditional popular therapy in La Rioja. Belezos: Magazine of Popular Culture and Traditions of La Rioja, (5), 32-35.
  • Navarro, m. AND. TO., Alayón, a. T., Herrera, e. M. T., & Fernández, R. D. (2012). Acupuncture and its stomatology application. Cuban Estomatology Magazine49(2), 158-166.
  • Rovirosa Martínez, I. C. BENEFITS OF MASSAGE WITH VENTOSA An alternative of treatment in facial paralysis/by Isela Constanza Rovirosa Martínez(No. Thesis 615.82 R6.).
  • Vernaza-Pinzón, Paola & Summary, Pinzón. (2007). Massage as an intervention technique in pain management. Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences. 9.